Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Open Access Full Text Article Research Article
Study on the radial clearance of the screw conveyor for
transporting cement
Tung Thanh Luu*
Nowadays, screw conveyors have been used to transport bulk materials since historical times. They
are composed of a helical flight (screw), a driving shaft connected to a driving device, a casing U-
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Tóm tắt tài liệu Study on the radial clearance of the screw conveyor for transporting cement, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
on. The principle of conveying materials relies on the friction between mate-
QR code and download this article rials and the rotating screw or the casing. The advantages of screw conveyors are compact design,
low maintenance, and the ability to transport materials continuously and safely. Screw conveyors
have been used not only as bulk handling equipment to transport materials but also as parts of con-
struction and mining machinery, e.g., underground tunneling machines, in which they are used to
discharge soil or rock continuously. As volumetric devices, screw conveyor generally provide rela-
tively precise throughput control while meeting other requirements, e.g. environmental protection.
A screw feeder typically consists of a storage container (bin or hopper) coupled to a screw casing
and a screw within. They are suitable for conveying dry material or grain. Although mechanical
structure of screw conveyor seems very simple, mechanic of transport action is very complicated.
The periodic boundary, inclination, speed of rotation, radial clearance etc. influence productivity,
mass flow rate. Following theoretical studies, the radial clearance should be very small, however,
in reality, the bulk material cannot go through the clearance, that makes the screw stuck and then
stop. However, when the radial clearance is larger, productivity decreases very fast. In this paper,
the cement is transported by screw conveyor. The experiment is done with different parameters
such as speed of rotation and the radial clearance. The productivity is recorded with each change
of parameters. The result from the experiment will predict the best radial clearance to transport the
cement. The paper will conclude the area having high productivity and low productivity.
Key words: Crew conveyor, speed of rotation, productivity, mass flow of rate, radial clearance
INTRODUCTION In Aϕepo K. (1955) 1, the clearance is very small about
Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technology, VNUHCM The screw conveyors are very popular in transport- few millimeters. It must be small to prevent the hulk
material to go through the gap. However, in reality,
Correspondence ing the bulk material such as industrial minerals,
agriculture (grains), pharmaceuticals, chemicals, pig- this clearance will make the material stuck when the
Tung Thanh Luu, Ho Chi Minh City
University of Technology, VNUHCM ments, plastics, cement, sand, salt and food process- rotational speed increases. The reason of the stuck
problem is inertia of material. To decrease stuck prob-
Email: ing. They are also used for metering (measuring the
flow rate) from storage bins and adding small con- lem, the radial clearance will increase. However, the
• Received: 01-9-2019 trolled amounts of trace materials (dosing) such as larger clearance is, the more productivity reduces. The
• Accepted: 22-10-2019 pigments to granular materials or powders. problem of clearance is to choose an optimal value of
Published: 30-11-2019 The structure of the screw conveyor is illustrated in clearance.
DOI : 10.32508/stdjet.v2i3.577 Figure 1. The main components of the screw con- In Alma Kurjak (2005) 2, The clearance is a big in-
veyor consist of: fluence on screw capacity. The reasonable clearance
depends on size of particles. Particles larger than
• a hopper and a bin.
250 µm are usually relatively free flowing, but as size
• Screw casing.
Copyright falls below 100 µm powder become cohesive and flow
• Rotating screw.
© VNU-HCM Press. This is an open- problems are likely to occur. Powders having a parti-
access article distributed under the µ
terms of the Creative Commons The structure of rotating screw and screw casting af- cle size less than 10 m are usually extremely cohe-
Attribution 4.0 International license. fect the productivity much. The radial clearance be- sive. The relation between size of particles and clear-
tween screw and casing plays an important role in en- ance is non-linear. This relation depends on cohesive-
suring productivity. ness of material, size.
Cite this article : Luu T T. Study on the radial clearance of the screw conveyor for transporting ce-
ment. Sci. Tech. Dev. J. – Engineering and Technology; 2(3):153-162.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Figure 1: Structure of a screw conveyor 1.
In Yoshiyuki Shimizu1 and Peter A. Cundall (2001) 3 mass flow rate 5,6. This affection is difficult to calcu-
Yoshiyuki Shimizu1 and Peter A. Cundall show that late. Thus, the experiment will be done to determine
clearance affect the net power. When clearance in- parameters to achieve the optimal mass flow rate.
crease, the net power will more steady. However, In this paper, the screw conveyor is used to handle the
the ratio between overall power and net one increase. cement. Some parameters are designed with referring
The clearance depends on the friction coefficient be- to Aϕepo K. (1955) 1, the radial clearance is calculated
tween particles and screw components, and the mate- and experimented to find an optimal value to obtain
rial properties. To increase the productivity, the shaft the largest productivity. The next part is divided into 4
will rotate with a threshold speed and then the parti- parts consisting of the theory of power, method, result
cles reach equilibrium, the screw and the driving shaft and discussion. The conclusion will summarize the
are both rotated through three complete rotations at application in reality.
the specified, constant angular velocity, while the cas-
ing remains at rest.
A.W. Roberts in A.W. Roberts (1999) 4 said the In the screw conveyor, the productivity is a very im-
enclosed screw conveyor became more efficient at portant parameter . It can be easily illustrated in
higher rotational speeds as a result of the reduced ro- Equation (1).
tational speed or vortex motion of the bulk material.
Q = Q η (m3/s) (1)
This advantage is usually more than offset by the de- t V
crease in ‘fullness’ of the conveyor that accompanies
Q = ΓωD3
higher operating speeds. As the rotational speed of where t (2)
(( ) ( ) ]
the conveyor increases, the rotational or vortex mo- 2 2 ( ]
1 C Dc p ts
tion decreases up to a limiting value making for a Γ = 1 + 2 − − (3)
8 D D D D
more efficient conveying action. However, when a
gravity feed system into the screw intake is employed,
Qt maximum theoretical volumetric throughput with
the feed rate cannot match the potential conveying ca- conveyor running 100% full and the bulk material
pacity, and a reduction in ‘fullness’ occurs. The clear- moving axially without rotation.
ance will be chosen at least 1.5 times larger than the
ηV : volumetric efficient
maximum particle size in order to prevent jamming D: crew diameter (m)
of particles in the clearance space leading to particle
Dc: core or shaft diameter (m)
attrition and increased energy loss. To prevent exces- p: Pitch (m).
sive slip back and loss of efficiency at higher angles of ω: angular velocity of screw (r/s).
elevation, the clearance needs to be limited to a max- C: Radial clearance (m).
imum value of about three times the maximum parti-
ts: Thickness of screw blade (m).
cle size. The productivity efficiency of a crew conveyor con-
To increase the power of handling, the speed of rota- sists of two components as follows.
tion is raised to 1000 round per minute. With that
η η η
speed, the angle of incline and clearance will affect V = VR. F (4)
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Following Figure 5 when actual conveying velocityVL
is expressed as a ratio of maximum theoretical con-
where ηVR : fullness efficientcy = (5) V
p veying velocity Lt it will provide a measure of con-
veying efficiency allowing for losses resulting from the
rotational or vortex motion. It will be expressed that
hav : average height of material on the screw surface.
VL tanλ
With the productivity is given in Equation (1), the an- = (10)
VLt tanα + tanλ
gular velocity of main shaft Ns is
In the conveying operation, it is necessary to deter-
ω2R N2D mine the variation of the path helix angle l as a func-
N = o = (7)
s g 1789 tion of the radius and rotational speed of conveyor.
As said above, VT is constant and doesn’t vary with
where o outer radius. the radius. To simplify the analysis of the screw con-
g : gravitation acceleration. veyor, the rotational mass and resultant forces at the
N : Rotation speed (round/minute). effective radius Re is lumped as follows.
The Equation (7) shows the screw conveyor of large ( )
2 R3 − R3
diameter will attain the high productivity with low ro- R = o i (11)
e 2 − 2
tational speed when comparing with the conveyor of 3 Ro Ri
small diameter.
where Ro outside radius of screw flight.
With the volumetric given in Equation (1), the mass
Ri Inner radius of radius.
throughput of a screw conveyor in kg/s is showed as
The helix angle of the screw flight corresponding to Re
follows. is:
[( )( )]
Q = ρQ = ρQ η (8) −1 p Ro
m t v αe = tan (12)
πD Re
where ρ: bulk density, kg/m3.
where p : pitch.
The bulk material density will increase when mate-
D = 2Ro= screw flight diameter
rial is compressed in conveyor and the density will The helix angle λ of the path and the speed of rota-
approach a maximum limiting value . The bulk den- tion of the shaft have relationship studied in Aϕepo
sity is a function of major consolidation pressure for K. (1955), Alma K. (2005), Yoshiyuki S. and Peter AC.
a typical cement sample. (2001) 1–3. With special case of the effective radius,
A particle in a vertical crew conveyor will have a veloc- the relationship between specific rotational speed and
ity diagram as Figure 3. Vs is the screw velocity when the helix angle is expressed as follows.
it rotates. VR is particle’ s relative velocity with respect [ ]
λ 2
V Ro tan e
to the screw surface. A is the absolute velocity of the NS = 1 +
λ [ Re tanαe ]
particle by the helix angle . α ϕ (13)
kF sin( e + s) −
To be simple in calculation, the velocity diagram kS
µc cos(αe + ϕs + λe)
(Figure 3) will be unfolded in Figure 4. The veloc-
− µ ≤ ≤
ity diagram in which the absolute velocity is separated where kF = (1 cks) kF 1.0
into two components, the useful conveying velocity
k = 2k p 1 n
s j D R2 F
V V − i
L and the rotational component T . The helix angle 1 2
a of the screw flight is smaller at the outer of the flight ϕs Friction angle for screw surface;
to the shaft. Similarly, angle l also vary in the radial k j: 0.4.
direction from the outside to the shaft. The variation ηF : Fill ratio or fullness.
of VT with radius illustrates the vortex motion in the µc: Friction coefficient for bulk material on casing
screw. The variation of VT with radius describes the surface.
vortex motion in the screw. It is expressed by From the equation (10), the vortex efficient is shown
as follows
VT r = constant (9)
V tanλ
η = Le = e (14)
vR α + λ
The value “n” is the vortex index 2. It often equal zero, VLt tan e tan e
as a result, velocity component VT is constant and where αe effective helix angle – Equation (12)
does not vary with the radius. λe Effective helix angle of the path – Equation (13)
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Figure 2: Structure of screw conveyor in detail 1
Research 1–4 showed that for horizontal screw con- The analysis for operation at any elevation angle q is
veyor, the angle β(in Figure 4) is zero. That means more complex. For inclination angles ranging from
the helix angle of the path is independent of the screw 300 to 900, Equation (13) may still applied, but in the
speed and is given by modified form
[ ]
λ 0 − α − ϕ 2
= 90 ( s) (15) Ro tanλe
S = 1 +
[ Re tanαe ]
This relationship may also be assumed for screw con- θ α ϕ (17)
kF f1( )sin( e + s) − θ
veyors operating at low angles of elevation up to say, ks f2( )
µc cos(αe + ϕs + λe)
θ = 250 The conveying or vortex efficiency derived
from Equation (10) and Equation (13) is expressed The function f1 (θ)and f2 (θ)need to be defined.
by When Ns = f (λe)has been determined, then Equa-
1 tion (16) is used to determine VR Hence the
ηVRh = (16)
tanαe tan(ϕS + αe) + 1 throughput may be calculated.
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Figure 3: Dynamic of particles 2
Figure 4: Unfolded velocity
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
An alternative, somewhat empirical approach solu- • Particle shape: Shape analysis will also provide
tion is as follows. information on parameters such as equivalent
(a). Compute the conveying or vortex efficiency shape factor and aspect ratio, both of which de-
ηVRfor a vertical conveyor in accordance with Equa- termine the cements flow-ability. The cements
tions (11) and (13) particle size is now seen as critical for the deter-
(b). Compute the conveying efficiency ηVRhfor a hor- mination of the quality of the cement. As finer
izontal conveyor using Equation (14). particle size will result in a greater surface area,
(c). Interpolate the conveying efficiency for inclina- cement manufactures control particle size as this
tion angle q as follows. parameter directly affects the cement’s compres-
sive strength and curing speed. Particles larger
ηVRθ = ηVRh − (ηVRh − ηVR)sinθ (18) than 50 micron cannot be fully hydrated, while
particles smaller than 2 micron cause exother-
When the screw conveyor operates, there are two mal setting in the final product. In this experi-
torques: the torque due to the bulk on the shaft Tsh ment, the cement has medium size of 15.4 mm 7.
and torque per pitch due to the bulk solid on the flight
face Tsp. The torque per pitch is determined from the • Angle of repose : The angle of repose, or criti-
following equation cal angle of repose, of a granular material is the
steepest angle of descent or dip relative to the
2 L
T = ∆F R tan(α + ϕ ) (19) horizontal plane to which a material can be piled
sp 3 p RA e e s
without slumping. At this angle, the material on
where ϕs friction angle for bulk solid on screw surface. the slope face is on the verge of sliding. Follow-
Re Effective radius. ing Piotr Kulinowski et al. , cement has an angle
αe Effective helix angle. of repose of 20 degrees.
L : length of screw conveyor. • Hausner Ratio, A.W. Roberts (1999) 4: the
p : pitch. Hausner ratio is derived from the quotient be-
The torque due to the bulk solid on the shaft is: tween tapped density (TD) and apparent den-
sity (AD). Tapped density was measured using
T = 2πR2σ (19) Stamp volume meter. The Hausner ratio of ce-
sh i n p
ment measured is 1.27.
where σn = KρgpηF • Conveying length : in this experiment, the con-
The total torque on the shaft is: veying length is 3 meters.
• Flow rate: Flow rate is the time in seconds,
T = Tsp + Tsh (20) which an amount of 50 g dry powder needs to
pass the aperture of standardized funnel. Flow
Thus, the power for the motor is:
rate of cement is 35 seconds 9.
0.105 TN • Clearance: At a large clearance a back flow of
P = (21)
ηd bulk material opposite to the conveying direc-
tion occurs followed by reduction in conveyor
where N: round per minute.
capacity. However, if clearance is small milling
ηd drive efficient.
and jamming can take place between screw and
METHOD, RESULT AND DISCUSSION casing. Clearance is also necessary for smooth
running of the conveyor. Therefore, it is impor-
Cement is the most frequently used material in con-
tant to find the smallest clearance at which no
struction today. Slightly more than a ton of concrete is
milling and jamming process takes place.
produced every year for each person on the planet, ap-
proximately 6 billion tons per year. It is a versatile ma- Before make the experiment, the flow weight, mo-
terial and can be molded to just about any shape. Ce- ment on the shaft and the motor will be calculated and
ment is also strong, inexpensive, and easy to make. In then the result will be compared with experimental
this part, the cement will be experimented with screw data. The discussion will give remarks about the dif-
conveyor whose parameters consist of radial clear- ference between theory and experiment.
ance, angular speed and then the productivity will be Firstly, the moment on the shaft will be calculated
measured. The cement characteristics can be shown from equation (20). This moment will help to obtain a
as follows: durable shaft, to ensure to work for a long time. Then,
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Figure 5: Particle size of particle 7
based on the equation (21), the power of motor will and the motor is often full load, that causes damage of
be determined. And lastly, the flow weight will be the screw conveyor.
calculated from equation (8). The parameters in the From the result of experiment and theory, some dis-
formula will be directly measured from the model of cussion can be given:
conveyor. The results are shown in Figure 6. Where,
• The theory formula will not coincide with exper-
the dashed line shows the angular speed of 200 round
iment result at the clearance that is smaller than
p er minute, dotted line 400 and solid line 600. Next
3 mm. The reason can be explained that the the-
part, the real conveyor will be experimented and then,
ory formula doesn ’ t calculate the jamming be-
the result of experiment will be shown.
tween casing and screw. Thus, the productivity
In the experiment, the angular speed of main shaft will
decrease and make the conveyor damageable.
be changed by a control system. The speed will be also
• When the clearance is bigger than 3 mm, the
from 100 to 700 round per minute. Three screw con-
jamming phenomenon can be neglected, thus
veyors with different outer diameters are prepared to
the theoretical results seem same as the real re-
produce 4 different radial clearances 1, 3, 5 and 8 mil-
limeters. The diameter of shaft and the casing are all
• The clearance should not be so large. the pro-
fixed in experiment. Two parameters do not need to
ductivity will decrease so fast when the clearance
change because in this experiment, the effect of clear-
becomes larger.
ance on the productivity is being concerned.
The Figure 7 expresses the flow weight versus radial
clearance. The dash line show the shaft rotates 200 CONCLUSION
round per second, the dot line is 400 and the last one The clearance is an important parameter to increase
is 600. Bigger t he clearance is, the more back flow it productivity. Following the theoretical formula, the
is. However, when the clearance is smaller than 3 mil- result of productivity in the small clearance is not ex-
limeters, the jamming problem occurs and the motor act because the jamming phenomenon is not dealt
will stop and then start. As a result, the medium shaft with. The experiment results showed that the clear-
speed reduces a half. Thus, the flow weight is so low ance should be 1.5 to 2 times of size of particle but
Science & Technology Development Journal – Engineering and Technology, 2(3):153-162
Figure 6: Flow weight with different radial clearance (Theory).
Figure 7: Flow weight with different radial clearance (Experiment).
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Tạp chí Phát triển Khoa học và Công nghệ - Kĩ thuật và Công nghệ, 2(3):153-162
Open Access Full Text Article Bài Nghiên cứu
Nghiên cứu về độ hở hướng tâm của trục vít tải để vận chuyển xi
Lưu Thanh Tùng*
Ngày nay, trục vít tải đã được sử dụng để vận chuyển vật liệu rời qua nhiều thời đoạn lịch sử. Chúng
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Từ khoá: Trục vít tải, tốc độ quay, sản lượng, năng suất khối lượng, khe hở hướng kính
Trường Đại học Bách khoa,
Liên hệ
Lưu Thanh Tùng, Trường Đại học Bách khoa,
Lịch sử
• Ngày nhận: 01-9-2019
• Ngày chấp nhận: 22-10-2019
• Ngày đăng: 30-11-2019
DOI : 10.32508/stdjet.v2i3.577
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Trích dẫn bài báo này: Thanh Tùng L. Nghiên cứu về độ hở hướng tâm của trục vít tải để vận chuyển
xi măng . Sci. Tech. Dev. J. - Eng. Tech.; 2(3):153-162.
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