Nguyen Thi Viet Ha
Major: Theory and History of Fine Art
Code: 62 21 01 01
HaNoi - 2017
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Tóm tắt tài liệu Postmodern factors in advertising poster in Vietnam, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
Scientific supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Nguyen Xuan Tien
Dr. Trinh Dung
External Examiner 1: PGS. Le Anh Van
Vietnam University of Fine Arts
External Examiner 2: PGS. TS. Doan Thi My Huong
Vietnam National Institute of Culture and
Arts Studies
External Examiner 3: PGS. Nguyen Xuan Thanh
Vietnam University of Fine Arts
The dissertation will be defended before the Institute-level Examining Committee
32 Hao Nam, O Cho Dua, Dong Da, Hanoi
At .............................................. (hh/dd/mm/yyyy)
The dissertation could be looked up at:
- Vietnam National Library
- Library of Vietnam National Institute of Culture and Arts Studies
1. Rationale
Advertising poster is a category of Graphic design created by
combining graphic elements to form a key image in order to have
messages, which help to increase the sales of a product or services. It
is not only new ideas but also the diversity of creativity that made
advertising poster unique; and it is not only special on aesthetics but
also on the harmony of beauty and commercial factors that are created
for the specific business goal.
In terms of art, advertising poster uses visual elements in order to
create the general concept and use visual languages to construct the
key image. On the top of that, the success of advertising poster
depends on design methodology that shows brand’s characteristic, and
suitable with the awareness of contemporary aesthetics.
In art history, advertising poster varied according to different
milestone of eras. Nowadays, with a large diversity of graphical styles,
the new and outstanding methods of postmodern factors such as rules
breaking, interaction and variation have changed creative thinking and
made a large diversity for advertising poster in terms of applied art.
In market economy, advertising poster is the most important tool
to make a name for a brand, a product or service so that people can
recognize it. Currently, advertising poster has changed and become
more flexible. It is not created purely for printing or for providing
information. Generally, it is easy to see a remarkable outbreak of
commercial posters that have postmodern factors.
For advertising poster, aesthetic and non-aesthetic factors are
connected to each other that form the subject of research. As a result,
they formed a subject matter that researcher studied for the thesis.
Fristly, as advertising poster is an artwork of applied art, in order to
study about aesthetic factors, the non-aesthetic features also should be
analysed. Secondly, the research studied the relationship of aesthetic
and non-aesthetic factors in order to define artistry are the mostly
focused and highest expression of aesthetics. Thirdly, in terms of
advertising posters’ characteristic, the aesthetics cannot be
distinguished from the non-aesthetics in researchs because the
shortage of dometic research on graphic design. In order to make it
clear, the research should focus not only the meaning itself but also on
contents and form, which make an artwork more valuable.
It is considered that advertising poster in Vietnam is keen,
innovatory and developing alongside with the market economy when
looking at the integration of Vietnamese posters to the international
design trend. Inspite of the late beginning, more than ten years later
than the world, graphic design of Vietnam can keep up with that of the
world. As the speedy changing trends of Vietnames advertising
posters, the study and learning of the movement of poster’s aesthetics
including facts, causes, nature and results etc., are meaningful and
practical. Especially, this study uses the current point of view to
compare the changes of advertising posters in Vietnam. This is the gap
that help researcher to form and to develop suppositions of the thesis,
which contribute to create basic theories of poster to be applied in
education and reality.
2. Aims and Objectives of the study
2.1. Aims of the study
In the era of International Integration of Vietnam, there are a large
number of changes of advertising poster, including postmodern
2.2. Objectives of the study
The object of this study is advertising poster, focusing on
commercial type.
The thesis analyses how postmodern factors have been expressed
in advertising posters, especially in graphic elements, from concept to
execution. To be more details, they are:
Perceiving advertising poster as an artwork of applied art should
be in a connection with international and domestic art movement.
Studying the changing of advertising poster should be posited under
the interaction of tradition - modern, adaptableness - alteration and
development in the era of directed market and international integration
of Vietnam.
Analizing the effect and developing trend of postmodern factors
in advertising poster of Vietnam at the current time and in the future
should be used to form the thesis statement. This task should be done
based on the foundation of traditional culture in order to add the new
value to the diversity and sustainable development of international
integration period.
3. Scope of the study
Scope of the time: focusing on current time (from 2007 to now)
in order to illustrate that postmodern element shows its best in
advertising posters. With different events of policies, economy,
culture had contributed to the distinction between the current
postmodern elements and they were in the previous periods.
Obviously, for understanding the changes of advertising poster
nowadays, there should be a general studying on history throughout
comparison, analysis so that the the thesis object can be defined on the
basis of scientific analysis.
Scope of the space: the research context of commercial posters is
Vietnam, focusing on Ho Chi Minh City, where developing economies
has diversified and this is the national leader in every aspects. It is also
the place that international businesses, brands, advertising agencies
settle their offices. Besides, this city is subject to fluctuations, which
govern the most powerful, fastest in the cultural and artistic
exchanges, the place is said to be keen in receiving the international
art trends and elements and the place to distribute advertising
campaigns nationwide.
4. Situation of research related to the title
All over the world, the trends of postmodern art and advertising
poster are topics that drew great attention of researchers on both theory
and reality aspects.
4.1. Situation of research on Postmodern art
Situation of research in the country:
The majority are short articles on art magazines as a way of
expressing personal ideas of writers about the trend of postmodern art.
There are few domestic studies about this subject with some
outstanding works such as: Chủ nghĩa hậu hiện đại - Cỏc vấn đề nhận
thức luận [47], 2011, Trần Quang Thỏi. This book is referred from
many academic sources which present the closed connection of art and
other fields like Philosophy, Science, Art and so on.
Situation of research in foreign countries:
From the impacts of the postmodern art on composing, foreigner
researchers have discovered more about its with different angles from
theories research to analyzing the applications of different trends of
art. Some typical works such as: Art since 1960 (World of Art) [86],
A world history of art (2009). Minimalism [80], Installation Art [72];
Performance art: From Futurism to the Present (World of Art) [89],
RoseLee Goldberg. Postmodernism: Style and Subversion, 1970 -
1990 [79], Jane Pavitt.
4.2. Situation of research on advertising poster
Situation of research in the country:
The existence of advertising poster in Vietnam is quite new in
comparison with the other kinds of arts that have long history. Mostly,
documents of researchers and critics are mainly written on politican or
social propaganda posters. About commercial poster, if there was, just
focused on marketing strategies or the failure or success of business.
From the point of art, it’s hard to find out any theory research on
advertising poster design in Vietnam. The majority are essays, reports
or lectures taught at universities that were mostly translated from
foreign resources.
Situation of research in foreign countries: Written documents on
advertising posters vary in a wide range of research such as: the
history, the applications, reference books, catalogues and so on. These
sources are useful for researchers to study and apply ideas to the
contents involved with thesis.
The historical research such as: A history of graphic design, is a
great book for researchers to discover knowledge about graphic design
history. Besides that, there are a wide range of images, from other
resources such as books, catalogues or the Internet, ect.
Each documents is a contribution to the research of the thesis.
They illustrate that postmodern elements exist in every types of art
including applied art. Athough the contents of these reference
resourses do not directly mention about the postmodern in advertising
poster, they are the foundations that researcher uses to create the
specific theory in order to analyze the subject of study in Vietnam.
5. Research questions / Hypothesis of the study
These hypotheses are created from the research questions, the
significant argumentation from the phenomena, essence and
applications, including the three following assumptions:
Hypothesis 1: Advertising poster in Vietnam during the time of
integration has a large number of changes, including the contribution
of postmodern factors.
The objective of the first hypothesis is that studying the
phenomenon: whether or not the existence of postmodern elements in
advertising poster. If there are postmodern factors, what the level is,
and which format of postmodern factors in advertising poster? Beside
postmodern factors, wherether or not having any other factors and the
role of postmodern factors is in advertising poster from the point of
artistic view nowadays.
Hypothesis 2: Postmodern is a factors which express in
advertising poster, specifically from the concept to the form and means
of expression.
The objective of the second hypothesis is to understand the
meaning behind that phenomenon, in which makes the value of the
object of study. Specifically, postmodern elements are in which aspect
of a commercial advertisement and its level of expression in Vietnam,
in the approach of graphic language, which are explained in the design
process. This is an important contribution of postmodern factors in
advertising poster in term of art in Vietnam currently; it has created a
new way of design and perceive advertising poster.
Hypothesis 3: Postmodern factors have positive impacts on the
aesthetics of advertising poster, contribute to these values: in terms of
art (creating a new vision and conception of artistic creation); in the
aspect of society (meeting the needs of enjoyment of the public at
present time); and in economic terms (contributing to the development
of the economy).
The goal of the third hypothesis is to accept the advantages and
disadvantages of postmodern factors. Hence, proposing developing
trend of postmodern elements in advertising poster to meet the
aesthetics of society based on traditional artistic and cultural platform
of Vietnam in the time of international integration.
6. Methods of the study
This thesis uses interdisciplinary research methods through
gathering information, document analysis, artwork analysing,
experimental research, interview, using qualitative method,
quantitative, comparative method, design methodology, etc.
7. Significance of the study
The thesis contributes a needed database for graphic design
theories, the basis to identify postmodern elements in advertising
poster. It provides specialized reference materials for research and
application for practice, especially for lectures on advertising poster in
education institutions.
8. Design of the study
Beside the Preface (20 pages), the Conclusion (7 pages),
Reference Document (7 pages) and Appendix (56 pages), the content
of the thesis is structured into three chapters:
Chapter 1: The foundational arguments and reality of
postmodern factors in advertising poster (37 pages).
Chapter 2: The expression of postmodern factors in
advertising poster in Vietnam (43 pages).
Chapter 3: The effectiveness and the development tendency
of advertising poster influenced by postmodern factors in
Vietnam (39 pages).
Chapter 1
Generally, the thesis illustrates definitions related to advertising
poster and postmodern elements. And simultaneously consider the
manifestation of postmodern factors in the reality as the whole
research object.
1.1. The concept of thesis of the research
In this section, the thesis focuses on some definitions of poster,
advertising poster and postmodern art and its trend, then it identifies
the postmodern elements through some characteristics and execution
of advertising poster.
1.1.1 The concept of poster, advertising poster and some
features of advertising poster The concept of poster, advertising poster
Poster: Bases on is a different type of dictionaries such as
English-Vietnames dictionary, French - Vietnamese dictionary,
Dictionary of Fine Art, poster can be considered as a type of Graphic
design which is a category of Applied Art. In Vietnames, it is called
as: affichộ, bớch chương, tranh cổ động, ect.
In term of function, poster is form of information-spread which
has a specific purpose and is placed publicly to common viewers.
Advertising posters: In terms of marketing, advertising posters
are used as methods of branding, introducing products and sending
messages to customers. They are paid to create messages for
commercial purposes with some requirements such as: places,
positions and the contents of advertising for a period of time. The
contents of these posters are brands, products or services.
Nowadays, advertising posters diverse widely on both content
and form. They are not only made to hang on walls but also to display
in other ways such as: 2 sides-printed, widen the creativity, blurry the
boundary of different types of art, apply changing effects, interaction,
space-arrangment, co-techniques, high-tech materials, ect.
Currently, the word “poster” is used widely in education as well
as advertising industry. In order to make the thesis close to reality, the
word “Advertising posters” will be used as a common term that is used
for commercial communication (including content and form, size and
material). Types of posters and some features of advertising poster
Types of posters: Poster is a mean of communication which is
widely used in different fields such as advertising, propaganda,
information, etc.. Each kind of poster is applied for different cases
such as propaganda poster for political – social – environmental
purposes, or advertising poster for commercial messages. Based on
different usages, each type has its specific characteristic such as:
information in propaganda, selling products in advertisement.
Some features of advertising poster: Advertising poster is a work
of co-oporation between artistry and the economy, a combination of
different features that affect the aesthetics of the artwork. Throughout
the reality of development, the specific characteristics of advertising
poster can be remarked with some characteristics such as
communications, commerce, aesthetics and feasibility. Advertising poster is an artistic artwork
In general, art can be divided into two trends: art for art’s sake
and art for life’s sake. In art for life’s sake, the distinguished features
that create the differences between these purposes are not only the
aesthetics, but also the applicability that can satisfy the requirements
of human in modern society. They emphasize the specific
characteristics of industrial design, a kind of visual art including
advertising poster.
Obviously, recognizing the artistic value of advertising poster
should base on the key image that applied different methods of visual
combinations with the materials such as lines, colors and shapes and
1.1.2. Conception of Postmodern, Postmodernism and
postmodern elements in art creativity Conception of Postmodern, Postmodernism
Postmodern: In English, it is called as Postmodern, the concept
refers to a period of development in economic, science, technology
and art of human being. It was introduced when the modern doctrines
had become old, and they were considered as the "grand narratives".
Postmodernism: In terms of terminology, in English, it is called
as Postmodernism, French is post-modernitộ. According to
researchers, Postmodernism is “an interdisciplinary cultural
movement, appeared in 70s of the 20th century in Western Europe and
North America, then developed widely throughout the world.
Theoretically, the two phrases “postmodern” and
“deconstruction” are not only two new philosophical concepts but also
two of the most trendy terms on mass media, related to the two
philosophers of postmodern theory: Jean - Franỗois Lyotard (1924 -
1998) and Jacques Derrida (1930 - 2004), by whom developed from
the theory of the two great German philosophers: Kant and Hegel.
Among the theory of postmodernism, especially epistemological
deconstruction, upholding "communicative competence and the
ability to create situations in communication" is to make changes in
form and concept art, particularly in advertising poster today. Postmodern factors in art creativity
In terms of art, according to some researchers, the Postmodernism
art’s expressions were assumed to appear from 1910 to 1920, the
founder was a French artist – Marcel Duchamp (1887 – 1968) with his
controversial works, particularly are the Bicycle Wheel (1913),
Fountain (1917), etc. The time of 1960 to 1970 seem to be the peak of
the postmodern, created a movement which affects widely in art
creativity around the world.
These radical concepts had strongly influenced art creativity,
created lots of trends. The most remarkable trends of postmodernism
movement that have postmodern elements are: Installation Art,
Performance Art, Body Art, Conceptual Art and Video Art.
In Vietnam, according to researchers, before the year of 1986,
Marxism - Leninism, Ho Chi Minh’s ideology and the Revolution’s
strategies always took a key factor in life awareness and art creativity.
At that time, postmodern elements were not appreciated with its true
essence and they had begun to affect the works of art in from the
beginning of 1990s and developed after 2000s.
1.2.3. Postmodern factors in advertising poster
The advertising posters expressions are always open with art
trends in general and in particularly with designs that have postmodern
elements, including these following significant factors:
Existential factor, focusing on the illogicality, human’s
satisfactions, surprising amazement, weirdness, humorousness, etc, in
living environment, making instantly emotions.
Positivistic factor, that focuses on the role of knowledge and
deconstruction method in order to represent social reality. Therefore,
scientific approach is the best way to analyze the structure of all the
events that happen in nature, social, human and even in creating art.
Rationalistic factor focuses on the conceptions, philosophy used
in design, which made poster be “directed” from the expression to the
presumption’s results, that is the media content.
Eclectic factors are those with the conception of freedom,
breaking the rules, irregularity, blurring all the subject’s barriers by
showing the desire, creating strong impact, expressing public
awareness. The approach of this factor focuses on the randomness,
moment of movement, interaction, those types were designed based
on the environment and situation of advertising subject. These
advetisements expressed naturally, appreciate the differences in
thinking in the approaching social reality.
1.2 Advertising poster’s development overview
Generalizing the progress of changing to see the aesthetic
changes of advertising poster in every period of time, especially the
changes of postmodern factors in advertising posters in the reality of
1.2.1. The development of advertising poster in the world
Commodities exchanges always attach to advertisement and
poster was the earliest methods. It represents the quick development
in technology and life style, as well as consumer’s taste and design
methodology. Advertising poster was formed along with the
development of writing, printing techniques, which developed with
human’s civilization and commercialization.
In the 60s and 70s of the 20th century, art history saw new
perspectives in art creativity and they were considered as being
outrageous with the desire to change, to finish the domination of
Functionalism”, they were postmodern elements. Until the 80s – 90s,
the decades applied the extraordinary changing of technology, making
important changes in international art and applied art, marking the
birth of a lot of art styles, which are considered as sudden changes.
In the 21th century, the striking development of the industry had
impulsed the development of advertising poster. Remarkably the
advertising posters which contain postmodern factors are more and
more expanded.
1.2.2. The development of advertising poster in Vietnam
The development of advertising posters in Vietnam can be
recognised through the historical reflection of the era. Before the year
1986, advertising posters were not formed clearly because the
Vietnam War and the economy was mostly isolated from the world.
After 1986, our country turned to the renewed periods, the government
established new policies, which were more open and internationally
integrated. As a result, the artworks of Vietnameses artists had made
big changes, more open-minded. Besides propaganda posters,
commercial posters started to appear with more quantities than before,
but the artistic characteristics were unremarkable. In the period of
1995 to 2000, the time of free market orientation, advertising posters
became more popular. However, the expression of these posters still
focused on information with full-text billboards, similar format that
were uncreative and poor performance. From 2000 to 2005,
advertising posters became popular in the whole country, especially in
Ho Chi Minh City, the form of these posters already had some changes
but postmodern factors were unremarkable.
After some periods of exploration and experiment, in 2007, it was
clearly seen the changes in creativity trend, in which used varieties of
art’s languages especially with some experiment on postmodern
factors. After joining WTO (World Trade Organization), Vietnam
market integrated with the global economy, it was bombarded with
many great scientific breakthroughs that led to the changes of
consumers’ predilection. There was a broke out of postmodern
elements through different approaches, especially in form, that drew
more public’s attention. Moreover, the arrival of international brands
and companies, especially international advertising agencies have
created new appearance for advertising poster in Vietnam from that
year on.
1.2.3. The reality of advertising poster in Vietnam
Throughout the history, advertising posters resigned for
propaganda posters used for war resistance and united nation
purposes. When the economy was open and globalized (from 2007
until now), Vietnam society developed to a higher level with new
features for an advanced economy and a globalized society.
In that diversified changing, advertising posters can be separated
into two trends, tradition and modern. The traditional style with its
long terms history in Vietnames fine art used to have directed voice
that show honesty, ordinary, vulgarization that closed to the common
people. This directed communication style with less creative thinking,
somehow satisfied the simple awareness of the society.
On the other side, the diferent changes such as the international
integration economy, the advanced society, the improvement of
public’s awareness and the generational transference, etc., led to new
requirements in artistic taste of common people. Traditional
advertising posters became impoverished with boring form,
melodramatic contents and old communication method, which strictly
promoted stiff and boring shapes. These styles could not survive in the
environment of images differences’competition currently. The strong
changes in forms of advertising posters with postmodern factors
became more suitable with the requirement of business purpose and
reality life because they are not only honest, vulgarized and popular
but also revolutionzed. They are signals of changes in the art of
advertising posters that stimulates the creativity and always looking
for new ways of expression
To sum up
In general, the researches and related definitions drew an overall
picture about advertising posters. As we can see, in the period of
integration, advertising posters have lots of changes including
postmodern elements.
Nowadays, it is bombarded with new trends in form and creative
thinking in advertising poster in Vietnam. Those changes are creating
more values in art, economy and society. And in any reference system,
advertising poster with postmodern elements is a non-controversial
term in the reality of current creation.
Chaper 2
This research focuses on communication languages throughtout
imagery in order to illustrate postmodern factors as a slice of
advertising poster but not goes deeply to graphic design principles. To
be more specific, all the factors from concept to execution, including
color using, images, typography, arrangement and techniques, ect.
2.1. Postmodern factors in the conception of
advertising poster
The content is the idea expressed in an artwork. In advertising
poster with postmodern factors, there are two levels of ideas. Firstly,
it has a specific meaning that reflects real life vividly and objectively
with events, images and imagery. Secondly, the idea is generalized in
a specific trend of ideology
2.1.1. Creation of key visual of advertising poster
From the viewers’ point of view, the form will be appreciated
firstly. However, the process of designing poster should start from
concept to execution. The concept is not simply a disoriented idea but
actually it is a process with detailed development in order to reach the
communication requirement. It’s also created from an adaptation of
designer for having an understandable message.
Normally, for having a good concept, designer has to answer
different questions for a deeply understanding of the brand and its
products as well as its consumers and cultural factors. They are the
must for having a new meaningful idea of advertising poster.
2.1.2. Key visual with postmodern factors of advertising poster
For having a visually effected message, postmodern factors were
created for new presentation. There are three approaches in creating
key visual with postmodern factors.
Firstly, key visuals were created to emphasize the frequency,
fragmentation, and continuation in a process, such as a story, that
created aesthetic value of the commercial poster.
In addition, key visuals were created to represent the every day’s
life images, with multifaceted perspective and inner messages. The
way of looking for the model from reality and then stylizing it
artistically had emphasized more on the meaning, which was
pluralistic and had a combination of different values naturally and
attractively. This is what it makes commercial posters nowadays have
a new appearance in comparison with the previous periods.
Besides, key visual of advertising poster with repressed
relationships “containing the contradictions between illusion-reality,
yes-no, reasonable- absurdity, natural- artificial, etc “, according to
Jacques Derrida; has formed complex relationships, and created
ambiguity, implicitly, essential iconic symbols.
2.2. Postmodern fators in the expression of artistic form
The idea can only make into reality when it has a form of
expression; and only the form of expression can demonstrate all the
characteristics and methods of postmodern factors in commercial
posters of Vietnam. It is both the expressed subject (in relationship
with form), and the expressing subject (in relationship with the
meaning of the work) and it is the way to decode all the characteristics,
methods of existential factors, eclectic, rationalism and positivist in
commercial advertisement.
2.2.1. Postmodern factors manifest in color
The color identification
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