With tourism passion, we have tried our best to pass Hanoi Open University exam. We know that is good environment to study tourism. When we study at Faculty of Tourism, we have been provided the basic knowledge to prepare our future job. Our University has many special and impressive courses for us. Now we are the third year student studying KS1 (English for hospitality Management) and we have a mid-term exercise which is very important.
Assignment KS1 is research project to evaluate tourist’
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Chia sẻ: huyen82 | Lượt xem: 1464 | Lượt tải: 1
Tóm tắt tài liệu Tiếng Anh Quản lý khách sạn - Đánh giá cảm nhận của khách du lịch khi đi du lịch tại Việt Nam, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
s feeling about Vietnam tourism. The first, we have to design an interview of 20 questions to find out information from foreign tourists with 10 main topics.
And then, we will use this information to interview 12 tourists from different group and write a report the experience of tourist who is traveling in Vietnam.
Our group has two members: Phan thị Vân Anh and Phạm Vân Anh
We have shared work very clearly. Phan Thị Vân Anh is responsible for interview questions and analysis table format with comments. Phạm Vân Anh is charge of writing introduction, recommendation, and draw table format. Phan Thị Vân Anh interview visitors and Phạm Vân Anh was recorder all of information that tourist have provided. After honest talk, we took photograph with tourist. We will keep it as unforgettable memories.
With our efforts and foreign visitor’s help this project is completed very excellent. Besides, we want to send sincere thanks to English teachers who guided us throughout the process of doing project.
Thank a lot!
Interview Questions
After sharing task for each member very carefully. We decided to interview tourist at Hoan Kiem Lake and Old Quarter. We know that the street of the Old Quarter preserve age- old customs where have many temples, pagodas, monuments reflect the historic character of Vietnam. With historical importance, Old Quarter is the most charming place in Hanoi, so we think that is the place where attracts many foreign tourist. It is very favorable for our interview. I interviewed visitors and my partner write tourist’s information.
Daily, we only go to school and go back our home, so it’s not easy to approach foreign visitors but we tried to approach and interview them the most perfectly and naturally. Furthermore, Vietnam tourism has many problems such as: street vendors, beggars…so sometimes we were misunderstood as street vendors. And at the first time, we had many difficulties in approaching visitors; we didn’t know how to talk to them and we were lack of confident… We accessed to make acquaint visitors, but they felt anxious and worry and we tried to help them understand out tasks. Fortunately, after we introduce our self very clearly such as: “I’m student at Hanoi Open University, May I have your favor, please” and then I showed our name tag for tourist. After, tourists felt more comfortable, pleasant and enthusiastic, they were very friendly, open and willing to help us. We have really had honest talks, we discussed about Vietnam tourism. They mentioned that our transportation has many differences from their country. Our tourist complained about that very much. They said that was very dangerous and terrible! We were sad to hear that, we hope transportation will be better in the next time because it’s an important element for tourism. And the next topic we discussed about weather, at that time the weather was very comfortable and nice, we know they like it and we were also proud of it. We were not only shared the topic in project guideline, but also, we gave them some advices and Vietnamese’s bamboo for traveling. They also want us recommend for them reliable address for food, shopping… we were so happy when they believe on us and we wished that we have much time to show for them all of our beautiful landscapes. Specially, many tourists applauded and admired Vietnam education.
During the conversation, sometimes, visitors said very fast and we can not understand but they were very polite and enthusiastic. Although we had many difficulties, we still tried our best to have interview successfully! When we finished our conversation, we took a photograph with foreign visitors and they gave us their phone number and email address for us to contact in the next time. That’s happy time!
1. Background
2.Who are you traveling with?
3. How many people are there in your group?
4.Why do you travel to Vietnam?
5.How did you get to know about Vietnam?
6.How long have you been in Hanoi?
7.Have you visited tourist sites in Vietnam?
If yes: 7.1 How many tourist sites have you visited in Vietnam?
7.2 What do you think about the tourist sites?
7.3 Which tourist site do you like most?
If no: Where do you intend to visit in Vietnam?8. Have you used Vietnamese tour guide service in your tour?
If yes: What do you think about Vietnamese tour guide service?
If no: Do you intend to use Vietnamese tour guide service?
9. Have you joined in group tour in Vietnam?
If yes: 9.1 Which destination did you visit?
9.2 How do you feel about the destination?
If No: Do you intend to join in group tour in Vietnam?
10.How do you find tourism information in Vietnam?
11.What kind of Accommodation have you used?.
11.1 What do you comment to Hotel?
11.2 What do you think about Hotel's facilities in Vietnam?
11.3 How do you feel about Hotel's service in Vietnam?
12.Have you enjoyed Vietnamese food?
Yes: No:
If Yes: 12.1 How do you feel about Vietnamese food? 12.2 What is your favorite Vietnamese food? Where it was served?
If No: 12.1Do you intend to enjoy Vietnamese food?
12.2 Where do you intend to enjoy Vietnamese food?
13.How do you get around Hanoi?
What do you think about the transportation in Hanoi?
14.Have you gone shopping for souvenirs in Hanoi?
If Yes: what do you think about souvenirs in Hanoi?If No: Do you intend to buy souvenirs in Hanoi?
15.Have you enjoyed entertainment in Vietnam?
If Yes: what kind of entertainment did you enjoy in Vietnam?
If No: Do you intend to enjoy entertainment in Vietnam?
16.What is your comment about Vietnam tourism?17.Do you intend to introduce Vietnam tourism to your friend?.18.Will you come back to Vietnam again?
19.What is your first impression towards Vietnam? 20.What make you feel unpleasant when traveling in Vietnam?21.What do you think about Vietnamese people?
The pie chart shows the percentage of international tourist’s nationality travel to Vietnam in 2010.
As you can see, the greatest proportion of visitors came from USA represent 25%. This is a tourist market that has a payment higher ability than other countries. In general, percentage of visitors come from Australia and England traveled to Vietnam were smaller than the percentage of visitors come from USA make up 16, 6% in 2010. However, the proportion of visitors come from Canada, French, Norway, New Zealand and Thailand are smaller than the percentage of Visitors came from USA and Australia make up 8.3%.
In conclusion, Vietnam travel market focused into countries where economy developments have. Besides, Vietnam travel market should attract many visitors come from many other countries in the world in the next time.
The pie chart describes data about visitor’s age, according to the age groups 20- 30, 30- 40, 40- 50, 50-60 and 60- 70.
It is highlighted in a pie. Travelers were under 40 year old visited Hanoi much more than older travelers. Although the first group was young but the percentage of them was only 25% visited in Hanoi. On the other hand, the percentage of group 30- 40 nearly doubled the first group and stood at 41, 7%.
In opposition, the 3 remaining groups were totally low. There was dramatically decrease from 41, 7% to 8, 3 % in 40- 50 and next group 50- 60 still unchanged, just 8, 3%, there was 2 lowest groups. Finally, at the last group (60- 70) the proportion of people visited Hanoi increased 2 times with 40- 50, 50- 60 group.
To sum up, the young visitors were interesting in Hanoi more than the old people were, especially 40- 50, 50- 60 group.
The bar chart gives information about choices of tourist about accommodation: Hotel, Guest house and hostel in March at Hanoi city.
It’s easily can be seen by chart. The percentage of traveler who used hotel reached the peak and stood at 75%. It’s was far higher than the other accommodation. The proportion of people wanted to take rest in guest house was fairly low, just 22, 2% and it was smaller than the proportion of people in hotel three times and it also doubled the percentage of tourist in hostel. The amount of travelers in hostel was lowest, just only 11, 1%. So, Vietnam tourism need improve the quality and service for guest house and hostel to attract tourist more. In conclusion, hotel is the first choice then guest house and the last is hostel. Hotel is more popular than guest house and hostel.
The pie chart shows the percentage of international visitor's means search when they travel come to Vietnam in 2010.
It can be seen from the pie chart, the highest percentage of visitor's means search travel were account for 66, 6% from internet. The visitors were very easy and comfortable to search much tourism information on Internet. While, the visitors search tourism information from Guide books are lower than Internet make up 16, 6%. However, the visitors search tourism information from Hotel and Others are lowest come in at 8, 3%.
In conclusion, the Information technology is more and more fast development so, it is convenient for tourists. The visitors can find tourism information easily and quickly every time and everywhere.
The pie chart shows the percentage of international tourist's stay in kind of Hotel when they stayed in Hanoi in March, 2010.
As you can see from the pie chart, the highest percentage of international tourist's stay in type of Hotel come in at 66, 6%. They choice and stayed at three star Hotel. Besides, the percentage of visitors stayed at five star Hotel to decrease very quickly in 2010 only make up 22, 2%. However, the percentage of visitors stayed at four star Hotel is lowest in 2010 come in at 11, 1%.
On the Whole, Because of economic crisis so five star Hotels go down the throne and three star hotels go up the throne very quickly. We hope that Vietnam tourism will be regained equilibrium after crisis.
The pie chart shows the percentage of main purpose for travel when they traveling in Vietnam in 2010.
As you can see from the pie chart, the greatest percentage of main purpose for travel come in at 41, 7% for vacation reason. Besides, the percentage of foreign visitors travel for business reason was smaller than vacation make up 25% in 2010. The percentage of foreign visitors travel for business was higher than the visiting family come in at 16, 7%. However, the percentage of foreign visitors travel for memorable trip was lowest make up 8, 3%.
In conclusion, The Vietnam tourism is more and more developed with many changes very good. Besides, Vietnam ’s the weather is very pleasant and comfortable so Vietnam travel attracted many visitors come to Vietnam for vacation reason.
The pie chart shows the percentage of evaluation on tour guide service when traveling in Vietnam in March, 2010.
It can be seen from the pie chart, the highest percentage of evaluation on tour guide service come in at 62, 4%. The percentage of foreign visitor evaluated tour guide service was lower than excellent make up 24, 1% for good evaluation. Besides, the percentage of foreign visitor evaluated for tour guide service was average come in at 12, 5%.That evaluation was lower than excellent and good appraisement . However, the percentage of foreign visitors evaluated tour guide service just 0% for poor evaluation. That is good for Vietnam tourism in next time.
In conclusion, The Vietnam tourism should upgrade tour guide service and the quality of tour guide service. It is very useful for us to advertise Vietnam tourism’s imagine on the world.
The pie chart gives information about where tourists choose food in Hanoi, according by four place groups: restaurant inside hotel, restaurant outside hotel, stall at the street and others.
As is shown by pie chart, the percentage of visitors wanted to enjoy food at restaurant outside hotel reached the peak come in at 50%, it was highest and popular. It took a half of chart and doubled the percentage of tourist’s choice at restaurant inside hotel, account for 25%. Restaurant inside hotel was the second favorite place. The proportion of tourist’s choice at stall the street was increase 2 times with others choices, made up 16,6%. And percentage of stall all the street and others places were the quite low and their proportion were smaller than restaurant inside and out hotel.
In conclusion, visitors like eating at restaurant outside hotel than others places. So we can say, others places haven’t satisfied tourist’s need
The pie chart shows the percentage of foreign visitors use means of transportation when traveling in Vietnam in 2010.
As you can see from the pie chart, the highest percentage of foreign visitors used means of transportation come in at 41, 7% for Taxi. Besides, the foreign visitors used Coach and Cycle which were lower than Taxi, make up 16, 6%. However, the foreign visitors used Bus mean and others were lowest come in at 8, 3%.
In conclusion, Vietnam tourism has Taxi’s quality which is very good. There are many foreign visitors use Taxi mean. However, Vietnam tourism should take care of means of transportation more in the next time. It helps tourists can travel more easily and fast in short time.
The pie chart shows the percentage of tourist site visitor like most when traveling in Vietnam in March 2010.
It can be seen from the pie chart, the highest percentage of foreign visitor like HaLong Bay the most come in at 55, 6%. Besides, pie chart reveals that the foreign visitors like traveling to Hoi An lower than Ha Long Bay make up 22, 1%. However, the percentage of foreign visitors like traveling to Hoi An was double percentage of foreign visitors like traveling to Da Lat and Sa Pa account for 11, 1%.
In conclusion, Vietnam tourism knew to exploit tourism potential very well. However, Vietnam tourism should special take care to beautiful tour destination in Vietnam like SaPa, DaLat, HoiAn...in the future.
The bar chart shows about choices for visitor’s entertainment in Hanoi.
As it is shown by bar chart, the percentage of tourist wanted to watch cultural and traditional places was more than other places. The proportion of visitors wanted to enjoy water puppet reached the peak with 41, 7 %. Then, museum was the second favorite places, the percentage of visitors stood at 16, 6%. Beside, the proportion of travelers visited theatre equaled the proportion of travelers visited museum. Interestingly, water puppet group doubled museum group and theatre group.
The proportion of bars and shopping were quite low, their percentage were smaller 2 folds with theatre group and museum group and 5 folds with water puppet group. Bars and shopping’s percentage were 8, 3% and 8, 3% respectively.
In conclusion, the modern places were not first choice in Hanoi. Visitors visited Hanoi like watching cultural and traditional places.
The table chart compares and gives information about quality of food and food service at restaurants in Hanoi in March 2010.
It is clear from the chart; the satisfaction of visitors was fairly high. The proportion of good comment was the highest for quality and service, there were 58, 4% and 41, 7% respectively. The proportion of excellent dishes nearly equaled a half of proportion of good dishes at 24%. While the excellent comment about services was fairly low, just 16,6 % and the percentage of travelers estimated average of services was pretty high at 33,4%. It was more than the percentage of excellent services two folds. In contrast, the proportion of average quality comments was the lowest at 8, 3% and there were the same comments about poor quality.
To sum up, the quality of food was believed by visitors and food services and food services were not excellent.
We hope that, through the pie charts and the graph charts you will understand about the evaluations of visitors about Vietnam tourism in 2010. You will see many strengths and weaknesses in Vietnam tourism industry. However, it is only an objective assessment of 12 tourists that we have interviewed. They have traveled to Vietnam but they don’t go back Vietnam very much. This is an important problem for Vietnam tourism. We hope Vietnam tourism will be more and more developed in the next time. After doing the project, they are aware of their communication ability in English. Special, we feel more confident in communicating with foreign visitors. We were practiced greeting and body language very perfectly. The project is one of many assignments which we studied because through this project we are confident in our self very much. We can practice all skills which are studied in Faculty of Tourism at Hanoi Open University. Besides, we can draw the pie charts and the graph charts then analysis them perfectly. However, we saw some difficult problem when we go to interview foreign visitors. We were very difficult to come close to make the acquaintance with visitors. After then everything is different very much. We accessed visitors and make the acquaintance with them easily. The weather is not good when we go to interview foreign visitors. It has mall rain but they are funny and friendly when they answer our all question very carefully and detail. They made our telephone and Email address to make friend to us. The project is very useful for us. It helps us more confidently in our life. When we go to interview foreign visitors, we had to prepare questions list. It is very important for us and help us don’t talk so much about many problem which is not necessary for our interview lesson. We always focus on our questions to talk so visitors who provided a lot of important information for us. It helps us save our time when do to interview. That is happy and interesting time.
After traveling in Vietnam, they often complain about the traffic jam, waste on street road, Environmental quality, street vendors and beggars…. This affect Vietnam tourism image in the eyes of international tourists. We are tourism students so this is very important with us right now. However, we will take some suggestions which are possible ways to improve the satisfaction of tourists. In the next time we should have many administrative measures for people who take part in transportation and line of communication very seriously and it is in accordance with state policies. Vietnam transportation will not have traffic jam which happens constantly continue. When visitors come to Vietnam, they will not take care of traffic jam problem. They will not wait so long time for transporting. It helps visitors who feel more comfortable and pleasant when traveling in Vietnam. Besides, we should take care of environmental quality. Everyday, there are many types of rubbish which throw away on the street. They think that Vietnam is a country which is not clean. So, we should have many ways to protect our environment. We should not throw away many types of rubbish or everyday on the stress or road where foreign visitors often go through very much times. So, we need increase local people awareness. There are many peddles who often go to street to sell some thing. But they sell high price and cheat many foreign visitors. We have to prohibite behaviors which are impolite and unpleasant with visitors. Besides, we should focus in training tour guide for Vietnam tourism. They are more and more professional and good at foreign languages. We take some suggestion for foreign visitors. We hope that, Visitors will be pleasant and happy when traveling to Vietnam. They will go back Vietnam and introduce Vietnam tourism picture to their friends come to Vietnam in the next time.
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