Năm học 2004- 2005
Phân vùng cho việc đánh giá rủi ro thiên tai
liên quan đến nước ở Đồng Bằng Sơng Cửu Long
(Zoning for risk assessment of water-related natural disasters
in the Mekong Delta)
Yamashita Akira(山下 晃)
Luận văn thạc sỹ
chuyên ngành Khoa học Mơi trường
Cần Thơ tháng 3 / 2005
Năm học 2004- 2005
Phân vùng cho việc đánh giá
132 trang |
Chia sẻ: huyen82 | Lượt xem: 2526 | Lượt tải: 0
Tóm tắt tài liệu Phân vùng cho việc đánh giá rủi ro thiên tai liên quan đến nước ở Đồng Bằng Sông Cửu Long (English), để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
rủi ro thiên tai
liên quan đến nước ở Đồng Bằng Sơng Cửu Long
(Zoning for risk assessment of water-related natural disasters
in the Mekong Delta)
Luận văn thạc sỹ
Chuyên Ngành Khoa học Mơi trường
Mã số: 60 85 02
Đã bảo vệ và được duyệt
Hiệu trưởng: PGs. Ts. Lê Quang Minh
Trưởng khoa Cán bộ hướng dẫn
PGs. Ts. Nguyễn Bảo Vệ PGs. Ts. Nguyễn Hữu Chiếm
Luận văn kèm theo đây , với tựa đề là “Phân vùng cho việc đánh giá rủi ro
thiên tai liên quan đến nước ở Đồng Bằng Sơng Cửu Long”, do
YAMASHITA AKIRA thực hiện và báo cáo, và đã được Hội đồng chấm
luận văn thơng qua.
Uỷ viên Uỷ viên
Phản biện 1 Phản biện 2
Cần Thơ, ngày 2 tháng 4 năm 2005
Chủ tịch Hội đồng
Họ và tên khai sinh: Yamashita Akira giới tính: Nam
Ngày sinh: 11 tháng 7 năm 1972 Nơi sinh: Nhật Bản
Quê quán:.Nhật Bản................................................................................................
Chức vụ, đơn vị cơng tác khi học tập, nghiên cứu: Khơng
Chổ ở riêng hoặc địa chỉ liên lạc: 1-184-23-1-412 Miyahara, Kita-ku, Saitama
City, Japan
Điện thoại cơ quan:................... Điện thoại nhà riêng: 81.486.6657908
Fax:……………………………………….E-mail: songcuulong@hotmail.com
1. Trung học chuyên nghiệp:
Hệ đào tạo:……………………..Thời gian đào tạo từ……./đến……
Nơi học (trường, thành phố):
Ngành học:..
2. Đại học:
Hệ đào tạo: Chính quy …………..Thời gian đào tạo từ 1992/đến 1996
Nơi học (trường, thành phố): Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Ngành học: Environment and natural resources, Department of Agriculture
Tên đồ án, luận án hoặc mơn thi tốt nghiệp
: Study of riverbed formation around fishways at low dams
Ngày và nơi bảo vệ đồ án, luận án hoặc mơn thi tốt nghiệp
: Tháng 3 Năm 1996 tại Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology
Người hướng dẫn: Dr. Hiroyuki Nakamura
3. Thạc sĩ:
Hệ đào tạo:……………………..Thời gian đào tạo từ……./đến……
Nơi học (trường, thành phố):
Ngành học:..
Tên đồ án, luận án hoặc mơn thi tốt nghiệp
Tên luận văn:
Ngày và nơi bảo vệ luận văn
Người hướng dẫn:
4.Trình độ ngoại ngữ (biết ngoại ngữ gì, mức độ)
- Tiếng Việt (mức độ Trung)
- Tiếng Anh (TOEFL CBT 207 điểm bằng TOEFL giấy 550 điểm)
5. Học vị, học hàm, chức vụ kỹ thuật được chính thức cấp; số bằng, ngày và
nơi cấp:
Nơi cơng tác Cơng việc đảm nhiệm
1996 –
DIA Consultant Co., Tokyo, Japan
Kỹ sư xây dựng và mơi
- Relationship between notches of fishways and waterway continuity in channel
works(Thesis for bachelor at TUAT, Chairman's award in the thesis contest of
Japan Forestry Technique Association, Paper for journal of Japan erosion control
- Effects of Ground Sills against Riverbed Shapes and Habitation of Mountin
Stream Fishes (Subsidized study by To-kyu Foundation of Environment and
- Values of Agriculture for Commonweal in Japanese paddy fields(Superior
prize in the prize essay contest of YANMAR Co.)
Tơi xin cam đoan đây là cơng trình nghiên cứu của bản thân. Các số liệu, kết
quả trình bày trong luận án là trung thực và chưa từng được ai cơng bố trong bất
kỳ luận văn nào trước đây.
Tác giả luận án
First of all the authors thank Can Tho University (CTU), especially faculty of
Agriculture, for providing much precious opportunities to know real nature of the
Mekong Delta. In addition, DANIDA (Danish International Development Agency)
and University of Aarhus, Denmark, also supported our study logistically in the
DENRM and CAULES projects, and we owe our study to them very much.
During data collecting period, Dr. Hiroshi Hori, a former UN senior adviser,
and Mr. Kamoto at Mekong River Commission helped us greatly, especially on
collecting hydrological data. At the same time, the staff at Ho Chi Minh
Geological Museum assisted us in finding geological material.
As a foreign student in CTU, I was very happy because I could work on this
study with professors, Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem, Dr. Le Quang Tri and Dr. Duong
Van Ni in CTU with their kind guidance. In addition, it must be impossible for me
to study at CTU without great help of Dr. Le Quang Minh and Dr. Do Van Xe who
boosted up my enrolment. I also thank Dr. Be and Dr. Anika in the office of
CAULES project. And special thanks for friendships of my class mate at the
Master course 9, in the Department of Environment and Natural Resources
In the end I would like to describe my cordial thanks to all the people who
welcomed me, a foreigner from Japan. I hope this thesis will become my small
gratitude to nature, people, and all of my beautiful memory in the Mekong Delta
of Viet Nam. Thank you very much again.
The purpose of this study is to describe the risk of water-related natural disasters,
mainly flooding, in the Mekong Delta by valid zoning based on fundamental
conditions. Firstly, basic natural and social conditions in the Mekong Delta are
arranged to draw thematic maps; such as Geology, Topography, Meteorology,
Flooding, Population and so on. The authors make a point of such fundamental
information on the delta to distinguish each phenomenon in the area. For example,
"floods" in the Mekong Delta has different meanings according to the location.
Upper delta is inundated mainly by riverine factors while lower delta is flooded by
tidal regime.
Secondly, the difference of flood forms and preliminary hydrological analysis
support the basic conditions in terms of floods. Generally, flood in the Mekong
Delta is argued as single phenomenon, however, the structure, cause and damages
due to the disaster are completely different. After separating the zone by flood
forms, statistical analysis by hydrological data was done with some cases of flood
years in the Mekong River Basin.
Thematic maps drawn by basic conditions and other analysis become raw material
to discuss further multi-meaning maps. The main method to examine appropriate
zoning is overlaying with thematic maps following specific themes of land
conditions, floods, hydrology and social conditions. Consequently, twenty basic
zones are carved on the final map as a result of synthesized map of above four
factors with a help of basic grid map consisting of horizontal and vertical zoning.
This final zoning map can represent the risk for water-related disasters in the
Mekong Delta, and the most important function of the map is providing
fundamental zoning based on valid background for any further studies and
projects at real sites.
Tĩm lược
Mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này là đánh giá rủi ro về thiên tai liên quan đến nước,
đặc biệt là lũ lụt, ở ĐBSCL dựa trên các điều kiện tự nhiên. Thứ nhất sắp xếp tài
liệu về những điều kiện tự nhiên và xã hội của ĐBSCL, sau đĩ vẽ các bản đồ cĩ
chủ đề (Thematic Maps) như: Địa chât, Địa hình, Khí tượng, Lũ lụt, Dân số v.v.
Các thơng tin cơ sở về ĐBSCL trên sẽ là tài liệu rất quan trọng để phân biệt các tai
họa. Thí dụ như là "Lụ lũt" ở ĐBSCL cĩ đặc điểm khác nhau theo địa phương;
vùng thượng lưu bị ngập do nước lũ của sơng Mê Cơng cịn vùng hạ lưu bị ngập
do thủy triều.
Mục tiêu thứ hai là việc phân tích hình thức lũ lụt và số liệu thủy văn để phân loại
lũ lụt ở ĐBSCL. Nĩi chung là lũ lụt ở ĐBSCL được xem như một hiện tượng đơn
giản, tuy nhiên cấu trúc, nguyên nhân và thiệt hại của nĩ rất đa dạng. Để diễn tả
tính nhiều dạng của lũ lụt này, Phân vùng được thực hiện bằng cách phân tích thủy
văn theo những số liệu của lũ lụt chủ yếu trong các năm lũ thực tế ở lưu vực sơng
Mê Cơng.
Các bản đồ cĩ sở được phân tích và hợp nhất để phân vùng. Phương pháp chủ yếu
để phân vùng thích hợp là chồng lên nhau các bản đồ (Overlaid map) như: đất đai,
lũ lụt, thủy văn và điều kiện xã hội. Bản đồ phân vùng cuối cùng được tạo ra này
cĩ thể mơ tả được rủi ro thiên tai liên quan đến nước tại các địa phương, và đồng
thời cung cấp các thơng tin cơ sở về khoa học tự nhiên và xã hội ở tồn bộ
ĐBSCL trên bản đồ. Các kết quả của nghiên cứu này sẽ là cơ sở cho các nghiên
cứu hoặc các dự án về mơi trường và tài nguyên thiên nhiên ở ĐBSCL trong
tương lai.
1. Introduction ···································································································· 1
1.1 General figure on the Mekong River ······················································ 1
1.2 General figure on the Mekong Delta ······················································ 4
1.3 Background of the study ········································································· 6
2. Problems, Scope, Goals, and Flow ······························································· 8
2.1 Problems ································································································· 8
2.2 Scope ······································································································ 9
2.3 Goals ······································································································ 10
2.3.1 General objective ············································································· 10
2.3.2 Specific objective ············································································ 10
2.4 Research flow ························································································· 10
3. Means and method of the study ··································································· 12
3.1 Basic natural conditions in the Mekong Delta ········································ 12
3.1.1 Geography ······················································································· 13
3.1.2 Topography ······················································································ 15
3.1.3 Geology ···························································································· 17
3.1.4 Soil ···································································································· 18
3.1.5 Meteorology ······················································································ 21
3.1.6 River systems ···················································································· 24
3.1.7 Oceanography ··················································································· 28
3.1.8 Water resources ················································································· 31
3.1.9 Saline water intrusion ······································································· 34
3.1.10 Floods ····························································································· 36
3.1.11 Population and people ····································································· 39
3.1.12 Economy ························································································· 42
3.1.13 Construction ···················································································· 43
3.1.14 Transportation ················································································· 43
3.1.15 Agriculture with Forestry and Fishery ············································ 49
3.2 Specifying water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta ························· 52
3.2.1 Riverine flood ·················································································· 53
3.2.2 Tidal flood ······················································································· 54
3.2.3 Inland flood ····················································································· 55
3.2.4 Urban flood ······················································································ 56
3.2.5 Forms of erosion ·············································································· 59
3.3 Hydrological analysis ············································································· 62
3.3.1 Data collection ················································································· 63
3.3.2 Disaster records and target floods ···················································· 68
3.3.3 Flood characteristics in the Lower Mekong River ··························· 69
3.3.4 Correlation between Mekong Delta and other upstream area ·········· 76
3.3.5 Correlation within the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam ·························· 77
4. Results and discussion ··················································································· 81
4.1 Thematic maps ························································································· 81
4.2 The first-level zoning ················································································ 84
4.3 Land conditions ························································································ 85
4.4 Floods ······································································································· 88
4.5 Hydrology ································································································· 91
4.6 Social conditions ······················································································ 94
5. Conclusion ······································································································· 97
5.1 The second-level zoning ··········································································· 98
5.1.1 Horizontal zoning ········································································ 98
5.1.2 Vertical zoning ············································································· 99
5.1.3 Integrated grid zoning ·································································· 101
5.2 The final zoning and evaluation of disaster potential ······························· 103
5.2.1 Basic grid map ············································································· 103
5.2.2 Land conditions ··········································································· 104
5.2.3 Floods ·························································································· 105
5.2.4 Hydrology ···················································································· 106
5.2.5 Social conditions ·········································································· 107
5.2.6 Map for the risk of water-related disaster and evaluation ············ 108
5.3 Conclusion and challenges ······································································· 113
7. References ······································································································· 115
List of figures
Figure 1.1.1 Outline of the Mekong River Basin from headwaters to mouths
Figure 1.2.1 Mekong Delta site
Figure 1.2.2 Administration map of the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam
Figure 2.4.1 Simplified flowchart of the research
Figure 3.1.1 Geographic classification of the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.2 Contour map of the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.3 Topographic distribution of the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.4 General geology of the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.5 Soil distribution map of the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.6 Typical pressure patterns
Figure 3.1.7 Annual rainfall in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.8 Annual rainfall distribution at Can Tho City
Figure 3.1.9 Major rivers and estuaries in Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.10 Image of longitudinal riverbed
Figure 3.1.11 The main canal system in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.12 Inshore status around the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.13 Annual high tide and low tide succession at Ho Chi Minh City
Figure 3.1.14 Mean daily water level difference at Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Tien
Figure 3.1.15 A model of water flow distribution at each tributaries
Figure 3.1.16 Groundwater potential in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.17 Density of salinity in surface water in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.18 Status of saline intrusion in groundwater
Figure 3.1.19 An image of flooding area of Cambodia - Viet Nam
Figure 3.1.20 Depth of inundation in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.21 The successions of birth rate, death rate and growth rate in Can Tho
Figure 3.1.22 Series of population in HCMC, Cantho and all Vietnam
Figure 3.1.23 Population density in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.24 National road network in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.1.25 Destinations of local liners from Can Tho City
Figure 3.1.26 Rice crop and other crop pattern in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.2.1 Inundation period and depth due to riverine water
Figure 3.2.2 Water level of the Tien River in the rainy season, 1982
Figure 3.2.3 Division by flood forms in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.2.4 The cycle of periodical erosion
Figure 3.2.5 Cylindrical image of geological status along the Tien River
Figure 3.2.6 Division by erosion form in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.3.1 Map of hydrological observatories in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.3.2 Lower Mekong Delta with target observatories without Viet Nam
Figure 3.3.3 Lower Mekong Delta with target observatories without Viet Nam
Figure 3.3.4 Annual maximum water volume at Kratie
Figure 3.3.5 Major flooding events in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam
Figure 3.3.5 Annual hydrograph in 1961
Figure 3.3.6 Annual hydrograph in 1966
Figure 3.3.7 Annual maximum high water level in the Lower Mekong
Figure 3.3.8 Flood water movement in the Mekong Delta
Figure 3.3.9 Annual maximum water level at Phnom Penh and Chau Doc
Figure 3.3.10 Zoning based on hydrological characteristics
Figure 3.3.11 A comparison of high water at Tan Chau and Moc Hoa
Figure 4.1.1 The image of mapping and overlaying
Figure 4.3.1 The first overlaid map (Land Condition)
Figure 4.3.2 The second overlaid map (Land Condition)
Figure 4.3.3 The third overlaid map (Land Condition)
Figure 4.3.4 The final overlaid map of land condition in the Mekong Delta
Figure 4.4.1 The first overlaid map (Flood)
Figure 4.4.2 The second overlaid map (Flood)
Figure 4.4.3 The third overlaid map (Flood)
Figure 4.4.4 The final overlaid map of floods in the Mekong Delta
Figure 4.5.1 The first overlaid map (Hydrology)
Figure 4.5.2 The second overlaid map (Hydrology)
Figure 4.5.3 The third overlaid map (Hydrology)
Figure 4.5.4 The final overlaid map of hydrology in the Mekong Delta
Figure 4.6.1 The first overlaid map (Social Condition)
Figure 4.6.2 The second overlaid map(Social Condition)
Figure 4.6.3 The third overlaid map(Social Condition)
Figure 4.6.4 The final overlaid map of social conditions in the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.1.1 The final overlaid map of social conditions in the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.1.2 Horizontal zoning of the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.1.3 Vertical zoning of the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.1.4 Horizontal zoning of the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.2.1 The basic grid map of the Mekong Delta
Figure 5.2.2 Land conditions on the basic gird
Figure 5.2.3 Floods on the basic gird
Figure 5.2.4 Hydrology on the basic gird
Figure 5.2.5 Social conditions on the basic gird
Figure 5.2.6 The final zoning map for risk assessment of water-related disasters
Figure 5.2.7 Type of flood in the Mekong Delta
List of tables
Table 1.1.1 Territory within the catchment of the Mekong River countries
Table 3.1.1 The list of natural conditions of the Mekong Delta in this study
Table 3.1.2 Appellations of each area in English and Vietnamese
Table 3.1.3 Topographic classification of the Mekong Delta
Table 3.1.4 Population status in each province of the Mekong Delta in 2001
Table 3.1.5 Distance of major towns from Ho Chi Minh City (unite: km)
Table 3.2.1 Classification of floods in the Mekong Delta
Table 3.3.1 The list of collected data of water volume and water level
Table 3.3.2 Target flood years
Table 3.3.3 Target flood years at Chau Doc and My Thuan
Table 4.1.1 Matrix of overlaid maps
Table 4.3.1 Outline for zones of land condition
Table 4.4.1 Outline for zones of floods
Table 4.5.1 Outline for zones of hydrology
Table 4.6.1 Outline for zones of social conditions
Table 5.1.1 Outline for zones of social conditions
Table 5.2.1 Outline of Zones in the final zoning map
List of photographs
Photo 1.1.1 Scenes of Mekong River at each country
Photo 1.2.1 Satellite image of the Mekong Delta
Photo 1.2.2 Scenes of the Mekong Delta at each Province
Photo 3.1.1 Rain clouds in Can Tho City
Photo 3.1.2 Separated point of Co Chien River from Tien River at My Thuan
Photo 3.2.1 High water at Can Tho
Photo 3.2.2 3/2 Street, Hochiminh
Photo 3.2.3 (a) Fallen tree at Can Tho / (b) Eroded riverbank at Chau Doc
Photo 3.2.4 Coastal erosion at Bac Lieu Province
Photo 3.3.1 Tonlesap Lake near Siem Reup, 2001
Photo 3.3.2 Quarter arm at Phnom Penh, 2003
Photo 3.3.3 Vam Co Basin
1.1 General figure on the Mekong River
The Mekong River comprises one of the largest river systems in the world as well
as Asian region. The drainage area is some 795,000 km2, and stretches
approximately 4,800 km across Southeast Asia from Tibetan Plateau to the South
China Sea. The Mekong River Basin incorporates areas of six countries, China
(Yunnan Province), Myanmar, Lao PDR, Thailand, Cambodia and Viet Nam.
These Mekong Countries or regions are generally poor area including the Least
Developing Country (LDC) as Cambodia. In the Lower Mekong (LM) area, over
100 ethnic minorities are living, and one-third of them face severe condition in
their income of under few dollars per day.
Thus the Mekong River is a typical international river which called the Danube
in Asia. In 1957, Mekong River Committee was established to coordinate
international development projects in the basin under the UN. Since 1995, after
long-term war period in Indo-China, Mekong River Commission (hereafter
MRC) has exercised leadership in solving problems as an intergovernmental
body (MRC, 2002). MRC consists of Cambodia, Thailand, Lao PDR, and Viet
Nam with observer countries of China and Myanmar. MRC's present primary
goal is set as "Sustainable Development" of the Mekong River Basin, and MRC
mainly deals water management, aquatic resources study, basic human needs,
and so on.
Figure 1.1.1 shows the outline of the Mekong River Basin from headwaters to
the sea, and Table 1.1.1 shows the catchment area in each country followed by
some photos taken in the Mekong River Basin.
(1) Originated from Tibet to Yun-nan
Province in China
(2) Runs through the border between
Laos PDR and Myanmar
(3) Runs through the border between
Laos PDR and Thailand
(4) Takes tributaries from Thailand
and then run into Cambodia
(5) Takes Tonle-sap River from Great
Lake and begins breaking up
(6) Forms Mekong Delta in Viet Nam
and run into the South China Sea
Figure 1.1.1 Outline of the Mekong River Basin from headwaters to mouths
Table 1.1.1 Territory within the catchment of the Mekong River countries
Description Area(km2)
Catchment as %
of country
or province
Catchment as %
of whole basin
Yun-nan Province, China 165,000 38 21
Myanmar 24,000 4 3
Lao PDR 202,000 97 25
Thailand 184,000 36 23
Cambodia 155,000 86 20
Viet Nam 65,000 20 8
Whole Basin 795,000 - 100
Source: State of the Basin Report 2003, Mekong River Commission
(a) Luang Prabang, Northern Lao
(April, 2002)
(b) A view from Vientiane, Lao,
to Thailand (March, 2004)
(c) Tonle Sap River at Phnom Penh,
Cambodia (June, 2002)
(d) Bassac River at Châu Đốc, Viet Nam
(March, 2004)
Photo 1.1.1 Scenes of Mekong River at each country
1.2 General figure on the Mekong Delta
The Mekong Delta is one of the mega-deltas in the world
with the area of approximately 49,520km2 and is located at
the lowest segment of the Mekong River (Figure 1.2.1). The
top of its deltaic triangle is at Kampong Cham, Cambodia,
however the main area of the Mekong Delta is in far South
part of Viet Nam. About 26% of the whole delta belong to
Cambodia and the rest of 74% is occupied by Viet Nam1)
with the area of approximately 39,568km2. Thus the Mekong
Delta physically has great influence of the natural and social
conditions on whole Indo-China region as well as South
Figure 1.2.1
Mekong Delta site
Photo 1.2.1 is a satellite photo taken by NASA in the dry season (February, 1996).
Near Chau Doc, An Giang Province, is the Vietnam-Cambodia border, and
downstream area is colored with green that indicates rich paddy fields of the
Mekong Delta. The mainstream of the Mekong River is broke up into two main
flows in the Mekong Delta of Vietnam, which called Sơng Tiền and Sơng Hậu in
Vietnamese language. The flow running straight from Long Xuyen via Can Tho is
Hau River, and Tien River running north side of Hau River repeats breaking up
and meanders in its lower segment. These two main streams are divided at Phnom
Penh, and produce many branches.
Arc-shaped brawn areas in costal areas are sand dune originated from old
coastline, and brawn colored water along the coastal sea shows rich alluvium
providing from the Mekong River. Figure 1.2.2 shows administration map of the
Mekong Delta followed by .pictures taken in the Mekong Delta.
Photo 1.2.1 Satellite image of the Mekong Delta
Figure 1.2.2 Administration map of the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam
* The map includes Hochiminh City for reference
Tiền River at Sa Đéc (September, 2003)
Cần Thơ River at Ninh Kiều (April, 2002)
Mỹ Thuận Bridge (January, 2003) Tiền River at Mỹ Tho (January, 2002)
Photo 1.2.2 Scenes of the Mekong Delta at each Province
1.3 Background of the study
Among the present issues of the Mekong Delta, water resources management is
one of the most urgent subjects for sustainable development of the region. Up to
now most of the researches on water issues in the Mekong Delta have had strong
relation to agricultural development, because water is closely tied to food security.
In addition, some international organizations, such as Mekong River Commission
(MRC) and UNDP, have noticed the water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta
with the total aim of reducing poverty, while some NGOs, such as the Red Cross,
have carried out humanitarian aids to local disaster areas.
While floods in the Mekong Delta are annual event and have always been a part of
life, severe flooding in the recent history caused millions of dollars worth of
damage and often killed local people, especially kids and older people. Some of
the causes could be ascribed to unusual meteorological conditions, however,
man-made factors such as in land use were implicated (MRC, 2002). In addition,
the global climate change can alter hydrological condition in low land areas as the
Mekong Delta. Therefore, floods issue in the Mekong Delta is really urgent
challenge for sustainable development and protecting human society.
To understand water movement as a comprehensive system is essential to studies
on water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta. However, the complicated
conditions such as tidal phenomenon, inland waterway network and completely
flat configuration make the understanding truly difficult. To overcome this
difficulty, collecting fundamental data and information and investigating its
accuracy have great meaning, because the information concerning the Mekong
Delta is still not integrated and often has crucial mistakes even in documents
issued by reliable authorities.
The main phenomenon as the target of this thesis is flooding complemented by
inundation due to saline intrusion, influences of artificial dykes, and riverbank
erosion. Floods in the Mekong Delta are caused by different background, although
the final result can be always described as inundation. Therefore, the correct
understanding of water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta demands very
careful discussion based on fundamental natural conditions.
A stable society is the most important condition of sustainable development, and
natural disasters can destroy the social base such as agriculture, infrastructure and
land use in a twinkle. On this standpoint, appropriate evaluation of the risk for
natural disasters, especially flooding, in the Mekong Delta is very meaningful not
only for disaster prevention planning but also for any kinds of developing project
in the region. Thus, issue of flooding in the Mekong Delta is a key for the
sustainable development.
2.1 Problems
Natural disasters have caused great impacts on the history of mankind everywhere
on the earth. Some developed communities were completely destroyed by flood
disasters, volcanic disasters, earth quakes, land slide disasters, and so on. To
establish stable society, human beings have struggled to mitigate damages caused
by such disasters. Therefore the human's community development can be
described as strife of disaster management.
Meanwhile it is a common thing that ancient civilizations, such as Nile, had been
developed by benefit of flood, namely fresh and fertile soil providing from
upstream area. In addition, natural disasters are forms of natural phenomenon,
therefore, each disaster have meanings in the cycle of Earth's metabolism. For
example, longtime flood events have formed fertile deltas at river mouths in the
world. Thus the most remarkable characteristic of natural disasters is
double-edged potential for human society.
Annual flood in the Mekong Delta also have such double-edged aspects. Most part
of the present d._.elta was formed by sand and silts that came from upper stream
area through flood events. Flood water can flash out degraded soil due to
acid-sulfated soil condition, therefore, farmers can grow rice in the Mekong Delta
widely. Meanwhile, as the region was developed by human society, the
disadvantages of flood in the Mekong Delta became severer.
Main problems caused by water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta can be
integrated as three focuses, namely agriculture and fishery, infrastructure, life and
property. In heavily flooded regions, crop harvest frequency and is limited due to
longtime inundation, although farmers have strived to overcome this hard
condition by appropriate technology such as introducing of floating rice. Fishery
is also vulnerable to flooding because degrees of turbidity and salinity have grate
influences upon aquatic cultivation. On the point of infrastructure, the biggest
matter is impassable road problem due to inundation. The road blocking has bad
influence not only upon regional economy but also upon safety of local people
because they often use small unstable wooden boat as their main transport after
they cannot use land road. The number of casualties is not so remarkable
comparing with flood in other rivers in Viet Nam, however, some cruel flood
years such as 1991, 2000, 2001 took a heavy toll of lives in upper area of the
Mekong Delta. Local people's properties such as houses and agricultural facilities
are also damaged by floods annually. In the case of the flood in 2000, the overall
net loss in 54 districts and towns of the Mekong delta was estimated at USD $200
million (Oxfam America, 2000).
Thus, the influences of water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta are a big
obstacle to sustainable development of the region and are the source of poverty at
rural areas.
2.2 Scope
Up to now, almost all the international researches on flood in the Mekong River
Basin have set the centre of target area in Cambodia. The first reason is that the
beginning point of floods in the lower Mekong River is at Kampong Cham.
Secondly movement of flood water in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam is extremely
complicated due to flat landform and dense inland waterways, therefore, it has
been not easy to study on that issue in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam.
The direct target area of this study is the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam. Although the
factors at upstream Cambodia side are essential condition to the Mekong Delta of
Viet Nam, this study mainly focuses on the flood issue in Vietnam side. The
setting of target area based on a thinking that basic study on the flood issue in the
Mekong Delta of Viet Nam is still insufficient and not integrated. Of course, great
attention is paid for upstream side conditions in Cambodia, Thailand, Laos,
Myanmar, and China during the study time to evaluate flood structure in the
Mekong Delta of Viet Nam correctly.
2.3 Goals
2.3.1 General objective
The primary objective of this study is evaluation for potential of water-related
disasters in the Mekong Delta. To achieve the final goal, consequently, the
research aims at general objectives below;
z Support understanding on water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta as an
integrated basic resource
z Estimate potential of disasters appropriately and integrally for the sustainable
development in the Mekong Delta
z Give suggestive provision to such disasters based upon present priority and
thinkable future status
2.3.2 Specific objective
In addition to the general objectives, process of the research also has grate
meaning, such as arrangement and analysis of basic natural conditions in the
Mekong Delta. Each method of this study provides useful basic data to any kind
of research in the Mekong Delta as below;
z Arrangement of basic natural condition
z Description on records of water-related disasters
z Classification of disaster type
z Zoning by each natural condition or tendency
z Study on social factors related to natural disasters
2.4 Research flow
Below is the rough sketch for items and processes of the research. And following
paragraphs shows specific schemes of materials and method at each step. The
main part of method is arrangement of the basic natural conditions including some
social aspect in the Mekong Delta; at the same time, disaster specification and
hydrological analysis supplement the method. The results from above method are
re-described in each thematic map, and these maps become essential material for
zoning the Mekong Delta in discussion part. After being supplemented by field
observation and interview, the risk assessment of water related disasters is
discussed by each zoning maps of the Mekong Delta. Figure 2.4.1 shows a
simplified flowchart of the research.
1) Collecting materials and data
2) Arrangement of the basic natural conditions
3) Specifying water-related disasters
4) Hydrological analysis
5) Mapping and Zoning
6) Field observation and inquiry
7) Evaluation of potential
8) Total discussion and suggestion
9) Conclusion and following challenge
Figure 2.4.1 Simplified flowchart of the research
Collecting materials and data
Arrangement of the basic
natural conditions
water-related disasters
Hydrological analysis
Mapping and Zoning
Evaluation of potential
Field observation
and inquiry
Total discussion and
Conclusion and
following challenge
3.1 Basic natural conditions in the Mekong Delta
Most of the urgent issues in the Mekong Delta, such as acid sulfate soil, annual
flood, and saline intrusion, are strongly associated with basic natural conditions.
Besides the pure natural conditions as above, some altered natural forms, or
secondary natural conditions, also have great influences on the present situation of
the Mekong Delta, namely, artificial waterways system, agricultural ecosystem,
coastal reforestation, and so on (Yamashita et al., 2004). Especially in the case of
flood disaster, social conditions such as population factors and poverty degree also
have to be considered carefully. Therefore, arrangement of basic natural
conditions including social aspects is the base method of this study.
Table 3.1.1 shows each condition which is picked up in this study. Some core
factors of this study such as flood, hydrology, and meteorology are analyzed
minutely at following chapters of method or discussion.
Table 3.1.1 The list of natural conditions of the Mekong Delta in this study
Condition Factor
Natural condition
Geography Location, Area
Topography Altitude, Inclination, Landform
Geology Geology, Fault
Soil Soil pattern
Meteorology Climate, Rainfall,
River systems Rivers, Canals
Oceanography Tide, Sea current
Water resources Surface water, Groundwater
Saline water Saline intrusion
Floods Flood area
Social Condition
Population Density, Growth rate,
Economy GNP, Poverty
Construction Dyke, Riverbanks
Transportation National road, water transportation
Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery Crops, Farming system
3.1.1 Geography
The Mekong Delta of Viet Nam is located at southernmost part of the Indochina
Peninsula, from 8°30' to 11°north in latitude and from 104°30' to 106°50' east in
longitude (Figure 3.1.1). The Mekong Delta is bound on the east by Thailand Bay,
the north by Cambodia, the east by Hồ Chí Minh City, and southeast by South
China Sea.
The Mekong Delta of Viet Nam is often divided into some regions by Vietnamese
habitual way. Figure 3.1.1 shows the classification (Thao, 2001a) with author's
supplement to clear each border of the areas. Each area is classified by differences
of natural condition. Although the borders and reasons for such classification have
some vagueness, the zoning is very useful and important to study on natural
science in the Mekong Delta. Table 3.1.2 is the list of geographic areas in English
and Vietnamese including another common appellation.
Figure 3.1.1 Geographic classification of the Mekong Delta
Table 3.1.2 Appellations of each area in English and Vietnamese
English Name English Name (2) Vietnamese Name
Dong Thap Muoi Plain of reeds Đồng Tháp Mười
Upper Delta Thượng Châu Thổ
Lower Delta Hạ Châu Thổ
Long Xuyen Quadrangle Tư Giác Long Xuyên
West Hau Trans Bassac Tây Sơng Hậu
Ca Mau Peninsula Bán đảo Cà Mau
3.1.2 Topography
Vietnam is a mountainous and hilly country. Its 75% area, equal to 2.5 billion
hectare, is recognized as mountain district. As far as the Mekong Delta concerned,
however, the topography is completely flat. The Mekong Delta region is belongs
to Nam Bo (South) Plain which includes the mouths of Vam Co River and Dong
Nai River in Vietnamese regional classification (Ministry of Industry, 1998). As
an exception, some hills such as Mount Sam (270m), Mount Co To (258m) is
located in An Giang and Kien Giang Province which is next to Cambodian border.
(a) Altitude and Inclination
The average altitude of the Mekong Delta is about 2m above mean sea level
(MSL) of the South China Sea with the average surface inclination of about
0.0085 (Hori, 1996). The highest areas are in Kien Giang and An Giang Province,
while the lowest points are in Dong Thap Province, 0.5m below MSL (Sanh et al.,
1998). Figure 3.1.2 shows rough contour map of the Mekong Delta with the
directions of surface inclination.
Figure 3.1.2 Contour map of the Mekong Delta
(b) Topographical classification
According to Dr. Nguyen Huu Chiem in Cantho University, topographical model
in the Mekong Delta could be divide into five major part that include lower
sub-divisions. Table 3.1.3 and Figure 3.1.3 are revised from his original paper
(Chiem, 1993).
Table 3.1.3 Topographic classification of the Mekong Delta
Landform Sub-units (A) Sub-units (B)
Natural levee
Sand bar
Back swamp
Closed floodplain
High flood plain
Open floodplain
Natural levee
Back swamp
Flood plain
Tide affected
Broad depression floodplain
Sand ridge
Coastal complex
Coastal flat
Figure 3.1.3 Topographic distribution of the Mekong Delta
3.1.3 Geology
(a) Forming process of the Mekong Delta
Mekong delta was formed in the duration from Old-Tertiary Period of Cenozoic
(tens of millions of years before) to Pleistocene when the Himalaya Mountains
appeared. Thereafter, in the Recent (or Alluvial Epoch: before 5,000 to 6,000
years) of the Quaternary Period, Indochina region was affected with global sea
expanding, and consequently maximum 80% of present Mekong Delta was
submerged (Hien et al., 1991). After the period, Mekong Delta has been developed
by sedimentation of the Mekong River. The depth of alluvial soil due to the
sedimentation has very wide range, for example; several meter at Ho Chi Minh
City, 20m at Long An, 70m at My Tho, 200m at Bac Lieu, 260m at Ca Mau (Thao,
(b) General surface geology
Although there are some differences in the formation process, most of the Mekong
Delta can be defined as young alluvial soil (Figure 3.1.4). As an exception, the
area from An Giang Province to Kien Giang Province has some granite hills. In
terms of fault, it could be roughly divided into the Northwest-Southeast fault
system paralleling with two main rivers and the Northeast-Southwest fault system
running from Ca Mau peninsula to Long An Province. Both Tien River and Hau
River runs following the faults. In the case of Tien River, the fault is divided into
two at Vinh Long. These two faults correspond to My Tho River (North) and Co
Chien River (South) respectively, and pinch Ben Tre Province.
Figure 3.1.4 General geology of the Mekong Delta
3.1.4 Soil
The soils of Mekong delta are mainly constituted of deposited alluvial soil
including sand, mud, gravel, and fine debris of shell in coastal area. Generally,
surface soils are clayish and middle level in fertility. However, the existence of
acid sulfate soil makes the soil status more complicated. The soil patterns in the
Mekong Delta can be roughly divided into five groups (Ministry of Industry,
• Alluvium group
This soil group is composed of new alluvial soil brought by Tien River and Hau
River. Therefore, the group is distributed within a limited area where the two
main rivers can provide alluvium. The group covers an area of about 1,100,000
ha (28% of the whole delta). This area is suitable for rice cultivation.
• Saline soil group
This soil group is distributed from Tien Giang to Kien Giang Province along
the coastal zone of the Mekong Delta. Because of the low landform, this area is
extremely vulnerable to saline intrusion and is suffered from saline for 5 to 7
month in a year. Saline water can penetrate into base soil layer and come up to
surface soil by capillary action in dry season. Under this condition, agricultural
activities are still expected with some kinds of improved rice while most of
wild plants are very limited salt-roof species. The group covers an area of
808,749 ha (21% of the Mekong Delta).
• Acid-Sulfate soil group
This soil group is widely shown in the Mekong Delta. The core area is in Dong
Thap Muoi, Long Xuyen quadrangle, and Ca Mau Province. There are two
types of acid sulfate soils, one is called potential acid sulfate soil (PAS) which
has high potential to become actual acid sulfate soil (ASS) and the other is
called ASS. Generally, this soil group area cannot enjoy enough fresh water and
sediment from main river system. The group occupies an area of 1,590,000 ha
(41%) consists of 1,080,236 ha PAS and 510,027 ha actual acid sulfate soil.
• Sand group
This soil group is distributed through the coastal line of Tien Giang, Ben Tre,
Tra Vinh, Soc Trang, and Bac Lieu Province. During the making process, the
Mekong Delta has been suffered marine accretions, and eventually, old coastal
shores of each marine accretion epoch remained on the present Mekong Delta
as sandbars. Therefore, the distribution parallels coastline of the Mekong Delta.
Components in this group are mainly sand including shell fragment.
• Peat land group
This group concentrates around U Minh District in Kien Giang Province and is
scattered around Dong Thap Muoi. Soil has high potential for sulfate. Leaf
mold, which occupies 50% of total component, is piled up from 1.0 to 1.5m in
depth. The sponge-like soil lacks of viscosity, however, wet organic mud can
keep good moisture even in dry season.
• The gray soil group on old alluvium
This soil group is in northern part of the Mekong Delta, Dong Thap and Kien
Giang Province. Mud and sand occupies about 70% of whole components.
Although nutrients in such soil are poor, the soil fulfills conditions for growing
rice or beans.
• Mountain group
This group is in northwest part of the Mekong Delta, Kien Giang and An Giang
Province. Soils are originated from base rocks such as granite, sand stone, and
mud stone. This land is poor in nutrient and vulnerable to erosion.
Thus the soil distribution in the Mekong Delta is deeply associated with
geological land formation process and saline intrusion. Figure3.1.5 is the soil
distribution map of the Mekong Delta. The status of partition is very similar to
topographic distribution, and this fact also supports the idea of the strong
connections between soil and topography in the Mekong Delta. The soil status
of the Mekong Delta reflects water characteristics of the area because soils are
under influence of the combined actions of rivers and the sea.
Figure 3.1.5 Soil distribution map of the Mekong Delta
3.1.5 Meteorology
(a) Climate
The Mekong delta region belongs to the tropical zone under the influence of Asian
Monsoon. There are two clear seasons, the rainy season and dry season, which
characterized by monsoon wind system. The southeast wind possessing high
moisture is the major direction in the rainy season; on the contrary, relatively cold
wind from northeast to southwest is dominant in the dry season. Due to the
pressure pattern in the region, the Mekong Delta seldom suffered from Typhoon,
however, there are some records such as Linda (1998).
Figure 3.1.6 (a)-(c) shows typical pressure patterns in Southeast Asia region. In
spring (or transition season from dry to rainy season), isobars are sparse and wind
is calm. In summer (or rainy season), vicinity of Yunnan Province, China, is low
pressure and isobars are denser than the case of spring. Finally, in autumn and
winter, (or dry season), in land China is high pressure, therefore, the primary wind
direction is reversed in the dry season. Thus the climate in this area strongly
depends on monsoon wind system.
Generally, the rainy season lasts 7 months from May to November and the dry
season lasts 5 month from December to April. According to the W.P.Kưppen's
climatic classification, the Mekong Delta region is defined as the Savannah that
has clear rainy season and dry season.
L: Low pressure
H: High pressure
→: Wind direction
(a) Spring (or end of the dry season)
(b) Summer (or the rainy season)
(c) Autumn & Winter (or the dry season)
Figure 3.1.6 Typical pressure patterns
Revised from Viet Nam National ATLAS, 1996
(b) Rainfall
The rainfall distribution in the Mekong Delta varies spatially and seasonally.
Firstly, because most of the rainfall is given by Southwest monsoon in the rainy
season, west side of the Mekong Delta, such as Kien Giang Province and Ca Mau
Province, has the largest annual rainfall with over 2000mm (Figure 3.1.7). In the
case of Hau River, lower segment has more rainfall with the value of over
1,800mm while upper segment, Chau Doc, records less than 1,400mm in a year.
Meanwhile Tien River is a valley of annual rainfall in Mekong Delta, and most of
the segment along the river shows less than 1,400mm annually. The lowest part of
the delta such as Go Con Village in Tien Giang Province is an area which has the
(a) (b)
least rainfall in South Vietnam (less than 1,200mm). The rainfall in the Mekong
Delta is same as mean annual rainfall in all over Vietnam, 1960mm/year. In terms
of annual rainfall, 2000mm is not an extreme value because some areas in the
region of Monsoon Asia have more than 4,000mm.
Figure 3.1.7 Annual rainfall in the Mekong Delta
Revised from Groundwater of the Nam Bo Plain, 1998
Secondly, the rainfall in the Mekong Delta is uneven in a year. For instance,
according to a specific waveform of rainfall at Can Tho City (Figure 3.1.8), the
subtotal of rainfall from January to April is less than 10% of overall annual
rainfall. The monthly maximum rainfall of 280mm and minimum of 2mm are
recorded in October and February respectively. Thus the rain throughout the dry
season is very rare case in the Mekong Delta, and approximately 80% of total
annual rainfall is caused in the rainy season, from May to November. The annual
rainfall distribution is common pattern in all over the Mekong Delta.
Figure 3.1.8 Annual rainfall distribution at Can Tho City
In the rainy season, there are severe storm mainly in the afternoon and night. The
storm can bring heavy rain, much thunder and strong wind in a very short time,
generally within an hour due to multi-cell type storm. The range of this air mass
thunderstorm might be narrow and the phenomena could be defined as a
Meso-scale convective system. Photo 3.1.1 is the form of cumulus and regional
shower in the Mekong Delta.
Photo 3.1.1 Rain clouds in Can Tho City
3.1.6 River Systems
(a) Natural rivers
The Mekong Delta has many branches originated from two main streams of Hau
River (Bassac River) and Tien River (Mekong River). These streams have carved
by tractive force of river flow. Figure 3.1.9 is the location map of major rivers and
its estuaries in the Mekong Delta. The head word of each estuary, "Cua" means
"door" so could be translated to "mouth" of the river. Although the two mouths,
Cua Bat Xac and Cua Ba Lai, are closed due to long-term sedimentation, there are
nine mouths in the Mekong Delta, and Vietnamese called the river as Cuu Long
(Nine heads dragon) based on the form of river system.
Figure 3.1.9 Major rivers and estuaries in Mekong Delta
The Hau River meanders again and again from Phnom Penh to An Giang Province,
Viet Nam, and the main flow follows a straight fault from Chau Doc to the South
China Sea. At Cho Moi, between Chau Doc and Long Xuyen, Hau River is
connected with Tien River through the Vam Nao Channel.
The Tien River (Mekong River) also comes into the border of An Giang Province
and Dong Thap Province from Cambodia territory. From the uppermost delta to
My Tho City, the river shows bow-like shape due to a fault which is an imprint of
geological joint movement. Near Vinh Long Village, the Tien River is divided into
the Co Chien River and the Tien River (Photo 3.1.2). After that Tien River
produces Ham Luong River and Ba Lai River which enclose Ben Tre Province
like an island. And in the end, Tien River subdivided to Dai River and Tieu River
which mean Big River and Small River respectively, and consequently flow into
the South China Sea.
Photo 3.1.2 Separated point of Co Chien River from Tien River at My Thuan Bridge
The regular survey at each river in
the Mekong Delta still hasn't been
carried out. Figure 3.1.10 shows
the image of average longitudinal
riverbed shape along the two main
streams of the Mekong Delta based
on domestic material (Ministry of
Industry, 1998). Tien River's inlet
from Cambodia is about 240km
upper from its mouth, and this
uppermost segment has near 40m
in maximum depth and the
segment is also deepest through
the whole Tien River. Tien River
loses its depth at downstream
section due to separation of
branches. Hau River has about
200km length in the Mekong
Delta. From the uppermost point,
Châu Ðoc City to Long Xuyên
City, the water depth changes
Figure 3.1.10 Image of longitudinal riverbed
many times from 5 to 30m and it turns shallow gradually. Near Can Tho City,
100km point far from the sea is the deepest section. Therefore, the most practical
navigation route to international vessels is entering from the mouth of Hau River,
passing through Vam Nao Channel to Tien River, and arriving at Phnom Penh
City (Hori, 1996).
(b) Canals
The canal network in the Mekong Delta has been developed widely with the
main purpose of land reclamation. It is very difficult to know exact total distance
of the canals, but the length is longer than the main stream of the Mekong River
from China to Viet Nam. For example, in Can Tho Province, the total distance of
canals is about 4, 032 km in the provincial area of 2, 964 km2, i.e., the unit canal
density in 1 km2 area is 1.8 km/km2 (Can Tho Province, 2001). Some canals are
natural waterway, and others are artificial canal. These canals are concentrated in
Long Xuyen quadrangle, Dong Thap Muoi, and Ca Mau peninsula (Sanh et. al,
1998). Figure 3.1.11 is the main canal network in the Mekong Delta. The
functions of such canals in the Mekong Delta are mainly described as;
1) Drainage
2) Irrigation
3) Flash out degraded soil
4) Water transportation
5) Eco tourism
Thus inland canals in the Mekong Delta have great significance to Agriculture,
Fishery, Forestation, Infrastructure, Economy, and so on. However, there are
some disadvantages of waterways such as growing mosquito, interception of
land road, flood water and saline water intrusion, lack of water in the lower area,
and etc.
Figure 3.1.11 The main canal system in the Mekong Delta
3.1.7 Oceanography
(a) Seabed and Currents
The Mekong Delta fronts to the South China Sea, or the East Sea in Vietnamese,
and Thailand Bay (Figure 3.1.12). The coastal sea of around the Mekong Delta is
relatively shallow for a long distance from shoreline comparing to North Viet
Nam. The area of under 20m in depth is extended to about 30km out from coastal
line of Bac Lieu and Ca Mau Provinces. More than half of this area satisfies the
definition of wetland by Ramsar Wetland Convention, at least 6m depth on the
condition of ebb tide. Continental shelf, less than 200m depth, expands 200km out
in maximum in the direction of south from the Mekong Delta and this area is most
shallow coastal sea around the Indo-china peninsula. However, most of the areas
are just the sea and the area of aquatic vegetation such as mangrove forests are
very limited.
There are some sea currents around the Mekong Delta. Most predominant one is a
cold current from north to south. This current is related to the monsoon which has
north wind ingredient in the dry season. Due to the current, the Cape of Ca Mau
gains on the sea almost 100m every year. These currents originate from west coast
of Philippine and down current from west coast of Taiwan isl. There is also a weak
warm current from south to north which related to the monsoon, especially in
rainy season.
Figure 3.1.12 Inshore status around the Mekong Delta
(b) Tide
The South China Sea, where the Mekong River pours into, is well known with its
very dynamic tidal activity, and the maximum tidal amplitude is about 3-4 m. In
the case of Co Chien River in Tra Vinh Province, it is said that the coastal line
moves about 4km during tidal cycle. This prominent tidal phenomenon causes
change of river water level up to Cambodian territory through the rivers. On the
other hand, west side of the Mekong Delta, Thailand Bay has relatively small tidal
amplitude with under 1 m. Therefore water flux from the South China Sea can
move to upper region easily through the many canals and rivers. Thus, the
characteristics of tidal regimen around the Mekong Delta influences on inland
fresh water system such as saline intrusion. In addition, the tide creates large tidal
flats, particularly in the low-lying regions as the Mekong Delta (Tang, 2001)
Figure 3.1.13 shows annual water level changes due to tidal movement at Phú An
observatory in district 2, Hồ Chí Minh City, in 1986. This point shows typical tidal
regime of the South China Sea, irregular semi-diurnal tide. Along the coastline
from Ho Chi Minh City to the Cape of Ca Mau, flood tide and ebb tide occurs
twice in a day generally. Can Gio Distict, a lower area of Phu An observatory, is
the area where has largest tidal amplitude in Viet Nam, and its maximum range is
3.6-4.0m from September to January (Ho Chi Minh City, 2002). In the Figure
3.1.13, two approximate curves of high water level in red and low water level in
blue are added. Each water level is lower in the rainy season from May to
September and higher in the dry season in reverse. One more characteristic is that
the amplitude of flood tide level is less than ebb tide's one. It means that high
water level in flood tide is almost constant.
Figure 3.1.13 Annual high tide and low tide succession at Ho Chi Minh City
Figure 3.1.14 is a comparison of daily average water level change at Ho Chi Minh
City and Ha Tien Town, typical coastal point of the South China Sea and Thailand
Bay respectively. The plot at each month means average of daily water level
differential between high water level and low water level. The daily water level
differential at Phu An much larger than that one at Ha Tien, i.e. the differential in
the South China Sea is three times larger than Thailand Bay. The maximum water
level at Ha Tien was 1.7m while Phú An recorded 4.8m. Thus the sealevel is
higher in southeast side of the Mekong Delta all year around.
Figure 3.1.14 Mean daily water level difference at Ho Chi Minh City and Ha Tien Town
3.1.8 Water Resources
The water resources in the Mekong Delta can be divided into two parts, surface
water and groundwater. Due to uneven rainfall in the Mekong River Basin and
geographical conditions, the water resources in the region is not stable seasonally
and spatially. For example, at Crache in Cambodia, the flow coefficient [max flow
in a year / min flow in a year] of the Mekong River is 53, i.e., the flow in the flood
season is 53 times as much as the flow in the dry season. In addition, increasing of
water demands in upper area and development of groundwater exploitation cause
severe lack of water in coastal and remote areas.
(a) Surface water
Main source of surface water is river water coming from upstream Cambodia.
However, the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam itself also generates runoff water. The
catchment area in Viet Nam of 70, 520 km2, approximately 8.9% of whole the
Mekong River Basin, provides 54.9 billion m3 runoff water according with 10.8%
of total runoff water from the Mekong River (The World Bank,2002). The
Cambodian boarder points, Tan Chau at Tien River and Chau Doc at Hau River,
water flow from upstream Mekong River Basin is uneven. Before the two main
stream connected by Vam Nao Pass at Cho Moi, Hau River occupies 80% of total
flow from Cambodia and the remainder is provide through Hau River (Figure
3.1.15). Actually, some amount of flood water flows into Viet Nam not thorough
the two main streams but through canals and paddy fields to Dong Thap Muoi low
land area. After Vam Nao Pass, the water flow in Tien River and Hau River
became nearly equal amount as well as water level.
Figure 3.1.15 A model of water flow distribution at each tributaries
(b) Groundwater
Available groundwater volume in the Mekong Delta varies widely according to
aquifer layers. Under the condition ._.
F1 F_Ca Mau 1 None Strong Strong 0.5-1.0
F2 F_Ca Mau 2 None Middle Strong 0.3-0.5
F3 F_Lower delta None Strong Strong less than 0.3
F4 F_Lower Bassac None Middle Strong 0.3-0.5
F5 F_Middle delta Middle Middle Middle 0.5-1.0
F6 F_Upper delta Strong None None 0.5-1.0
F7 F_Top delta Strong None None more than 1.0
F8 F_Tien Giang Middle Middle Middle 0.3-0.5
F9 F_East edge Middle None Middle less than 0.3
* F: Floods
In the overlaid map of floods, the group of zones F1&F2 and F8&F9 are
independent to main river system. Meanwhile, zones from F3 to F7 are divided
vertically to the main river system because the characteristics follows upstream,
midstream and downstream. Thus it can be said that the zoning due to flood is
vertical zoning to the main stream.
4.5 Hydrology
The six of thematic maps as below
are overlaid:
(1) Groundwater (Green line)
(2) Canal system (Blue line)
(3) Hydrological division (Black
(4) Annual rainfall (Red line)
(5) Erosion (Pink line)
(6) Sea
Canal system shows direction of
main waterways, while others
separate the area. Each hydrological
phenomenon is in different stage;
for example rainfall, groundwater,
seawater, and so on, therefore it is a
little difficult to overlook the status.
Figure 4.5.1 The first overlaid map
Firstly, annual rainfall contour lines
and groundwater distribution are
simplified but the characteristics of
rainfall distributions are still
remained. Secondly, canal system is
revised according to the waterway's
direction. Ca Mau Peninsular is
independent from main river
system, while other waterways are
mainly divided into three parts,
namely, trans Bassac, the area
between two main rivers, and Dong
Thap Muoi area. Finally, strong
tidal regime in the South China Sea
is focused, and creates new belt-like
zone along the coastline. Erosion
characteristic are taken in other
Figure 4.5.2 The second overlaid map
Some zoning such as groundwater
distribution are unified again, and
some duplicated lines are re-drawn
by a single line. In this step,
hydrological characteristics are
described by parallel lines to main
river system, while coastal area and
middle of the delta are crossed by
vertical lines of hydrological
analysis. The final overlaid map of
floods is described as Figure 4.5.4.
According to the overlaid map, the
Mekong Delta is divided into ten
zones described as table 4.5.1. Figure 4.5.3 The third overlaid map
Figure 4.5.4 The final overlaid map of hydrology in the Mekong Delta
Table 4.5.1 Outline for zones of hydrology
No. Name Canal Rainfall (mm/y) Hydrology Tide
Y1 Y_Coastline Independent wide range A' B' C' Strong
Y2 Y_Ca Mau Independent more than 2000 A' Middle
Y3 Y_Lower Bassac NE-SW 1800 A' Middle
Y4 Y_Lower mainstream Connect 1600 B' Middle
Y5 Y_Tien Giang West-East 1400 B' Middle
Y6 Y_Lower DTM Independent 1400 C' Middle
Y7 Y_Upper Bassac NE-SW 2000 A Middle
Y8 Y_Upper mainstream Connect 1400 B None
Y9 Y_Upper DTM1 West-East 1400 B None
Y10 Y_Upper DTM2 Independent 1600 C None
* Y: Hydrology
Y7 Y8
Y9 Y10
In the overlaid map of hydrology, zone Y1, coastal area, is separated
independently due to the strong influence of tidal regime. Meanwhile, other areas
are basically zoned by drainage direction and distance from the main river system.
Y8 and Y4, the area between two main streams of the Tien River and Hau River,
are also defined as independent zones because of drainage characteristics. Thus,
hydrological characteristics of limnology in the Mekong Delta are strongly
controlled by drainage system, namely, natural and artificial canals.
4.6 Social conditions
The three of thematic maps as
below are overlaid:
(1) Agriculture (Green line)
(2) Road system (Blue line)
(3) Population density (Red line)
Road system shows connection of
each national road, while other
thematic maps separate the area.
Population density has strong
relation to both the road network
and agricultural potential because
these conditions are the most basic
element to human life.
Figure 4.6.1 The first overlaid map
Firstly, three main national
roads including 1A is focused on in
the road network, because these
roads are main route to Ho Chi
Minh City and two of roads are
connected to Cambodia. Secondly,
as a representative of human
activities, agricultural patterns are
summarized into rice crop pattern.
The areas where farmers can
harvest more than two crops in a
year are picked up. Finally, some
remote partitions of population
density are omitted for simplicity.
Figure 4.6.2 The second overlaid map
Judged by the distance from Ho Chi
Minh City along the National Road
1A, Ca Mau Peninsular is cut out
from main deltaic area. Main river
system area is reformed to take in
other two national roads in it. Other
zoning is mainly controlled by
distribution of population density
after some consideration of other
elements such as crop patterns at
Ben Tre Province. The final
overlaid map of social conditions is
described as Figure 4.6.4.
According to the overlaid map, the
Mekong Delta is divided into seven
zones described as table 4.6.1.
Figure 4.6.3 The third overlaid map
Figure 4.6.4 The final overlaid map of social conditions in the Mekong Delta
Table 4.6.1 Outline for zones of social conditions
No. Name Population Rice crop Road
S1 S_Ca Mau Small No rice Remote
S2 S_Coastline Small No rice Remote
S3 S_Lower mainstream Middle Double crops Main road
S4 S_Ha Tien Middle No rice Remote
S5 S_Mainstream Large Double crops Main road
S6 S_Lower DTM Middle Double crops Middle
S7 S_Upper DTM Small Single crop Middle
* S: Social conditions
In the overlaid map of social conditions, zone S5, the area including main river
system is the central zone. This area is the highest area of population and rice
crops, therefore, concentration of investment, infrastructure, and other human
activities have been occurred. Zone S3 also have same characteristics but the
conditions for such development are worse than S5. Other five areas are separated
geographically, especially at Ca Mau Peninsular and far Dong Thap Muoi area.
S6 S7
5. Conclusion
Our most important materials of study, natural and social basic conditions of the
Mekong Delta of Viet Nam, are gathered and arranged in four major topics of land
conditions, floods, hydrology and social conditions in previous result section.
These four basic zoning is defined as the first-level zoning maps as Figure 5.1.1.
In this discussion section, these maps were developed to zoning maps to asses the
risk for water-related disasters.
Figure 5.1.1 The final overlaid map of social conditions in the Mekong Delta
(a) Land conditions (b) Floods
(c) Hydrology (d) Social conditions
Through the first-zoning of overlaying, two major tendency of zoning became
noticeable, that is; horizontal zoning and vertical zoning around the direction of
main river system. This result from the first-level zoning is very reasonable
because the characteristics and risk of water-related disasters changes according to
the location from upper stream to lower stream and the distance from the main
river. Therefore, these horizontal and vertical zonings can be the basic partition to
discus the risk assessment of the disasters in the Mekong Delta, and this step is
defined as the second-level zoning.
5.1 The second-level zoning
The most different point in the process of between the first-level zoning and the
second-level zoning is that the former is geometric simple overlaying while the
later is more logical-based rezoning. Naturally the geometric zones in the
first-level zoning has great meanings based on basic conditions, however, through
the discussion, that zonings are reunified again and are given much logical
meanings. In addition, another significant role of the second-level zoning is
simplification of the zoning maps to prepare for the final zoning map of risk
assessment on water-related disaster.
5.1.1 Horizontal zoning
Based upon the four overlaid
maps in Figure 5.1.1, the Mekong
Delta can be divided into five
major zones as Figure 5.1.2
The zone H1 has very different
conditions and characteristics
from other zones where main
river system providing freshwater
regularly. It can be said that Ca
Mau Peninsular is independent
from the Mekong Delta
freshwater system basically. As Figure 5.1.2 Horizontal zoning of the Mekong
H2 H3
same as H1, the zone H5 is also independent from the Mekong Delta, and mainly
belongs to the Vam Co River Basin. Geology and other conditions are different,
The zone H2 is the outer zone which is located at the side of Hau River. The shape
of the V2 is parallel with the straight river flow of the Hau River. Meanwhile, H4
is the outer zone located at the side of Tien River, therefore the shape also follows
the shape of the Tien River that includes many meanders and hooks. Thus in the
horizontal zoning, these two outer zones are back marsh of the main river system
consists of the Tien River and the Hau River.
The zone H3 is sandwiched between H2 and H4 and is the core zone of the
Mekong Delta which contains most part of the main river system and major cities
in the Mekong Delta such as Can Tho, My Tho and Vinh Long. This area is
narrow in upper delta and wider in lower delta as development of tributaries.
When the difference of surface water movement in the zone are closed up severely,
the area sandwiched between two main streams, the Hau River and Tien River,
should be separated from outer zones because the area plays a role of water
delivery between the two main rivers.
5.1.2 Vertical zoning
Because the vertical zoning follows
river flow from upper area to the sea,
the areas far from the mainstream does
not have accurate meanings except the
case of coastal zones. Figure 5.1.3
shows the vertical zoning of the
Mekong Delta.
The zone V1 corresponds to the
coastline facing to the South China Sea.
Although there are many different
Figure 5.1.3 Vertical zoning of the Mekong
points in the zone, the most common and strong factor is existence of the sea with
great tide. In the micro view, each river mouth should be intruded much deeper
than the zone described in the figure because sea influences are diffused through
the rivers.
The second inner zone of V2 includes some important provincial capital as Tra
Vinh, Soc Trang and Ca Mau. This belt-like zone is geographically
disadvantageous area, especially in the west part, Ca Mau, Bac Lieu and Soc
Trang. The flood form in this area is tidal flooding under the strong influence of
tidal regime in the South China Sea. These H1 and H2 is the zone of coastal area.
The zone V3 is the core belt of the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam in the case of
vertical zoning. As same as the zone H3 in vertical zoning, V3 includes major big
cities such as Can Tho, My Tho and Vinh Long. The area corresponds with the
buffer zone of fresh riverine water and saline seawater, therefore, high water in
this region depends on both floodwater from upper area and floodtide in the sea.
The upper boundary of the zone V4 was mainly decided by Vam Nao waterway
which connects the Tien River and Hau River in An Giang Province. The
waterway provides floodwater from the Tien River to the Hau River, so that the
water level becomes even in the lower part of the main two rivers. In this area,
riverine flood is much noticeable than tidal flood, and most amount of the flood
water is drained or tanked in this area including Dong Thap Muoi, or Plain of
The uppermost zone of V5 borders on Cambodia on the north edge. The area is
the most flood-prone area due to riverine flood water from upper stream,
especially in east and middle zone. Both flood duration in a year and the degree of
damage due to annual flood in V5 are outstanding in other lower parts of the
Mekong Delta.
5.1.3 Integrated grid zoning
As above discussion, the Mekong Delta was firstly zoned by horizontal and
vertical partition. Each solo zoning has less meanings because of its too wide
range, for example in the case of horizontal zoning, a zone has coast and inner
border to Cambodia. Therefore, to complete the second-level zoning, integration
of the horizontal and vertical zoning is required. Figure 5.1.4 shows integrated
grid zoning based on the horizontal and vertical zoning.
Figure 5.1.4 Horizontal zoning of the Mekong Delta
The integrated grid map is not a simple overlaid map of the horizontal and vertical
zoning map but the grid lines based on those two maps. Some grids in Long An
Province are cut for simplification and a extra line is added between the Hau River
and the Co Chien River at lower part of the Mekong Delta for intimate partitions.
The zones from G1 to G20 in the grid map become basic structure of last zoning
map in the next section. Table 5.1.1 shows the relationships between each gritted
zone and previous zonings.
Table 5.1.1 Outline for zones of social conditions
No. Horizontal Vertical Land condition Floods Hydrology Social
G1 H1 V1 L1 F1 Y1 S1
G2 H2 V1 L1 F3 Y1 S2
G3 H3 V1 L1 F3 Y1 S2
G4 H4 V1 L1 F3 Y1 S2
G5 H1 V2 L3 F2 Y2 S1
G6 H2 V2 L2 F3 Y3 S3
G7 H3 V2 L2 F3 Y4 S3
G8 H4 V2 L2 F3 Y4 S3
G9 H4 V2 L2 F8 Y6 S5
G10 H1 V3 L3 F2 Y2 S1
G11 H2 V3 L4 F4 Y3 S3
G12 H3 V3 L6 F5 Y4 S5
G13 H4 V3 L8 F5 Y5 S5
G14 H5 V3 L10 F5 Y6 S6
G15 H2 V4 L5 F4 Y7 S3
G16 H3 V4 L8 F6 Y8 S5
G17 H4 V4 L11 F6 Y10 S7
G18 H2 V5 L5 F4 Y7 S4
G19 H3 V5 L9 F7 Y9 S5
G20 H4 V5 L12 F7 Y10 S7
Underlined bold values in the table means four values in column of "Land
condition", "Floods", "Hydrology" and "Social conditions" are equal to other
zones. That is, G2, G3 and G4 are very same zones on the point of basic
conditions, as well as G7 and G8 / G5 and G10. These zones should be unified in
the next step when discuss the risk of water-related disasters based on zoning
5.2 The final zoning
5.2.1 Basic grid map
The final zoning maps were set by discussion on multi-factors between the
first-level map and the second-level map. Firstly, the grid map at Figure 5.1.4 was
revised by unifying of some grids mentioned before, and the revised grid map is
defined basic grid map based on second-level zoning for every kind of risk
assessment on the final zoning map. Figure 5.2.1 is the basic grid map of the
Mekong Delta of Viet Nam.
Figure 5.2.1 The basic grid map of the Mekong Delta
The revised points are in the coastal areas. Coastline facing to the South China
Sea is divided into two parts from four parts in the previous map, because only the
coastline at Ca Mau area has different characteristics in floods and social
conditions. The zone G3 and G5 in the above map is also unified due to similarity
of old zoning.
G3 G4
As a result, the basic grid map for discussing on final zoning maps is composed of
sixteen zones. Upon the basic grid map, four first-zoning maps are re-overlaid to
examine the distribution and characteristics again.
5.2.2 Land conditions
The most important factor of land conditions in the Mekong Delta is the border of
saline soil and alluvial soil in terms of water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta.
Acid-sulfate soil condition in the Mekong Delta is also an important issue,
however, in the case of studying water-related disaster, it is not a dominant
condition directly. In this point, the coastline and the blued coastal area is the
saline soil area which corresponds to zone G1, G2, G4, G5, and G6. G3 is the area
of acid-sulfate soil and saline soil is not so predominant because tidal regime in
Thailand Bay is not as strong as the South China Sea.
Another important factor on the land condition is elevation. Due to its inclination,
contour lines on the Mekong Delta were lined following the direction of NE – SW
and NW – SE. Zone G14 is the exception because of its unordinary hilly landform
in the flat delta region. In terms of landform, the basic gird can describe the
difference of open flood plain, or Long Xuyen Quadrangle, and closed flood plain,
Dong Thap Muoi, respectively. Lastly, fresh alluvial area along the main stream is
also separated by the basic grid, therefore, the grid is basically effective for land
conditions in the Mekong Delta.
Figure 5.2.2 Land conditions on the basic gird
5.2.3 Floods
The most characteristics zoning on the floods issue in the Mekong Delta is the
difference of flood forms, especially riverine flood and tidal flood. The border of
these two different types of floods is at the border between the zone G8 and G9m
or a dotted thick line. The important border is not stable and the location is
variable due to season, therefore, G7, G8 and G9 is valid zones to describe buffer
zone which includes the border of riverine flood and tidal flood.
The coastal zones can be integrated to the tidal flood area at both the South China
Sea and Thailand Bay. These areas were separated with the shape of a big fan
from the border of Ho Chi Minh City to Ha Tien Town near the border between
Cambodia and Viet Nam. This shape is very similar to soil distributions of the
Mekong Delta.
Other grid also can describe the characteristics on floods in the Mekong Delta
basically. However, there are some lines which should be reformed as two dotted
thick lines located at upper delta. Duration and degree of riverine flood decrease
as distance from the axis of main river system, therefore the lines become as
Figure 5.2.3 Floods on the basic gird
5.2.4 Hydrology
The zoning on hydrology in the Mekong Delta is very geometric and similar to the
basic grid. The basic grid partitions off the delta more intimate, so the grid map
can describe hydrological characteristics completely. A dotted line in Dong Thap
G8 G9
Muoi area is the only a lack of zoning in the basic grid map.
Figure 5.2.4 Hydrology on the basic gird
5.2.5 Social conditions
All the elements associated to social aspects finally express human activities in the
area, therefore, population density is the strongest index to rank the conditions.
Other factors as agricultural potential and infrastructure follows the population
The most active area of human activities is started from Cambodian border to the
middle delta along the Tien River and Hau River, then change the direction to Ho
Chi Minh City following the national road No.1A. Outer zones follow the fan-like
shape from the Northwest to the East. As the case of hydrology, one additional
dotted line in Dong Thap Muoi area was suggested to clear the border.
Figure 5.2.5 Social conditions on the basic gird
5.2.6 Map for the risk of water-related disaster and evaluation
After the calibration by four topics of land conditions, floods, hydrology and
social conditions, the basic grid finally became the risk assessment map of
water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta. In this final map, the Mekong Delta
is divided into 20 zones described as Figure 5.2.6.
Based on the basic grid map, the final zoning map was revised by four themes in
the first-zoning, therefore, lines separating the delta became smooth shape from
straight line in the basic grid map.
Z1 and Z2 compose the coastline facing to the South China Sea. Z3 occupies
almost all the part of Ca Mau Peninsular. The upper line of Z4 and Z5 were lifted
up to up-stream side but the basic zoning was not changed. Z5 occupies pretty
large area of the lower Mekong Delta. Z6 is the mouth of Vam Co river system
with some part of left bank of the Tien River including My Tho City.
Figure 5.2.6 The final zoning map for risk assessment of water-related disasters
Z7 and Z8 covers lower trans Bassac area including Can Tho Province, or Can
Tho City and Hau Giang Province since 2004. Z9 is the new zoning in this final
step located between the Tien River and Hau River including Vinh Long Town.
Z10 is almost in Tien Giang Province. Z11 is located at lower Dong Thap Muoi,
or Plain of reeds. Z12 lies along the coastline to the Thailand Bay from Ha Tien to
Rach Gia. Z13 plays a role of central Long Xuyen Quadrangle. Z14 is a zone
which connecting the Tien River and Hau River after Vam Nao waterway at Cho
Moi. Z15, Z16 and Z20 occupies main area of Dong Thap Muoi lowland. Z17 is a
unique hilly area including some low mountains. Z18 and Z19 is the most
Z3 Z4
Z7 Z8
Z12 Z13
Z19 Z20
flood-prone area including Chau Doc town.
Above is the outline of each zone in the final map. To make the characteristics
clearer, matrix on each zone with different factors was discussed as Table 5.2.1.
Table 5.2.1 Outline of Zones in the final zoning map
No. Name Land condition Flood form Flood degree Hydrology Social condition Landmarks
Z1 Mui Ca Mau Saline Tidal High Maritime Inactive
Z2 Coastline Saline Tidal High Maritime Inactive
Z3 Ca Mau Peninsula Saline Tidal High Isolated Inactive Ca Mau
Z4 Soc Trang Saline Tidal Low River system Middle
Z5 Lower Delta Saline Tidal Low River system Middle Ben Tre, Tra Vinh
Z6 Lower Vam Co Saline Tidal Middle River system Active Tan An
Z7 Long My Alluvial Buffer High Isolated Middle
Z8 Can Tho Alluvial Buffer Middle River system Active
Z9 Vinh Long Alluvial Buffer Middle River system Active
Z10 My Thuan Alluvial Buffer Middle River system Active
Z11 Vam Co Basin Alluvial Riverine Middle Vam Co River Middle
Z12 Thailand Bay Alluvial Buffer Low Maritime Middle Ha Tien, Rach Gia
Z13 Long Xuyen Alluvial Riverine High Hau River Active
Z14 Cho Moi Alluvial Riverine High River system Active
Z15 Lower DTM Alluvial Riverine High River system Middle
Z16 Cambodian boder Old alluvial Riverine High Isolated Inactive
Z17 Hill Granite rock Flush Low Isolated Inactive
Z18 Chau Doc Alluvial Riverine High River system Active
Z19 Upper delta Alluvial Riverine High River system Active
Z20 Upper DTM Alluvial Riverine High River system Active
Main purpose of the final evaluation for risk of water-related disasters in the
Mekong Delta is qualitative rather than quantitative, although some zones are
classified clearly by the degree of disaster or damages. In this final evaluation, all
the elements in the Table 5.2.1 is reviewed to make a risk map finally. Among the
factors, actually land condition and flood forms express a just identical result in
terms of zoning, therefore, flood forms, flood degree, hydrology and social
conditions are considered indeed.
For example, the figure 5.2.7 shows the pattern of flood forms in the Mekong
Delta following final zoning. As the figure shows, general saying, "flood" in the
Mekong Delta must be identified according to basic natural conditions. The tidal
flood zone is not only the zones where the main cause of flood is tide but also the
area of other factors such as saline soil. Thus each zone based on much natural
and social condition studied in the previous part, therefore, this final zoning can
describe any difference of risk factors or composition of factors as minimum
assessment cells.
Figure 5.2.7 Type of flood in the Mekong Delta
5.3 Conclusion and challenges
The final zoning map and its matrix, Figure 5.2.6 and Table 5.2.1, display the
result of this study briefly. Each zone is very simple in the final zoning, however,
background of the way of zoning supports the result logically in each step.
Firstly, full basic natural conditions and some parts of social conditions are
collected to draw thematic maps of the Mekong Delta with an aim of classifying
water-related natural disasters. Such basic information in the Mekong Delta is
very precious and the meaning of arranging such conditions is as important as the
result of this study, because the raw data is effective to all kinds of research and
project in the future, especially when foreigners discuss with local counter parts in
Viet Nam.
Z3 Z4
Z12 Z13
Z17 Z18
Z19 Z20
Secondly, examination of floods form in the Mekong Delta gave significant
zoning which is supported by other natural conditions such as tidal regime and
soil status. The classification of floods declared three areas of riverine flood area,
tidal flood area and buffer area. Such rough classification is very meaningful
because the flood maps on the Mekong Delta generally have not made a thing of
the origin of floods.
Thirdly, hydrological analysis in some flood years of the Mekong River Basin
provided the correlation among different areas in the Mekong Delta. The
correlations describe complicated surface water movement, and some of results
from the statistic analysis support the difference of basic natural conditions in the
Mekong Delta. And finally, overlaying of thematic maps and the basic grid maps
led the study into the final zoning as above.
The study on water-related disasters in the Mekong Delta is very huge and
complicated matter as previous studies. Therefore, the basic information in this
study and background of final zoning is not enough to describe the risk of
water-related disaster. To compensate this week point, GIS method would be
favorable, however, such digital technology overlook the quality of data source in
general. Mass-disposal in digital technology strictly needs careful choice and use
of original data, and on the viewpoint, each method in the study would be helpful
to understand the conditions in the Mekong Delta in terms of water-related natural
We really hope further studies on the basic natural condition in the Mekong Delta
to provide correct information to other applied researches and difficult
development project in the area.
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