Socialist Republic of Vietnam Republic of the Philippines
A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines in Collaboration
with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist R
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Tóm tắt tài liệu Management practices of vocational training partnerships between selected colleges and enterprises in vinhphuc province: Bases for improving the vocational training and industry relationships, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
epublic of Vietnam
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Thai Nguyen, 2014
In partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in
Education al Management program, this research study entitled Management
practices on vocational training partnerships between selected Colleges and
Enterprises in Vinhphuc province: Bases for improving the vocational training
and industry relationships has been submitted by Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy) and is
hereby recommended for oral examination.
Research Adviser
Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management offered
by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam.
Member Member
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree Doctor of
Philosophy in Educational Management offered by Southern Luzon State University,
Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam.
Dean, Graduate School Ed.D. Vice President, Academic Affairs
In grateful recognition and sincerest thanks for the encouragement, guidance
and unselfish sharing of their knowledge, time, effort and skills, and for the untiring
motivation that leads to the completion of this study, the Researcher acknowledges the
DR. CECILIA N. GASCON, Ph.D., President of the Southern Luzon State
University in the Republic of the Philippines, for her untiring effort and belief that this
collaboration is possible thus enabling us to pursue the Ed.D degree;
DR. DANG XUAN BINH, Ph.D., Director of the International Training Center,
Thai Nguyen University of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, for his enormous
pursuit to provide the Vietnamese people an opportunity to grow through education;
DR. WALBERTO A. MACARAAN, Ed.D., his adviser, for guidance and
endless support for the improvement of this study.
ITC STAFF, for providing the necessary research materials;
their patience and cooperation in answering the questionnaire and for other data given;
MY FAMILY and FRIENDS, for the love and support in one way or the other;
and TO ALL who have contributed to make this study a success.
Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy)
This research is healthfully dedicated to my family
and to all my relatives, my colleagues, friends, classmates, administrators, staffs
and employees for Colleges in Vinhphuc province.
Nguyen Tien Tung (Trudy)
Title page Page
Approval Sheet II
Acknowledgment III
Dedication IV
Table of Contents V
List of Figures VIII
List of Table Ĩ
Abstracts XI
Chapter I. Introduction 1
Introduction 1
Background of the study 2
Objectives of the study 4
Null Hypothesis 5
Significance of the study 6
Scope and limitations 6
Definition of terms 7
Chapter II. Review of literatures and studies 9
Related literature and studies 9
Types of partnership between Enterprises and Colleges 17
Influences of partnership between Colleges and
Enterprises on improving quality of Vocational training 22
Factors influence on partnership between Colleges and
Enterprises 25
Management activities to strengthen partnership with
Enterprises in vt of Colleges 26
Research paradigm 27
Chapter III. Methodology 29
Locale of the study 29
Title page Page
Research design 36
Population and sampling 36
Sampling design and techniques 36
Research instrument 37
Validation of the instrument 38
Data gathering procedure 38
Data processing method 39
Statistical treatment 40
Chapter IV. Results and discussions 41
Profile of respondents 41
Cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in
vocational training in Vinhphuc 50
Assessment about quality of graduate students in Colleges 53
Positive effectiveness and what advantages that Colleges
and students got from the cooperation between Colleges
and Enterprises in training 54
Factors influence on partnership between Colleges and
Enterprises 58
Assess about management activities of the Colleges in
Vinhphuc to enhance cooperation between Colleges and
Enterprises in training 61
Testing a significance differences in the perceived by the 2
groups of respondents (Colleges and Enterprises) about
management activities of the cooperation between
Colleges and Enterprises 67
Proposed formation measures to strengthen the
cooperation between Colleges in Vinhphuc and
Enterprises in vocational training 72
Chapter 5. Summary, Findings, Conclusions and
Recommendations 76
Summary 76
Findings 78
Title page Page
Conclusions 82
Recommendations 85
Bibliography 87
Vietnamese documents 87
English documents 90
Appendix A: Questionaire Checklist 91
Curriculum Vitae 109
Figures Title Page
2.1 Factors of training process 13
Colleges and Enterprises are independent units
model 17
2.3 College is a part of Enterprises model 18
2.4 Enterprises is a part of College model 20
2.5 Training Cooperation in parallel method 21
2.6 Training Cooperation in turn method 21
2.7 Training cooperation in succession method 21
The Schematic Presentation of independent
variables and dependent variables and the result of
Location of respondent Colleges in Vinhphuc
Location of respondent Enterprises in Vinhphuc
3.3 Location of respondent Enterprises in Hanoi city 34
Location of respondent Enterprises in Bacninh
Tables Title Page
3.1 List of the Colleges in Vinhphuc 29
3.2 List of the respondent Enterprises 30
3.3 Ratting scale for respondent's perception 37
Type of data and methods of gatherning and
Frequency Distribution Profile of Principal
and Management Staff as Indicated by Age,
Gender, and Education Attainment and Position
Frequency Distribution Profile of College as
Indicated by Year of Foundation, Number of
training course, Number of teacher, The number
of graduate student, The number of current student
Frequency Distribution Profile of Enterprice
management's Respondent as Indicated by Age,
Gender, and Education attainment and Position
Frequency Distribution Profile of College as
Indicated by Year of foundation, Mode of
Enterprises, Fields of manufacture, Labor resource
Frequency Distribution Profile ofAdministrative
and Staff on Training Manager's Respondent as
Indicated by Age, Gender, and Education
attainment and Position
Frequency Distribution of Enterprises and Colleges
as Indicated by model, method and level
cooperate between Enterprises and College
Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of
quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc
Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of
the Following elements have positive effectiveness
to the technical training in this market and
integration mechanisms
4.9 Mean Distribution of Responses on the what
advantages that Colleges and students got from
Tables Title Page
the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises
Mean Distribution of Responses on the existing
level of the which of the following factors
effected on the current cooperation between
Collegess and Enterprises
Mean Distribution of Responses on the level of
following management activities are
cooperated between Colleges and Enterprises
Significance differences in the perceived by the 2
groups of respondents (Colleges and Enterprises)
on the level of management activities of the
cooperation between Vinhphuc's Colleges and
4.12.2 68
4.12.3 69
4.12.4 70
4.12.5 71
Content of Formation specific measures to
strengthen the cooperation between Colleges in
Vinhphuc and Enterprises in vocational raining
This dissertation with the title "MANAGEMENT PRACTICES OF
objective is to indicate models, methods, management activities of partnership
between Colleges and Enterprises, factors that influence on partnership between
Colleges and Enterprises; make evaluation of the present vocational training quality of
Colleges in Vinhphuc and take a census of the actual situation of partnership between
Colleges and Enterprises and how it influences the vocational training quality.
This study reviews operational status of relationships between Colleges and
Enterprises in Vinhphuc province through groups such as the basic criterion to
determine the real situation and management activities for cooperation between
Colleges and Enterprises in Vinhphuc province. This study used methods of
descriptive statistics, the method of comparison statistics and analysis of variance
through the selection of three respondents, they are Enterprises, Colleges in Vinhphuc
province and State management. Research has shown that the typies of
cooperation between Enterprises with Colleges in Vinhphuc. The researcher tries to
study theories and facts, propose management practices in order to strengthen
cooperation between Enterprises and Colleges in Vinhphuc province to improve VT
Null Hypothesis test results also show that there is no significance differences
in the perceived by the 2 groups of respondents (Colleges and Enterprises) about
management activities of the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises.
Vietnam is in the initial process of socio - economic development strategy of
2011-2020 stage to become an industrialization country. In order to attain sustainable
economic growth, Vietnam’s considerable attention is being paid to 3 main factors:
applying new technology, developing infrastructure, enhancing human resource
quality, of which through vocational training (VT). Hence, developing and raising VT
quality is an indispensable request, demand of the country for enhancing human
resource quality and raising competition capacity of the economy in general.
Throughout the times, as VT in Vietnam has been considered by both the
society and the Government in terms of financial investment and other resources, it
has accomplished encouraging achievements, step by step met the demand of labor
through VT for different economic sectors. As shown in followings:
Vietnam Government has built comprehensive and united law system on
vocational education (consisting of VT law and related legal documents), established
the practice-driven VT system at 3 official levels: primary level, secondary level and
College level.
Vocational education network is relatively properly expanded and allocated
among industries, localities, regions and areas. In 2011, nationwide there were 136 VT
Colleges, 308 secondary VT Colleges; 849 VT centers. and over 1.000 others
institutions (workshops, Enterprises etc.) taking part in VT.
The total number of enrolment in VT increases from 887.3 thousands in 2001 to
1.860 millions in 2011.
Significant investment has been made into developing favorable conditions for
VT, such as VT teachers (in 2010, there were about 35.000 VT teachers - increase 4
times compared with 2001); developing VT curricula, infrastructure, equipments for
VT institutions (VTI). Since 2008, VT accreditation and worker’s occupational skill
assessment has been implemented. The system of criteria, standards and procedure for
accreditation has been issued. About 70% graduates are employed or self-employ right
after graduation, this rate obtains over 90% in some occupations and in some VTIs
Resources for VT is diversified, where the national budget holds key role
(accounting for about 60%). National budget for VT increases yearly (4,9% and 9% of
total national budget for education and training respectively in 2001 and in 2010).
However, there remains some limits in Vietnam VT:
Although VT quality has been improved, it fails to meet the demand of labor
market, in terms of occupational skills and soft skills such as industrial style, team-
working. There remains a big gap between Vietnamese workers and those in
developed countries in the world and in the region in terms of occupational skills and
Level-based and occupation-based training structure is not very suitable,
irrelevant to the demand of human resource of each industry, each locality; hasn’t met
the demand of high quality technical human resource for production and labor market.
Favorable condition for ensuring quality in VT is still insufficient; vocation teachers
are insufficient in quantity and quality.
Strong partnership between Enterprises and VTIs has not been established.
Participation of Enterprises in VT is still passive, Enterprises have not been considered
one of the entities in VT activity by written documents. However, a strong and
institutionalized partnership between Enterprises and VTIs has not been established.
Participation of Enterprises in VT is very passive, there lacks of important legal
documents and regulation speculating business community and its role as one related
partner in VT.
Depending upon above-mentioned fact and the researcher’s ability, the study’s
main purpose is to study and clarify the managing practices contributing to strengthen
the partnership between Colleges and Enterprises in VT in Vinhphuc province.
Vinhphuc is a province located in the Northern Key Economic Region of
Vietnam, next to Thai Nguyen province and Tuyen Quang to the North, and to Phu
Tho province to the West, and to Hanoi capital to the East and the South. The province
has natural area of 1.230,98 km2, average population of 2008 is 1.014,5 thousands.
The growth rate is always at high level among the provinces of Red River Delta and
The Northern Key Economic Region, much higher than national growth rate. The
province’s education and training has been strengthened to meet the demand for
educated labor for socio-economic development and people’s educational demand.
Now, there are 4 universities and 7 Colleges in the Vinhphuc province.
Vinhphuc’s VT has developed recently both in the number of training places and the
number of trained people in Vinhphuc. However, almost VTI in Vinhphuc have rather
low training quality. A lot of graduated people don’t satisfy the job’s requirement.
Vinhphuc’s VT systems have helped to train workers for socio-economic
development, to enhance people’s living standard. Nevertheless, there are some
shortcomings of VT beside achievements, as follow: it is lack of infrastructure of
Colleges, classrooms, equipments for teaching and learning; teachers’ qualification is
at medium; VT system hasn’t met the demand of labor market of training levels and
training scale. VT is not really relevant to labor market.
Generally, according to employers’ evaluation after employing the students:
most of graduated students can’t start professional work at once; they themselves can’t
make studying plans to fulfill themselves in working; they have insufficient or even
they have not soft necessary skills for the assigned job. They have insufficient
knowledge of career standards, professional working requirements and easily
discouraged when facing difficulties, insufficient sense of learning.
Above fact shows that the VT in Colleges haven’t met the requirement of the
employers; Colleges haven’t related to society, training hasn’t attached with usage.
There are many reasons are different but I think one of the most important reasons is
insufficient relation between Colleges and Enterprises in training career. Proposed
Training Formation program mostly based on their ability but they don’t care
correlative demand curve of the Enterprises. This leads to unbalance supply-demand in
scale, structure and especially quality causing big waste and ineffective training. It can
be said that, attachment between training and usage, Colleges and society tend to
increase with transformation into market mechanism. Nevertheless, it is still
insufficient that training outputs haven’t met the socio-economic development, the
demand of employers. The reasons are varied, of which there the reasons rising from
the trainers, employers and society.
Based on theory, the researcher tries to study theories and facts, propose
management practices in order to strengthen cooperation between Enterprises and
Colleges in Vinhphuc province to improve VT quality.
The study's objective is to indicate models, methods, management activities of
partnership between Colleges and Enterprises, factors that influence on partnership
between Colleges and Enterprises; make evaluation of the present vocational training
quality of Colleges in Vinhphuc and take a census of the actual situation of partnership
between Colleges and Enterprises and how it influences the vocational training
quality. Base on the discovery of the study, the research have suggested management
measures to strengthen partnership between Colleges and Enterprises.
Specifically, it have sought to find out the following:
1. Identify the profile of the respondents in term of:
1.1. Principal and management staff of Colleges:
1.1.1. Age
1.1.2. Gender
1.1.3. Educational Attainment
1.2. Colleges:
1.2.1. Years of foundation
1.2.2. Number of training course
1.2.3. Number of teachers
1.2.4. The number of students (present)
1.2.5. The number of graduate students
1.3. Enterprises:
1.3.1. Years of foundation
1.3.2. Mode of Enterprises
1.3.3. Fields of manufacture
1.3.4. Number of labor resource
2. Find out the models, methods and levels of cooperation between Colleges
and Enterprises in vocational training in Vinhphuc:
2.1. Model of cooperation
2.2. Method of cooperation
2.3. Level of cooperation
3. Assess about quality of graduate students from Colleges and positive
effectiveness and what advantages that Colleges and students got from the cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises in training.
4. Evaluate the factors that affect the cooperation between Colleges and
Enterprises, in which factors may have done well and which factors need to be
5. Assess about management activities of the Colleges in Vinhphuc to enhance
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training.
6. There is significance differences in the perceived about management
activities of the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises.
7. Proposed formation measures to strengthen the cooperation between
Colleges in Vinhphuc and Enterprises in vocational training.
There is no significance differences in the perceived by the 2 groups of
respondents (Colleges and Enterprises) about management activities of the cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises.
This study attempting to know the influence of management activities to
strengthen cooperation between Enterprises and selected Colleges in Vinhphuc which
would be beneficial to the following:
Colleges’ Administrators. It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving
some new management activities for Colleges’ administrators in strengthening
partnership with Enterprises to improve quality of Colleges’ training. The study
would provide administrators with a clear idea on how beneficial is in cooperation
with Enterprises. In the same manner, school’s trade name could develop; its
position and prestige could be improved in society.
Enterprises. The study could make the Enterprises know more about their
benefit and responsibility when cooperating with Colleges. They also understand that
partnership with Colleges is an important solution to make sure stable development of
Teachers. The result of the study is of great help to teachers because it is
necessary to be good at theory but also have steady skill to teach practice. Good
partnership between Enterprises and Colleges provide good conditions for teachers to
approach new technology, update science and technology development. The researcher
hopes to contribute to a new avenue in fostering teachers by taking them to study
technology in factories yearly. Through this, improving teacher quality would lead to
better quality training because of having teachers who are good at both theory and
Students. They was benefited by this study since they are the main concerns of
educators. Good partnership between Enterprises and Colleges make educators
understand more about society’s demand and educators train what the society need but
don’t train what they have. In this way, learners would have knowledge, skills,
attitudes and other soft skills to be able to find a stable job in companies, ensuring
their own life future.
Future researchers. This study could provide references for future proponents
who wish to venture a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research. Thus, study
on partnership between Colleges and Enterprises to improve training quality could
serve as resources for other studies.
The primary purpose of this study was to further investigate management
activities to strengthen partnership between Enterprises and 7 Colleges in Vinhphuc
province to improve quality of VT quality. There were 168 people as invited
respondents in this study: 2 Deputy Director of Department of Labor - Invalids and
Social Affairs of Vinhphuc , 5 VT Management officials of Department of Labor -
Invalids and Social Affairs of Vinhphuc; 2 Deputy Director Department of Education
and Training of Vinhphuc, 5 Professional Training officials of Department of
Education and Training of Vinhphuc; 7 rectors of Colleges in Vinhphuc province, 7
Head of Training Departments of Colleges, 42 Head of Faculty in the Colleges; 20
Directors of Enterprises, 20 Head of Human Resource Departments of Enterprises.
The time frame of this study covered the period from February 2012 to August
For the clarity and better understanding of the study, the following
terminologies are defined both operationally and conceptually.
Cooperation is together join, help each other in a certain work and field to gain
common goal.
Human resource indicates people who are and was supply of diversified social
labor force including the youth studying in general education bases, vocational
education bases and College-university. Only potential is mentioned when taking
about human resource; then in the training process, it is the use and improvement of
human resource really influence on socio-economic development.
Management activities are all implemented through its function, as making
plan, organizing, directing, testing and evaluating.
Management is conscious activity of managing subjects to control impact on
the objects, subject to gain management goal.
Method bears narrower meaning than solution; it is system of using ways to
implement any activity. It reflects the way of implementing content, which includes
deploying goal, argument content and technical structure to perform content;
Partnership is both a specific legal entity and an intellectual approach as to
how a business is going to be run.
Profession is a type of work which requires us to get specialized training
process to have certain knowledge, professional high skill. Thank to profession
activity process, one can make products to satisfy individuals and society.
Solution is method to solve a problem, which include both content and
Strengthening is “to make stronger, much more ".
Training Cooperation in parallel method is method that theory and on-the-
job training are parallel at both Colleges and Enterprises during the training time
Training Cooperation in succession method is method that theory and basic
practice are done at Colleges in classroom and Colleges’ workshop. Then students go
for their on-the-job training at Enterprises.
Training Cooperation in turn method is method that theory is trained at
Colleges, basic practice and on-the-job training are done in turn at Colleges and at
Vocational training is a process of transmitting and perceiving certain
knowledge system, skill, vocational attitude generalized in trained career; a process of
practicing skills, high technique, attitude and career capacity of learners to form
vocational qualification. This is implemented through teaching according to standard
of trained careers.
Vocational training quality is a level that learners achieve in accordance with
planed training goal, at the same time accord with and meet the demand and
requirement of production, labor market.
This chapter presents the relevant readings and related literature which
bear significance and similarities in this study. This also includes the paradigm and
the definition of terms that could help the readers to fully understand the context
of this study.
Vietnam is in the renovative process of VT system to gradually meet the
demand of labor market and society in the context of national development and region
integration. This is a remarkable point in Vietnam 2011-2020 strategy of socio-
economic development which is considered a national breakthrough strategy to
become industrialized countries. Hence, the strategy goal of the country is to achieve
breakthrough VT quality in the context of ASIAN integration. Then, VT strategy in
Vietnam’s 2011-2020 stage directing to the goal “raising quality and expanding VT
scale meet the demand of every field, needing well skilled workers at homeland and
for export”. By 2020, VT meet the demand of labor market in both quality and
quantity, career structure and training qualification, at the same time contribute to
improving income, alleviating poverty and ensuring social security. Training quality of
some fields obtain the similar level with developed countries in ASEAN and in the
Vietnam managers of VT desire to have breakthrough VT quality with many
different solution groups, for example: setting up national career skill standards
corresponding with society requirement; forming career formation program meets the
defined norms; training, improving and developing vocational teachers; cooperating
with Enterprises in training career; renovating financial mechanism for career training
until 2020; strengthening international cooperation, especially with developed
countries in VT.
Challenges related to achieving ambitious target of vocational development and
renovation can not be successfully solved by only government. So, active participation
of related sides in VT especially business community is very important and getting
more and more attention. It is considered in various fields and positive impacts when
cooperating with business community-individuals, private and state-owned
Enterprises. As VT plays an important role of output standards (quality) for career
trainers from worker users, vocational standard setup is an important filed in which
businesses’ participation with the guide role is very essential. Other cooperation is to
train career based on organization cooperation activities. Following this, vocational
education components especially practice skills are implemented at Enterprises. It is
the most ideal to organize that program in the shape of learning at working places,
combining learning with working. Its benefit is to increase demand direction, raise
cost effect (because investment in practice workshops at career places and related
transport costs are reduced) which help learners adapt with working situations and
connect them with potential labor users. Other cooperation field is the participation of
different economies in vocation teacher building. How Enterprises community actively
takes part in VT is a key problem for achievement direction cooperation. Proved
successfully activities are equal cooperation as well as convince basing on benefits
obtained by both of two sides. It also includes appropriate participation of Enterprises
in strategy setup and career training policies.
Management is a special activity, closely attached to development process.
Especially, management plays a very important role at present world. Assigning,
cooperation in work contribute to achieving high output, which comprises managing,
cooperating, managing, testing,
According to Peter F. Drucker (1999), the final goal of science of management
is how to limit risk, get over abroad risk, avoid risk for organization.
Aunapu F.F (1994)... improving high-qualified human resource is the function of VTI,
if this function is not well performed, there is no place for existing, and trained
human resource is exactly the main motivation of Enterprises.
Information of each other: information is considered blood vessel of every
system. If managing is considered a system, it is impossible to lack information in
managing process. In the relation between VTI and Enterprises, if both of two sides
don’t have necessary information of each other, they face many difficulties and
barriers in partnership.
Demand and ability of both two: ability of organization is finance, facility,
labor and management ability. Ability could be improved according to progress but no
demand resulting to no partnership. Demand is normally in implicit, only when
subjects aware that objects are able to satisfy demand and at this time demand exists
and becomes motivation encouraging subjects to actively act in order to evading
objects with a view of meeting demand. Thus, in capacity of being administrators, it is
in need for both VTI leaders and Enterprises to have art of provoking implicit demand
for their organization as well as partner to strengthen cooperation.
Conformity level between goals, content of formation program with production
reality: it is Enterprises, the most dynamic in economy. It is survival for Enterprises to
adapt sharply and quickly with demand and requirement of market, so they should
change operation way to meet demand. whereas, goal and content of formation
program always tend to change more slowly, which causes a gap between "what
Colleges have " with "what Enterprises need ". Where ever this gap is minimized,
partnership between VTI and Enterprises was favorable [9, p38-42].
By searching “management” concept, management process includes 4 structure
components, which is administrator, administrative object and objective factors,
administrative target. With self-conscious impact of administrators, these components
are reciprocal influence and thanks to this, administrators implement management
tasks to gain managing goals. To gain management goal, administrators have to use
tools, facilities, measure, and method to impact on managing subject. So, how is
management measure understood to strengthen partnership in training with VTI?
Due to the researcher, management activities to strengthen partnership with
Enterprises in VT of Colleges is conscious activity of principals in order to control,
impact on cooperation with Enterprises in training to gain the target which is
strengthening partnership with Enterprises in training to improve VT quality.
Figure 2.8. The Schematic Presentation of independent variables and dependent
variables and the result of research
This research paradigm shows the The models, methods and levels of
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises, the factors that affect the cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises and management activities to enhance cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises in training and training quality taken from the
achievement of students after final exam and graduation exam, ability to find job after
graduating. The important subject that research focus is to post management measures
to strengthen partnership between Enterprises and Colleges in Vinhphuc province.
The models, methods and
levels of cooperation between
Colleges and Enterprises:
Model of cooperation
Method of cooperation
Level of cooperation
The factors affect to the
cooperation between colleges and
Management activities to
enhance cooperation between
colleges and enterprises in
VT quality of colleges in
Independent variables
Dependent variables
Quality of VT are affected by many factors such as: goal, content of
formation program; training measure; characteristics of students’ learning activity at
VTI; material facilities, teaching equipment; partnership between VTI and Enterprises
etc. In which cooperation between VTI and Enterprises plays a special role, especially
in the tendency of international economic integration with hot competition of
product’s quality, even special products that is human resource training.
Some researchers in domestic and abroad have studied on cooperation between
VTI and Enterprises, but the number was not various and the results were limited and
are unsystematic.
Improving quality of VT is vital requirement to satisfy industrialization and
modernization of our country at present. It requires that workers must be flexibly
trained, suit market’s changes. It means that quality of training human resource is not
only showed in knowledge, skills and attitude. According to present point of view,
these factors are only hardware of training quality but more important thing is that
training quality must be showed in software, which is creativity and adaptability.
Creativity and adaptability are not nature but through taking exercise. The best
environment for developing this ability of learners is reality of production at
Enterprises. It is the whole society’s responsibility to offer favorable conditions for
VT, and need to emphasize that the firstly is the principals of VTI. It is principals
themselves need aware that changing management activities to continuously
strengthen cooperation with Enterprises to contribute on improving Colleges’ quality
of training.
This chapter deals with the locale of the study, research design,
population and sampling, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment used in
the study.
This study was conducted in 7 selected Colleges in Vinhphuc of which are
administered by Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of Vinhphuc and
20 big Enterprises in the North Vietnam.
The respondent Colleges are the following:
Table 3.1. List of the Colleges in Vinhphuc
No. Name Address website Address
1 Military Vocational
College No.2
Lung Hoa ward, Vinh
Tuong district, Vinhphuc
2 PhucYen College of
Industry Trung Nhi ward, Phuc
Yen town, Vinhphuc
3 Vietnam Germany
Vocational College of
Vinhphuc Lien Bao ward, Vinh
Yen city, Vinhphuc
4 Viet-Xo Vocational
College No.1 Xuan Hoa ward, Phuc
Yen town, Vinhphuc
5 Vinhphuc College www.caodangvinhp
Trung Nhi ward, Phuc
Yen town, Vinhphuc
6 Vinhphuc Technology and
Economics College Hoi Hop ward, Vinh Yen
city, Vinhphuc province
7 Vocational College of
Agricultural Mechanics Tam Hop ward, Binh
Xuyen ward, Vinhphuc
The respondent Enterprises are the following:
Table 3.2. List of the respondent Enterprises
No. Name Address
1 19-8 Mechanical Co., Ltd. Minh Tri ward, Soc Son, Hanoi city
2 Foxconn Technology Group in
Que Vo Industrial Zone, Van Duong
ward, Bacninh city, Bacninh province
3 Goshi-ThangLong Auto parts
Co., Ltd.
Sai Dong ward, Gia Lam town, Hanoi
4 Katolec Vietnam Co., Ltd. Quang Minh Industrial Zone, Me Linh
District, Hanoi
5 Meiko Electronics Vietnam Co.,
Thach That – Quoc Oai Industrial Zone,
Phung Xa ward, Thach That district,
6 Nippon Konpo Vietnam Co., Ltd. Noi Bai Industrial Zone, Quang Tien
ward, Soc Son District, Hanoi
7 Nissin brake Vietnam Co., Ltd. Quat Luu ward, Binh Xuyen district,
Vinhphuc province
8 Phucyen Construction and
Commerce Co., Ltd.
Trung Nhi ward, Phuc Yen district,
Vinhphuc province
9 Piaggio Vietnam Co., Ltd. Binh Xuyen Industrial Zone, Binh
Xuyen district, Vinhphuc province
10 Prime group JSC. Binh Xuyen Industrial Zone, Binh
Xuyen district, Vinhphuc province
11 Summit Auto Seats Industry Co.,
Noi Bai Industrial Zone, Quang Tien
ward, Soc Son District, Hanoi
12 TOA Vietnam Co., Ltd. North Thanglong Industrial Zone, Dong
Anh District, Hanoi
13 TOKYO Micro Vietnam Co.,
North Thanglong Industrial Zone, Dong
Anh District, Hanoi
14 Tuan Tai JSC. Trung Nhi ward, Phuc Yen district,
Vinhphuc province
No. Name Address
15 Vietnam Germany Steel Pipe
Binh Xuyen Industrial Zone, Binh
Xuyen district, Vinhphuc province
16 Vietnam Honda Co., Ltd. Phuc Thang ward, Phuc Yen town,
Vinhphuc province
17 Vietnam Samsung Electronics
Co., Ltd.
Yen Phong I Industrial Zone, Yen Trung
ward, Yen Phong district, Bacninh
18 Vietnam Toyota Co., Ltd. Phuc Thang ward, Phuc Yen town,
Vinhphuc province
19 Xuan Hoa Furniture Co., Ltd. Xuan Hoa ward, Phuc Yen town,
Vinhphuc province
20 Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam
Co., Ltd.
Noi Bai Industrial Zone, Quang Tien
ward, Soc Son District, Hanoi
On the succeeding pages, the location map of the aforementioned Colleges and
Enterprises are presented and markets as figures 10 to 13.
Figure 3.1. Location of respondent Colleges in Vinhphuc province
Scale: 1:40.000
4 5
1. PhucYen college of industry
2. Vinhphuc College
3. Vocational college of agricultural
4. Viet Xo vocational college No.1
5. Vietnam Germany vocational college of
6. Vinhphuc Technology and Economics
7. Military Vocational College No.2
Figure 3.2. Location of respondent Enterprises in Vinhphuc province
1. Vietnam Honda Co., Ltd.
2. Vietnam Toyota Co., Ltd.
3. Tuan Tai JSC.
4. Phucyen Construction and Commerce
Co., Ltd.
5. Vietnam Germany Steel Pipe JSC.
6. Prime group JSC.
7. Piaggio Vietnam Co., Ltd.
8. Nissin brake Vietnam Co., Ltd.
9. Xuan Hoa Furniture Co., Ltd.
1 2
3 4
Scale: 1:40.000
Figure 3.3. Location of respondent Enterprises in Hanoi city
Scale: 1:40.000
10. 19-8 Mechanical Co., Ltd.
11. Zamil Steel Buildings Vietnam Co., Ltd.
12. Nippon Konpo Vietnam Co., Ltd.
13. Summit Auto Seats Industry Co., Ltd.
14. Katolec Vietnam Co., Ltd.
15. TOKYO Micro Vietnam Co., Ltd.
16. TOA Vietnam Co., Ltd.
17. Goshi-ThangLong Auto parts Co., Ltd.
18. Vietnam Toyota Co., Ltd.
18. Meiko Electronics Vietnam Co., Ltd.
17 18
Figure 3.4. Location of respondent Enterprises in Bacninh province
19. Vietnam Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd.
20. Foxconn Technology Group in VietNam
Scale: 1:40.000
The study was started from the determination of its basic content, what value
of research theory and practice is. Apply the theoretical research methods to review
the previous studies related to this study.
This study was conducted to correlate independent variables namely
partnership between Enterprises and Colleges, the models, methods and levels of
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises, the factors that affect the cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises and management activities to enhance cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises in training impacting dependent variable is quality
in vocational training in Vinhphuc’s Colleges.
Base on the data analysis results that obtained from the investigation, apply the
evaluated research methods to make conclusions or recommendations related to
research problems.
This study was conducted in 7 Colleges in Vinhphuc and 20 big Enterprises in
the North Vietnam. There were about 180 people as selected respondents in this study,
they are 2 Deputy Director of Department of Labor - Invalids and Social Affairs of
Vinhphuc , 5 VT Management officials of Department of Labor - Invalids and Social
Affairs of Vinhphuc; 2 Deputy Director Department of Education and Training of
Vinhphuc, 5 Professional Training officials of Department of Education and Training
of Vinhphuc; 7 rectors of Colleges in Vinhphuc province, 7 Head of Training
Departments of Colleges, over 50 Heads of Faculty in the Colleges; 20 Directors of
Enterprises, 20 Head of Human Resource Departments of Enterprises and 40 foreman
of factories.
All respondents were selected by selection techniques. Because the
characteristics of this study only to those who are responsible and have enough
information to answer, such as: Principal and Management Staff of Colleges, State
Administrative Chief and Staff on Training, Enterprises Managements.
The Researcher will utilize the questionnaire as the main instrument for data
gathering. There were three sets of questionnaires used for respondents. Each
questionnaire is composed of two. Part I pertains to the personal profile of the
respondent, Part II bring forth the respondent's perception on elements of level of
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises. The respondents shall answer the
questionnaire based on a five point scale (Linker's Scale) to measure the perception.
The result shall be ranked and averaged to get the common perception of the
respondents. The following table shows the choices to be made by the respondents
using the Likert's 5-point Scale:
Table 3.3. Ratting scale for respondent's perception
Point Ranges Choice Description Verbal Interpretation
5 4.20 - 5.00 Strongly Agree Very High (VH)
4 3.40 - 4.19 Agree High (HI)
3 2.60 - 3.39
Neither Agree nor
Average (AV)
2 1.80 - 2.59 Disagree Low (LO)
1 1.00 - 1.79 Strongly Disagree Very Low (VL)
In addition, the researcher used other methods and instruments to gather data
as follow:
Observation: approaching, overall observing, keeping a close watch on
expressions depicted in the partnership process between vocational Colleges and
Enterprises; discovering factors influencing on that partnership.
Studying materials and dynamic works: through stored documents, closing
report of Colleges, Labor and Social welfare Services in Vinhphuc to deeply
investigate the partnership process between vocational Colleges and Enterprises in
order to have experiences contributing to withdraw science judgment.
Conversation: making conversation, live talking with prestigious and
experienced objectives in managing to gather more data for this study.
Counseling the idea from the experts: counseling the idea from the experts of
training management in general and vocational training management activities in
An unstructured interview was also conducted to cross check the participants’
Before print all questionnaires to survey respondents, the researcher due pretest
about 15 questionnaires. Though this pretest we check and assess questionnaire.
Some items on the questionnaire were based from published patterns to assure best
outcomes of the data gathering process, and the validity of the research instrument and
modified to include items that specifically fit the type of the study.
For starting research, the researcher requested for permission from SLSU and
TNU for approving the field of research.
To preparing for the research, the researcher spent time to review literatures
and related studies
The study made use of both primary and secondary data. The primary data
were gathered from survey respondents. A survey questionnaire was administered to
the respondents.
Preparing research instrument such as checklist and questionnaire for
information collections. The checklist and questionnaire based on the research topic
and the objective of the survey.
Checking of the instrument, validating and final revise the instrument to make
sure all information can be collected by using the instrument. The pretest phase is
useful for validating the questionnaire.
The secondary data were taken from the various sources including report
coming from the research policies, guidelines and policies of the party and state
policies and direction of economic development - social and educational development
of Vinh Phuc; the Education Law, education development strategy and training in
Vietnam etc.
The actual data gathering procedures was done through several processes.
After the finalization of the instrument, the researcher contacted the vocational
training administrators, the heads of Enterprises and the principals of Colleges through
telephone in order to schedule the visits to their offices. Here, the researcher would
inform the object of the study and request for their partnership by distributing the
questionnaire to the respondents. Those visits were done during the month of May.
While waiting for the respondents to finish answering the questionnaires, the
researcher go to Vietnam Institution of Vocational Training Study to request for
pertinent information regarding the vocational training quality, the evaluation made by
the experts and Enterprises of the partnership between Colleges and Enterprises and
other critical information. The researcher have some another actions, such as,
approaching, overall observing, keeping a close watch on expressions depicted in the
partnership process between vocational Colleges and Enterprises; discovering factors
influencing on that partnership. Studying materials and dynamic works: through stored
documents, closing report of Colleges to deeply investigate the partnership process
between vocational Colleges and Enterprises in order to have experiences contributing
to withdraw science judgment. Making conversation, live talking with prestigious and
experienced objectives in managing to gather more data for this study and counseling
the idea from the experts: counseling the idea from the experts of training management
in general and vocational training management activities in particular.
Finally the questionnaires were retrieved in late June 2013 thus tallying,
tabulating and analyzing the data followed.
After the retrieval of the questionnaire the following the researcher done as:
Encoding of data, data clean (hand with outline and missing value) before entering
into computer using Microsoft Excel. Data analysis and evaluation by using Microsoft
Excel and SPSS program for ANOVA analysis.
To answer the problems posed in this study, the following statistical tools were
applied on the data collected, in which: Some qualitative and quantitative criteria such
as: gender, age, department, position, working experiences, which was processed
through frequency or distributed percentage.
Table 3.4. Type of data and methods of gatherning and processing
Item Methodology Type of Data
Profile of respondents Frequency Count,
Cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in
vocational training in Vinhphuc
Weighted Mean,
Assessment about quality of graduate students in
Colleges positive effectiveness and what
advantages that Colleges and students got from
the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises
in training
Weighted Mean,
Factors influence on partnership between
Colleges and Enterprises
Frequency Count,
Assess about management activities of the
Colleges in Vinhphuc to enhance cooperation
between Colleges and Enterprises in training
Weighted Mean,
Testing a significance differences in the
perceived by the 2 groups of respondents
(Colleges and Enterprises) about management
activities of the cooperation between Colleges and
ANOVA - one
This chapter presents the data on tables with their corresponding analysis
and interpretation. The presentation followed the situation of cooperation between
Enterprises and Colleges in vocational training.
Table 4.1 shows age, gender, educational attainment, difference in profile of
Principal and Mangement Staff of Colleges at Vinhphuc province as Indicated by Age,
Gender, and Education Attainment and Position.
Table 4.1
Frequency Distribution Profile of Principal and Management Staff as Indicated
by Age, Gender, and Education Attainment and Position
Indicators Frequency Percent
1. Age bracket:
<25 2 2.6 2.6 2.6
25-29 4 5.1 5.1 7.7
30-34 16 20.5 20.5 28.2
35-39 13 16.7 16.7 44.9
40-44 17 21.8 21.8 66.7
45-49 14 17.9 17.9 84.6
50-54 9 11.5 11.5 96.2
>54 3 3.8 3.8 100
Total 78 100 100
2. Gender:
Male 51 65.4 65.4 65.4
Female 27 34.6 34.6 100
Total 78 100 100
3. Education attainment:
University Bc 6 7.7 7.7 7.7
Master 64 82.1 82.1 89.7
Indicators Frequency Percent
Doctor 8 10.3 10.3 100
Total 78 100 100
3. Positions:
Principal 7 9 9 9
Vice Principal 14 17.9 17.9 26.9
Department Head 22 28.2 28.2 55.1
Faculty Head 35 44.9 44.9 100
Total 78 100 100
Figures in the table above indicate that the age of leaders and management
staff of Colleges in Vinhphuc, mainly from 40 to 44 is 21.8%, the age from 30-34 is
20.5% and the age from 45-49 is 17.9%. This shows that officials of the College of
Vinh Phuc relatively young, dynamic, consistent with the requirements of
development and innovation today.
However, most of leaders are male, making up 65.4% (nearly 2 times female).
This data probably shows weakness in training the female leaders in the Colleges in
Vinhphuc province.
The table also shows educational attainment of management staff in the
Colleges in Vinhphuc. Most of management staff is Master and over, Master is 82.1%.
This is corresponding to current principles, because according to the principles for
Vietnam Colleges, Principals and management staff must have Master and over. The
number of management staff having University Bachelor mainly work in offices.
Percentage of managers surveyed are relatively consistent, increase reliability
and to evaluate the interest of the responsible person at Vinh Phuc Colleges, as many
as 07 principals involved answered (are 9%), Vice Principals are 17.9%, Department
Head are 28.2% and Faculty Head are 44.9%.
Table 4.2 following shows the most general information of the Colleges at
Vinhphuc province such as: Year of Foundation, Number of training course, Number
of teacher, The number of graduate student, The number of current student.
Table 4.2
Frequency Distribution Profile of College as Indicated by Year of Foundation,
Number of training course, Number of teacher, The number of graduate student
and The number of current student
Indicators Frequency Percent
1. Year of Foundation:
10-19 years 1 1.3 14.3 14.3
20-29 years 3 3.8 42.9 57.1
30-39 years 1 1.3 14.3 71.4
50 years and more 2 2.6 28.6 100
Total 7 9 100
2. Number of training course:
1-10 3 3.8 42.9 42.9
11-20 2 2.6 28.6 71.4
21-30 1 1.3 14.3 85.7
>30 1 1.3 14.3 100
Total 7 9 100
3. Number of teacher:
1-100 1 1.3 14.3 14.3
151-200 3 3.8 42.9 57.1
>200 3 3.8 42.9 100
Total 7 9 100
4. The number of graduate
5.000 – 10.000 1 1.3 14.3 14.3
10.001 - 15.000 2 2.6 28.6 42.9
15.001 - 20.000 2 2.6 28.6 71.4
Indicators Frequency Percent
>20.000 2 2.6 28.6 100
Total 7 9 100
5. The number of current
1.000 - 2.000 1 1.3 14.3 14.3
2.001 - 4.000 3 3.8 42.9 57.1
4.001 - 6.000 2 2.6 28.6 85.7
> 6.000 1 1.3 14.3 100
Total 7 9 100
The data on table 4.2 shows that in Vinhphuc, many Colleges were established
for a long time, from 20-29 years have 3 Colleges (are 42.9%), from 30-39 years have
one (is 14.3%) and over 50 years have 2 Colleges (are 28.6%); There was only 1
Colleges established for less than 10 years. So, most of Colleges in Vinhphuc have
tradition in education and great experience in training activities.
Some Colleges have a lot various training programs. But through study, most
of training programs are of technical majors (mechanical, auto technology, electronics,
information technology) that is key economy development, all contributes to help
Vinhphuc province become a Province of Industry in 2020. Others are of economic,
teacher training, tourism. But most Colleges have same majors training, which leads to
high competition in education and training resources (such as people, facilities) were
The number of teachers in the Colleges are average, there are 3 Colleges have
from 151-200 teachers (are 42.9%) and 3 other Colleges have the number of teachers
are over 200 (are 42.9%). The number of such teachers is consistent with the amount
of college students, since the survey, there are three cases where the number of
students from 2001-4000 (are 42.9%) and 2 other Colleges have from 4001-6000
students (are 28.6%). This is appropriate because according to the ratio between the
number of students with one college teacher in Vietnam is 25:1.
The number of graduate students is rather great, average 1.000
students/year/College. According to assessment of Colleges, most of these students are
Vinhphuc residents’ children and they are working for Enterprises in
Vinhphuc. Thus, Colleges in Vinhphuc contributed much in helping their juniors have
job and stable income, contributing to poverty –alleviation and development of
Vinhphuc province to become one of the top- rank economic provinces in Viet nam
for 10 years.
Table 4.3 shows Profile of Enterprice Management's Respondent as Indicated
by Age, Gender, and Education attainment and Position.
Table 4.3
Frequency Distribution Profile of Enterprice Management's Respondent as
Indicated by Age, Gender, and Education attainment and Position
Indicators Frequency Percent
1. Age bracket:
<25 5 6.5 6.6 6.6
25-34 16 20.8 21.1 27.6
35-44 31 40.3 40.8 68.4
45-54 19 24.7 25 93.4
>54 5 6.5 6.6 100
Total 76 98.7 100
2. Gender:
Male 55 71.4 72.4 72.4
Female 21 27.3 27.6 100
Total 76 98.7 100
3. Education attainment:
University Bachelor 61 79.2 80.3 80.3
Master 15 19.5 19.7 100
Total 76 98.7 100
Indicators Frequency Percent
4. Positions:
Rector 11 14.3 14.5 14.5
Vice Rector 18 23.4 23.7 38.2
Department Head 17 22.1 22.4 60.5
Division Head 30 39 39.5 100
Total 76 98.7 100
Table 4.3 shows that the age of Enterprises managers are relatively young,
which about 35-44 years old accounted for the highest rate, with 40.3%. This is the
suitable with current trends, such as the dynamic, young, good health to the very high
pressure from work at market econo.
However, as College leaders, Enterprises leaders also mostly male, accounting
for 71.4%. This suggests that, also need to improve more on strengthening of female in
Educational attainment of the Enterprises leaders are relatively high, in which
a university degree accounted for 80.3%.
Table 4.4 following shows the most general information and percentage
distribution about Enterprises from the survey such as: Year foundation, mode of
Enterprises, fields of manufacture and labor resource.
Table 4.4
Frequency Distribution Profile of College as Indicated by Year of foundation,
Mode of Enterprises, Fields of manufacture, Labor resource
Indicators Frequency Percent
1. Year of foundation:
1 – 10 years 3 3.9 15 15
11 – 20 years 8 10.5 40 55
21 – 30 years 7 9.2 35 90
Above 30 2 2.6 10 100
Total 20 26.3 100
2. Mode of Enterprises:
State-owned Enterprises 2 2.6 10 10
Private Enterprises 4 5.3 20 30
14 18.4 70 100
Total 20 26.3 100
3. Fields of manufacture:
Mechanic 4 5.3 20 20
Automotive Technology 6 7.9 30 50
Electronic Equipment 4 5.3 20 70
Information Technology 1 1.3 5 75
Building Materials 2 2.6 10 85
Other sectors 3 3.9 15 100
Total 20 26.3 100
4. Labor resource:
10 – 50 workers 3 3.9 15 15
51 – 300 workers 5 6.6 25 40
Above 300 workers 12 15.8 60 100
Total 20 26.3 100
According to table 4.4, most of Enterprises were established for 11 to 20
years (accounting for 40%), 7 Enterprises were established for 21 to 30 (accounting
for 35%), this indicates that Enterprises operated firmly, especially these Enterprises
still can exist in the stage of Viet nam economic crisis (2011-2013), this shows that
Enterprises found out their development orientation. Table 4.4 also shows that most of
the Enterprises are Foreign-invested Enterprises (accounting for 70%), there are only 2
state –owned Enterprises (accounting for 10%), which indicates that Vietnam
economy become more and more diversified, different from 30 years ago, most of
Enterprises were of State-owned.
Table 4.4 also shows that fields of manufacture are varied but majority are
technical, example: mechanical accounting for 20%, automotive technology
accounting for 30%, electronics and construction which need more skilled workers of
Colleges accounting for 25%.
Table 4.4 indicates that the Enterprises wewe surveyed... Enterprises) of the cooperation between
Colleges and Enterprises.
7. Because some of the independent variables are problematic, proposed formation
measures to strengthen the cooperation between Colleges in Vinhphuc and Enterprises
in vocational training are ready for implementation.
Based from the findings of the study, the following are recommended:
1. Because officials of the Vinhphuc College relatively young, dynamic, but they have
little practical experience, therefore, these officials should be join training and
practical experience to work more effective. Colleges also need to pay more attention
to the training of female cadres.
It should be the direction of the State on the opening the new training programs
for a College, to avoid in a region that has many Colleges have a similar training
2. Although Colleges and Enterprises are independent units is mainly model, but also
the need to develop other models to more diverse and can comparable of the
effectiveness of the models.
The training cooperation in succession method is mainly method, but even this
method is performed a loose by Colleges and Enterprises, need to more concretize this
method to easy for the parties to perform;
Due to the incoherent cooperation level is mainly level so Enterprises and
Colleges should strengthen cooperation, toward cooperation in a comprehensive level.
3. Every College should have a strategy to improve the quality of training to overcome
the current situation.
Due to factors Training close to practice, connect with Enterprises college is
most appreciated, so each College to focus on expanding the cooperation with
Enterprises, understanding what needs, to train the students to meet the requirements
of the Enterprises.
Due to Developing facilities and finance for Colleges factor to be
underestimated, so in the cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises should pay
more attention to this factor. The Enterprises should be support for College the
equipment as well as financial for training.
4. Because "Policies of the Government" aspect, and "Information about each other"
aspect seen as the least impact, so Colleges and Enterprises should enhance provided
the information about each other. In particular, Colleges must have plans to
introduce its capacity for Enterprises.
5. The management activities of cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises with a
low assessment, in which the role of the College is essential, so the College to more
actively in the implementation of those management activities.
6. There are many management activities in Cooperation between Colleges and
Enterprises are not same perception by two groups (Colleges and Enterprises). The
parties need to improve this situation, the College should be more proactive in these
activities, because the Colleges generally passive, not yet have responsibility with their
product (the student) were created by themselves. With Enterprises also more aware of
the need to cooperate with the College because the Enterprises is the beneficiary of
College's products, so Enterprises must also be responsible to support for the College,
so College trained to better products. The State agency must be responsible for making
appropriate policies to promote cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises.
7. The formation measures to strengthen the cooperation between Colleges in
Vinhphuc and Enterprises in vocational training by the researcher may be adopted.
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For Principal and Management Staff of Colleges
Direction: Please answer the questionnaire checklist by putting a checkmark () on the
item that corresponds to your choice or by filling in the answer on the space provided.
Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality.
Profile of respondents:
1. Age:
Below 25 40 – 44
25 – 29 45 – 49
30 – 34 50 – 54
35 – 39 Above 54
2. Gender: Male Female
3. Educational attainment:
University Bachelor Master Doctor
4. Position:
Principal Department
Vice Principal Faculty Head
Some informations of college (only for college’s Principal):
5. Year of foundation:
1 – 9 years 30 – 39 years
10 – 19 years 40 – 49 years
20 – 29 years 50 years and more
6. Number of training course:
1 – 10 21 – 30
11 – 20 Above 30
7. Number of teacher:
1 – 100 151 – 200
101 – 150 Above 200
8. The number of graduate student:
5.000 – 10.000 15.001 – 20.000
10.001 – 15.000 Above 20.000
9. The number of current student:
1.000 – 2.000 4.001 – 6.000
2.001 – 4.000 Above 6.000
10. College address:
11. Phone number/Fax:..
Direction: Below is a list of items for you to answer as honestly as possible.
Please check () the column that you think and believe is the most appropriate rating
for each statement using the only choice or 5 point scale interpreted as follows:
Level Choice
Status Equivalent Verbal Interpretation
5 Strongly
Excellent 100% the systems is implemented,
effective and efficient.
4 Agree
80% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
3 Neither
Agree nor
50% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
2 Disagree Poor 80% the system is not implemented, not
effective and not efficient.
1 Strongly
Very Poor
Is not implemented, not efficient and not
Q1. Has your college had any cooperation plan with Enterprises?
Yes No
1.1. What is the cooperation model of cooperating in training between
your College and Enterprises?:
College and Enterprises are independent units model
College is a part of Enterprises model
Enterprises is a part of College model
1.2. What is the cooperation method of cooperating in training between
your College and Enterprises?:
Training cooperation in parallel method
Training cooperation in turn method
Training cooperation in succession method
1.3. What is the cooperation level of cooperating in training between your
College and Enterprises?:
Comprehensive cooperation level
Limited cooperation level
Incoherent cooperation level
Q2. Assess about quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Theoretical
2 Skill
3 Attitude
Q3. Assess about which of the following elements have positive effectiveness to the
technical training in this market and integration mechanisms?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Training objectives and curriculum
2 Training methodology
3 Teaching and administrative staff
4 Students’ input competency
5 Learning and teaching materials, facilities
6 Financial resources
7 Training close to practice, college connect with
Q4. Assess about what advantages that Colleges and students got from the
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Renovating the College’s training management
2 Training objectives and curriculum meet the
requirements of socio
3 Enhancing the quality of teacher and
administrative staff
4 Developing facilities and finance for Colleges
5 Improve the quality assessment
6 Motivating student's motivation in studying
7 Helping students with their creative and adapting
8 Rise the percent of students who are recruited into
Q5. Assess the level of following management activities are cooperated between
Colleges and Enterprises?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Establishing an in-charge department to find out
and evaluate information on demands and
requirements of Enterprises
2 Making survey to leaders, managers, and graduates
working in Enterprises to have research or predict
on human resource of the market development
3 Setting up a Website to advertise for the Colleges
4 Strengthen advertisement for the training capacity
of Colleges
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
5 College’s leaders having visits or meetings with
Enterprises to exchange experience
6 Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at
Enterprises to give a special talk
7 Objectives and content of the curriculum are close
to requirements of Enterprises.
8 Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take
part in building objectives and content of
9 Sending teachers to visit and attend training course
in applying new technology to meet requirements
of Enterprises
10 Inviting experts of new technology application
from Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s
11 Adding learning materials which have suitable
contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises
12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for
13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of
14 The linkage with job consultancy centers.
15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to
create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises
Q6. Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current
cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises?
No. Elements
Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Policies of the Government
2 Cooperation environment
3 Requirements and competence of each part
4 Information about each other
5 Competency of the leader (individual)
6 Goal and content of training program
7 Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture
Thank you for your cooperation!
For Enterprises Managments
Direction: Please answer the questionnaire checklist by putting a checkmark () on the
item that corresponds to your choice or by filling in the answer on the space provided.
Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality.
Profile of respondents:
1. Age:
Below 25 40 – 44
25 – 29 45 – 49
30 – 34 50 – 54
35 – 39 Above 50
2. Gender: Male Female
3. Educational attainment:
University Bachelor Master Doctor
4. Position:
Rector Department
Vice Rector Division Head
5. Enterprises’s name and address:
Some informations of Enterprises (only for Enterprises’s Rector or Vice Rector):
6. Year of foundation:
1 – 10 years 21 – 30 years
11 – 20 years Above 30
7. Mode of Enterprises:
State-owned Enterprises
Private Enterprises
Foreign-invested Enterprises
8. Fields of manufacture:
Mechanic Information Technology
Automotive Technology Building Materials
Electronic Equipment Other sectors
9. Labor resource:
10 – 50 workers
51 – 300 workers
Above 300 workers
Direction: Below is a list of items for you to answer as honestly as possible.
Please check () the column that you think and believe is the most appropriate rating
for each statement using the only choice or 5 point scale interpreted as follows:
Level Choice
Status Equivalent Verbal Interpretation
5 Strongly
Excellent 100% the systems is implemented,
effective and efficient.
4 Agree
80% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
3 Neither
Agree nor
50% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
2 Disagree Poor 80% the system is not implemented, not
effective and not efficient.
1 Strongly
Very Poor
Is not implemented, not efficient and not
Q1. Has your Enterprises had any cooperation plan with Colleges?
Yes No
1.1. What is the cooperation model of cooperating in training between
your College and Enterprises?:
College and Enterprises are independent units model
College is a part of Enterprises model
Enterprises is a part of College model
1.2. What is the cooperation method of cooperating in training between
your College and Enterprises?:
Training cooperation in parallel method
Training cooperation in turn method
Training cooperation in succession method
1.3. What is the cooperation level of cooperating in training between your
College and Enterprises?:
Comprehensive cooperation level
Limited cooperation level
Incoherent cooperation level
Q2. Assess about quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Theoretical
2 Skill
3 Attitude
Q3. Assess about which of the following elements have positive effectiveness to
the technical training in this market and integration mechanisms?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Training objectives and curriculum
2 Training methodology
3 Teaching and administrative staff
4 Students’ input competency
5 Learning and teaching materials, facilities
6 Financial resources
7 Training close to practice, college connect with
Q4. Assess about what advantages that Colleges and students got from the
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Renovating the College’s training management
2 Training objectives and curriculum meet the
requirements of socio
3 Enhancing the quality of teacher and
administrative staff
4 Developing facilities and finance for Colleges
5 Improve the quality assessment
6 Motivating student's motivation in studying
7 Helping students with their creative and adapting
8 Rise the percent of students who are recruited into
Q5. Assess the level of following management activities are cooperated
between Colleges and Enterprises?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Establishing an in-charge department to find out
and evaluate information on demands and
requirements of Enterprises
2 Making survey to leaders, managers, and
graduates working in Enterprises to have research
or predict on human resource of the market
3 Setting up a Website to advertise for the Colleges
4 Strengthen advertisement for the training capacity
of Colleges
5 College’s leaders having visits or meetings with
Enterprises to exchange experience
6 Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at
Enterprises to give a special talk
7 Objectives and content of the curriculum are close
to requirements of Enterprises.
8 Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take
part in building objectives and content of
9 Sending teachers to visit and attend training
course in applying new technology to meet
requirements of Enterprises
10 Inviting experts of new technology application
from Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s
11 Adding learning materials which have suitable
contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises
12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for
13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
14 The linkage with job consultancy centers.
15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to
create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises
Q6. Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current
cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Policies of the Government
2 Cooperation environment
3 Requirements and competence of each part
4 Information about each other
5 Competency of the leader (individual)
6 Goal and content of training program
7 Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture
Thank you for your cooperation!
For Administrative Chief and Staff on Training Managers
Direction: Please answer the questionnaire checklist by putting a checkmark () on the
item that corresponds to your choice or by filling in the answer on the space provided.
Rest assured that any information will be treated with trust and confidentiality.
Profile of respondents:
1. Age:
Below 25 40 – 44
25 – 29 45 – 49
30 – 34 50 – 54
35 – 39 Above 50
2. Gender: Male Female
3. Educational attainment:
University Bachelor Master Doctor
4. Position:
Rector Division Head
Vice Rector Senior Staff
Junior Staff
5. Office address:
6. Phone number/Fax:
Direction: Below is a list of items for you to answer as honestly as possible.
Please check () the column that you think and believe is the most appropriate rating
for each statement using the only choice or 5 point scale interpreted as follows:
Level Choice
Status Equivalent Verbal Interpretation
5 Strongly
Excellent 100% the systems is implemented,
effective and efficient.
4 Agree
80% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
3 Neither
Agree nor
50% the system is implemented,
effective and efficient.
2 Disagree Poor 80% the system is not implemented, not
effective and not efficient.
1 Strongly
Very Poor
Is not implemented, not efficient and not
Q1. Assess about quality on graduated students of Vinh Phuc Colleges?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Theoretical
2 Skill
3 Attitude
Q2. Assess about which of the following elements have positive effectiveness to
the technical training in this market and integration mechanisms?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Training objectives and curriculum
2 Training methodology
3 Teaching and administrative staff
4 Students’ input competency
5 Learning and teaching materials, facilities
6 Financial resources
7 Training close to practice, college connect with
Q3. Assess about what advantages that Colleges and students got from the
cooperation between Colleges and Enterprises in training?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Renovating the College’s training management
2 Training objectives and curriculum meet the
requirements of socio
3 Enhancing the quality of teacher and administrative
4 Developing facilities and finance for Colleges
5 Improve the quality assessment
6 Motivating student's motivation in studying
7 Helping students with their creative and adapting
8 Rise the percent of students who are recruited into
Q4. Assess the level of following management activities are cooperated
between Colleges and Enterprises?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Establishing an in-charge department to find out and
evaluate information on demands and requirements
of Enterprises
2 Making survey to leaders, managers, and graduates
working in Enterprises to have research or predict on
human resource of the market development
3 Setting up a Website to advertise for the Colleges
4 Strengthen advertisement for the training capacity of
5 College’s leaders having visits or meetings with
Enterprises to exchange experience
6 Inviting leaders, professionals, alumni working at
Enterprises to give a special talk
7 Objectives and content of the curriculum are close to
requirements of Enterprises.
8 Inviting representatives from Enterprises to take part
in building objectives and content of curriculum.
9 Sending teachers to visit and attend training course
in applying new technology to meet requirements of
10 Inviting experts of new technology application from
Enterprises or outside to foster Colleges’s teachers
11 Adding learning materials which have suitable
contents with reality manufacture of Enterprises
12 Use of Enterprises’s documents as references for
13 Enlisting finance, facilities, learning equipment of
14 The linkage with job consultancy centers.
15 Proposing recommendations for state agencies to
create cooperation mechanisms with Enterprises
Q5. Assess about which of the following factors effected on the current
cooperation between Collegess and Enterprises?
No. Elements Scale of assessment
5 4 3 2 1
1 Policies of the Government
2 Cooperation environment
3 Requirements and competence of each part
4 Information about each other
5 Competency of the leader (individual)
6 Goal and content of training program
7 Characteristics of Enterprises’ manufacture
Thank you for your cooperation!
English name: TRUDY
Birthday: April, 16th, 1971
Birthplace: Sonla Province
Nationality: Vietnamese
Sex/ Marriage status: Male/ Marriage
Contact Address: Phuc Yen College of Industry, No.1, Trung Nhi ward,
Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc Province
Current residence: Nam Viem ward, Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc Province
Phone: +84.913038428
Email Address:
Institution Year to year
Degree(s) or Diploma(s)
Hanoi Pedagogical University
1988-1992 Bachelor in Mathematics
Institute of Mathematics 1997-1999 Master in Mathematics
Organization Year to year Posittion
Professional Secondary School
of Industry III 1992-2002 Teacher
Professional Secondary School
of Industry III 2003-2004
Vice Dean of Electronics –
Informatics Faculty
Professional Secondary School
of Industry III 2004-2006
Dean of Information
Technology Faculty
Phuc Yen College of Industry 2006-2007
Head of Scientific
management and
International relations
Phuc Yen College of Industry 2007-6/2013 Vice Rector
Phuc Yen College of Industry 7/2013-now Rector
Year to
year Role
Project: “Setting up National standards
of vocational skills in the field of Computer
Network Management", Ministry of Industry
and Trade.
2011 Head of Project
Project: “Setting up standards of vocational
skills in the field of Laptop Repairing and
Assembling”, Ministry of Industry and Trade.
2009 Head of Project
Report: “Assessment of learning outcomes
by objective tests at Phuc Yen College of
Industry”, Journal of Education No. 160 (Term
1-4/2007). Page 33-34.
Author of
Research: “Research on subsidence curves of
construction works over time, subsidence rate
and other parameters related to the
sustainability of the works”, Ministry of
Industry and Trade.
Member of
research group
Agency name and Address: Phuc Yen College of Industry, Trung Nhi ward,
Phuc Yen town, Vinh Phuc province, Viet Nam.
Hand phone: +84.913.038.428