Republic of the Philippines Socialist Republic of Vietnam
A Dissertation Presented
to the Faculty of the Graduate School,
Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines and
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirements for the Degree
Doctor of Phi
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Tóm tắt tài liệu Leadership styles of university managers toward job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
ilosophy in Educational Management
April 2014
This dissertation entitled “Leadership Styles of University Managers Toward
Job Satisfaction, Work Commitment and Behavioral Outcome” submitted by PHI
DINH KHUONG, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of
Education Management been examined and is recommended for acceptance and approval.
Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education Management by Southern Luzon State
University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University,
Socialist Republic of Vietnam
DR. .............................................................................................................
DR. ....................................... DR. ...............................................
Critic Reader...............................................................................................
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of
Education Management by Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines
in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Dean, Graduate School
Date _________________
The researcher wishes to express his heartfelt appreciation and gratitude to:
Dr. Cecilia N. Gascon, President of the Southern Luzon State University,
Republic of the Philippines for permission of training for Doctor of Philosophy in
Educatinal Managenent in International training center, Thai Nguyen University;
Dr. Dang Kim Vui, President of Thai Nguyen University for allowance the
training for Doctor of Philosophy in Educatinal Managenent in International training
center, Thai Nguyen University;
Dr. Bella R Muello, his research adviser, who from the very preparation of the
study had always been there to give valuable suggestions and ideas for the completion of
this study;
Dr. Apolonia A. Espinosa, for sharing her statistical skills in evaluating this
study and suggestions;
Dr. Tran Thanh Van, head of postgraduate, Thai Nguyen University and Dr.
Dang Xuan Binh, director of International training center for their kind support
throughout the course of this study;
Leaders of universities and colleges in Thai Nguyen for providing respondents
and for their untiring support to pursue this study;
Prof........................................................... , members of the panel, for their
precious suggestions and supports for the completion of this study;
Dr.................................................................., who served as critic reader during
the oral defense, for his comments and suggestions;
Mr................................................................................. for his proficient insights
and valuable suggestions in the finalization of this study;
ITC staff, for providing the necessary research materials;
His beloved mother and wife for the encouragement, help and moral support as
his sources of strength and inspiration;
The teacher – respondents of the study, for their active involvement and
cooperation; and
To all who have contributed to make this study a success.
TITLE PAGE ............................................................................................................
APPROVAL SHEET ................................................................................................
ACKNOWLEDGMENT ..........................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENTS ..........................................................................................
LIST OF TABLES ....................................................................................................
LIST OF FIGURES ..................................................................................................
ABSTRACT ..............................................................................................................
Background of the Study ...........................................................................................
Objectives of the Study .............................................................................................
Hypothesis ................................................................................................................
Significance of the Study ..........................................................................................
Scope and Limitation of the Study ...........................................................................
Definition of Terms ..................................................................................................
Conceptual/ Theoretical Framework ........................................................................
Research Paradigm ...................................................................................................
Locale of the Study ...................................................................................................
Research Design .......................................................................................................
Population and Sampling ..........................................................................................
Instrumentation .........................................................................................................
Data Gathering Procedures .......................................................................................
Statistical Treatment .................................................................................................
Chapter IV. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION ..........................................................
Summary ...................................................................................................................
Findings ....................................................................................................................
Conclusions ...............................................................................................................
Recommendations .....................................................................................................
RESEARCHER’S PROFILE ....................................................................................
1. Frequency, Percentage and Distribution of the Respondents.............
2. Mean Distribution of Responses as to Ethical Leadership................
3. Mean Distribution of the Responses as to Job Satisfaction
4. Mean Distribution of Responses Commitment to work.......................
5. Mean Distribution of Responses Behavioral Outcomes......................
1 Research Paradigm ......
2 Location of Respondent Colleges and University in Thai Nguyen Province..
Title of Dissertation : Leadership Styles Towards Job Satisfaction, Work
Commitment and Behavioral Outcome
Researcher : Complete Name (NADAL)
Adviser : Dr. Bella R. Muello
Academic Year : April 2014
This research determined to find out the most dominant leadership style and to
correlate it with job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome. It answered
the following objectives: 1. Determine the most dominant leadership style; 2. Ascertain the
level of job satisfaction of the respondents; 3. Find out the degree of work commitment; 4.
Find out the behavioral outcome of the subjects; and 5. Correlate the most dominant
leadership styles with the three variables. It used the descriptive correlation type of
research where 300 respondents from Thai Nguyen University were utilized. Random
sampling was used. The gathered data were computed using weighted mean, rank, and chi-
square. Based from the interpreted data the following findings were drawn: 1.
Transformational leadership style is the most dominant with an AWM of 3.36 (SA). 2. The
level of job satisfaction is very satisfied with an AWM of 3.27. 3. AWM of 3.34 was
obtained in level of commitment to work (Vc) 4. On behavioral outcomes, it got an AWM
of 3:30 (strongly agree) 5. With a chi-square of 3.65, 1.23 and 4.26 consecutively on the
three variables, it revealed that the computed value is higher than the critical value at .01
level of significance, thus the null hypothesis is rejected. From the findings, the following
conclusions were made: 1. the most dominant leadership style is transformational
leadership 2. The respondents are highly satisfied on the level of job satisfaction 3. The
degree of work commitment is very evident. 4. The respondents practice good behavior in
their work. 5. The correlation between transformational leadership and the three variables
are positively related. In view of the results of the study, the researcher recommends to use
different samples coming from another institution to prove the reliability of the findings.
Chapter I
In recent years, the leaders in Thai Nguyen University have paid considerable
attention to education and university performance as key to sustainable development and
stability. Such recognition makes education an indispensable means for effective
participation not only in the socio-economic development of the country but also in the on-
going rapid globalization. Throughout the years, it has been the goal of the educational
system in Thai Nguyen to regard education as instrument for excellence for national
development. It follows therefore that the realization of the country’s educational policies
and the performance of the administrators, lecturers and students at all levels of the system
are intertwined.
The kind of education can be reflected on the leadership style of managers. In
any organization the leader behavior is partly reflected on how their constituents perform.
Their roles and expectations can induce change in the behavior of the members. Their
commitment to do their job can also be ascertained on how they accomplished their duties.
More so, their job satisfaction can also be observed.
As such the success of any work group or organization depends on leadership. A
major factor in an effective university is a strong leader who steers the organization toward
the achievement of the mission.
Background of the study
Thai Nguyen University (TNU) established by Decree No. 31 dated on April 4
1994 of the Government on the basis of the arrangement, reorganization of the university
and vocational training under the Ministry of Education and Training in Thai Nguyen.
Currently TNU consists of seven universities, one college and two faculties, a defense
education center, a learning resource center, publisher, hospital and high university for
practicing, the functional and scientific units for training and research.
The establishment of TNU is implementing the guiding ideology of the party
expressed through resolutions of the eighth National Party Congress, which is to build
training centers for research education and high-quality technology transferring in the
region. For over 10 years, the consistent policy of the Party and the State is to build and
develop TNU and in fact, TNU has demonstrated the role, his position in the Vietnamese
higher education system, particularly with the midlands and mountainous areas of northern
Currently, at TNU there are 2587 teaching staff, including 230 doctors, 2
professors, 65 associate professors, over 780 masters and 200 PhD students, percentage of
lecturers on the payroll process postgraduate degree from universities accounted for
66%. Facilities, equipment and service of scientific and technological research of TNU are
now considered fairly uniform and modern with 03 research institutes, 01 research centers
and transferring technology, 07 key laboratories equipped with fairly uniform and modern.
In addition, There are Learning Resource Center, Publisher, Hospital Center for practicing
and 05 centers, 01 Co., Ltd. belongs to the members.
TNU not only contributes positively to the training of highly qualified human
resources for the country, but also has an important role in scientific research, technology
transferring for training and socio-economic development of the country. At TNU,
teaching staff is common to share, teaches at the university and teaching units according to
the needs of each unit.
Despite this truth, records have shown that students performance in Thai Nguyen
among other students in other regions, for example, Ha Noi, Ho Chi Minh City is quite
below average. Hence, principals and teachers of the university as a whole are held
accountable for such malady. The government’s inability to effectively sponsor education
and motivate teachers to enhance their productivity is another factor viewed. Additionally,
principals’ leadership style might tremendously influence how scholastic performance
progresses. Manner and approach of providing values, vision, voice and virtue define what
ethical leadership is. With varying extent from authoritarian, participative to delegative
(Lewin, 2000), one is not said to be effective over the others. Nevertheless, it depends
upon what is more acceptable and workable in the university system.
Likewise, leadership, being a factor to the upliftment of university performance, has
been at the care of much research and controversy for so many years.
Taking leadership and all the variables as a whole, the university performance can
be best viewed in a clearer and more thorough perspective. In effect, monitoring of the
university’s performance in the locality makes this research even more imperative.
Objectives of Study
The main purpose of this was to find out the dominant leadership style of the principal
which influence the level of job satisfaction, commitment and behavioral outcomes of the
respondents at Thai Nguyen University year 2012 – 2013.
Specifically, it was conducted to:
1. Determine the dominant leadership style of principals as perceived by the
2. Find out the level of job satisfaction of the respondents
3. Ascertain the commitment to work of the respondents
4. Find out the behavioral outcomes of the respondents
5. Correlate the dominant leadership style with these three mentioned variables.
Null Hypothesis
None of the above mentioned variables predict ethical leadership style of school
Significance of the Study
This study attempts to know the influence of the dominant leadership style toward
the level of job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcome. With this is mind,
this study will be beneficial to the following:
Leaders. It is hoped that the study may contribute in giving a new dimension in the
administration and supervision of Thai Nguyen University. The study would provide
leaders with a clear idea on how effective and successful the principals are in the work as
university administrators. In the same manner, their ethical leadership could give a fresh
perspective in terms of its influence to the overall university standing in the academic
Teachers. The outcome of the study is of great help to teachers because they will
be made aware of the different leadership styles that would affect changes and
improvements of the university. The researcher may contribute to a new avenue in her
search for better ways to improve oneself and her work environment. In this way, it would
ultimately lead to a better quality performance in the teaching force.
Students. They will be benefited by this study since they are the main concerns of
educators and any wholesome environment and relationship could create positive effect on
the teaching and learning process. The researcher hopes that the results and findings of the
study will bring understanding and harmonious relationship among members of Thai
Nguyen University .
Future Researchers. This study could provide references for future proponents
who wish to venture a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research. Thus, basic
tenets on ethical leadership and its variables could serve as resources for other studies.
Scope and Limitation of the Study
This study was concerned on the dominant leadership traits of university managers
towards job satisfaction, work commitment and behavioral outcomes of the respondents of
Thai Nguyen University.
There were 255 teachers used as respondents with questionnaire and interview as
the main instruments in gathering the data.
Definition of Terms
For a better understanding of this study, the following terms are defined
conceptually and operationally:
Behavioral outcomes refer to the attitudinal manifestation of the respondents on
any decision or activation of their leaders.
Commitment to works refers to the dedication of the respondents to fulfill his/her
Charismatic leadership refers to the exceptional sanctity, heroism or exemplary
character of an individual person.
Ethical leadership refers to the proactive efforts to influence followers’ ethical and
unethical behavior.
Job satisfaction refers to the feeling of fulfillment in the workplace such as security,
good working condition and relationship of the leader to his constituents.
Leadership is responsible for influencing followers to perform an action, complete
a task or behave in a specific manner.
Leadership style focuses on identifying personality traits associated with effective
leadership and understanding the impact of situational factors on the leadership process
(Chemers & Ayman, 1993).
Transformational style encourages subordinates to put in extra effort to go beyond
what his subordinates expected from him (Burne, 1978).
Transactional style focuses mainly on the physical and the security needs of his
subordinates. The relation that evolves between the leaders and the follower is based on
bargaining exchange or reward system (Bass, 1985; Bass & Avolio, 1993).
Chapter II
This chapter presents the relevant readings and related literature which bear
significance and similarities in this study. This also includes the discussion of variables,
theoretical framework, research paradigm that could help the readers to fully understand
the context of this study.
Leadership has deep roots in virtue, and leaders are key organizational members
who have extensive influence and power (Barling et al., 2010). Leaders have the
“potentialto exert moral authority that contributesto the flourishing of organizational
members,”and they “can be purveyors of virtue or vice” (Neubert et al., 2009, p. 157).
Bass and Steidlmeier (1999) asserted that leadership is a “moral compass”(p. 193) and that
a leader’s moral character, ethical values, choices, and actions are the “pillars” of
leadership (p. 181). We assert that character strengths provide a comprehensive
framework, systematic approach, and a common language (Park & Peterson, 2008) to
further assess this potential. Our research uses this scaffolding to test character strengths’
semantic and practical contributions to our existing nomological network regarding
leadership.Through their focus on the virtuous, moral, ethical, and relational aspects of
leadership, three well - studied models of leadership theory share the greatest conceptual
similarities with our proposed construct of leader character: transformational leadership
(Bass, 1985), ethical leadership (Brown,Trevino, & Harrison, 2005), and leader - member
exchange (Graen & Uhl - Bien, 1995). Ethical leadership is defined by social learning
theory and represents “the demonstration of normatively appropriate conduct through
personal actions and interpersonal relationships, and the promotion of such
conduct”(Brown et al., 2005, p. 120). As such, ethical leaders exert a positive, “virtuous
influence” on followers through role modeling and relationship - building (Neubert et al.,
2009, p. 165) and contribute to a “win - win” environment for both businesses and
employees (Ruiz - Palomino, Ruiz - Amaya, & Knưrr, 2011).
Charismatic Leadership
Charismatic Leadership is a leadership style that is recognizable but may be
perceived with less tangibility than other leadership styles. This reality is likely due
to the difficulty associated with directly defining charisma in an individual when
only examining the individual. Max Weber’s work in defining charisma led to his
categorizing charisma as an untraditional form of influence where the leader possesses
exceptional qualities as perceived by his or her followers (Yukl, 2010). Charisma is often a
trait that one perceives in another, but difficulty describing that perception without directly
referencing particular behaviors, traits, or individual characteristics is common (Conger &
Kanungo, 1987). Yukl (2010) notes, “Follower attribution of charismatic qualities to
a leader is jointly determined by the leader’s behavior, expertise, and aspects of the
situation” (Kindle Location 6939). Exceptional behaviors and expertise aside,
contextual factors such as a crisis play a significant role in the attribution of
charisma (Conger & Kanungo, 1987). Therefore, the basic premise of this study is that
followers will attribute charisma to a leader when that leader possesses exceptional
behavior and expertise and when the situational context is conducive. Ronald Reagan is
used as an exemplar of charismatic leadership. Reagan’s communication skills,
visionary attributes, integrity, humor, expertise, and the situational context of his
presidency willbe examined, pertaining to how followers attributed charisma to him.
Effective communication is an essential quality in any leadership style. In that regard,
charismatic leadership is no different, but charismatic leaders act differently than
noncharismatic leaders (Fiol, 1999). For the charismatic leader, effective
communication requires more than merely the dissemination of information. To be
effective, charismatics often include emotional appeals within their rhetoric (Yukl,
2010). This includes the use of dramatic, symbolic, and metaphoric language that lends
credibility to the communication (Conger & Kanungo, 1987). Ideas, thoughts, and
concepts must be articulated in an inspirational and motivating manner (Conger, Kanungo,
& Menon, 2000). When charismatics communicate with passion, emotion, inspiration,
and motivation, followers are likely to attribute charisma. Additionally, charismatics must
appear confident and communicate that self-confidence in their rhetorical efforts. This is
especially true for distant charismatic leaders who only communicate with followers
through media such as television, radio, or Internet (Yukl, 2010). Therefore, it is
expected that a charismatic leader would be recognized for exciting and passionate
public oratory. The methods of this communication are integral to the attribution of
charisma. The message is obviously important, but the importance of the delivery of the
message supersedes that of the message itself. Charismatic leaders may be best known
and/or remembered for rousing public speeches where the crowd became frenzied
with excitement. Charismatic leaders must also bridge the distance gap and effectively
communicate through a variety of media in order to be considered charismatic by larger
groups of people.
The first scholar to discuss charismatic leadership was Max Weber. In particular, he
discussed three types of authority as forms of control that people will accept: traditional,
legal/rational, and charismatic. Weber (1947, pp. 358 ± 359) defined charisma as being set
apart from ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at
least specifically exceptional powers or qualities ¼ regarded as of divine origin or as
exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual con- cerned is treated as a leader.
Despite the important influence of Webers work on researchers thinking about
organizations, his work on charisma lay dormant until the mid 1970s. Robert House
(1977) further developed Weber concept in articulating a theory of charismatic leadership
that, at its core, argued that followers use an attributional process regarding their leaders.
Based on certain behaviors displayed by leaders, followers attribute extraordinary or heroic
leadership abilities to those leaders. Based on Houses theory, researchers then began to
uncover and identify key characteristics of charismatic leadership. A widely accepted
framework is that of Conger and Kanun go (1998), who explain that charismatic leadership
is typified by four key characteristics: possessing and articulating a vision, willing to take
risks to achieve the vision, exhibiting sensitivity to follower needs, and demonstrating
novel behavior.
Three interesting conceptual issues are worthy of discussion here. First, much of
the work on charismatic leadership has eschewed the Weberian perspective that
charismatic leaders are rare or extraordinary. Conger (1989, p. 161), for example, opined
that charisma ªis not some magical ability limited to a handful.º As Trice and Beyer (1986)
and Beyer (1999) noted, charismatic leadership has been tamed in that it is assumed that
charisma is a property possessed by all individuals, to a greater or lesser degree. On the
one hand, if we are to empirically study charismatic leadership, we cannot do so based on
the assumption that it is a quality held by a handful of individuals (there are not enough
such leaders to study). On the other hand, if charisma is seen as relatively prosaic, have we
damaged the concept? Clearly, the charismatic qualities of political leaders from Lincoln to
Hitler, religious leaders from Martin Luther to Pope John Paul II, and business leaders
from Estle Lauder to Jack Welch, do not seem to be a general commodity.
Second, some researchers would distinguish charisma as a trait or personal quality
from the charismatic leader- ship process. House, for example, argues in favor of the latter
(House, 1977). Locke and colleagues, conversely, clearly distinguish a charismatic
communication style from other leadership qualities (e.g., see Kirkpatrick & Locke, 1996).
This is a topic to which we return later.
Finally, though Conger (1990) has often described the dark side of charismatic
leadership, judging from the research literature, he seems like a lone voice. As the afore
mentioned examples of charismatic leaders suggest, however, charismatic leadership
seemingly can be used for either good or bad ends, depending on ones perspective and the
hindsight of history. It seems obvious that charismatic leadership is neither inherently good
nor evil, but the implicit assumption in the literature has been that it is a positive force in
Transactional style
Transactional Leadership, also known as managerial lea dership, focuses on
the role of supervision, organisation, and group performance; transactional leadership is a
style of leadership in which the leader promotes compliance of his followers through
both rewards and punishments. Unlike transformational leadership, leaders using the
transactional approach are not looking to change the future, they are looking to merely
keep things the same. These leaders pay attention to followers' work in order to
find faults and deviations. This type of leadership is effective in crisis and emergency
situations, as well as when projects need to be carried out in a specific fashion.
Within the context of Maslow's hierarchy of needs, transactional leadership
works at the basic levels of need satisfaction, where transactional leaders focus on
the lower levels of the hierarchy. Transactional leaders use an exchange model, with
rewards being given for good work or positive outcomes. Conversely, people with this
leadership style also can punish poor work or negative outcomes, until the problem
is corrected. One way that transactional leadership focuses on lower level needs is by
stressing specific task performance (Hargis et al, 2001). Transactional leaders are effective
in getting specific tasks completed by managing each portion individually. Transactional
leaders are concerned with processes rather than forward-thinking ideas. These types
of leaders focus on contingent reward (also known as contingent positive
reinforcement) or contingent penalization (also known as contingent negative
reinforcement). Contingent rewards (such as praise) are given when the set goals are
accom...and Julian, 1969)
1.3 The process of influencing and organized group toward accomplishing its goal
(Roach and Behling, 1984)
1.4 Transforming followers, creating visions of the goals they may attaining and
articulating the ways to attain those goals (Bass, 1985, Tichy and Devanna, 1986)
1.5 An interpersonal relation in which others comply because they want to, not because
they have to (Merton, 1969; Hogan, Curphy and Hogan, 1996)
1.6 Actions that focus resources to create desirable opportunities (Campbell, 1996).
When defining leadership, it is but natural to look at the relationship between it and
management. Management is associated in many people’s minds with words like
efficiency, planning, paperwork, procedures, regulations, control and consistency.
Leadership is associated more with words like risk taking, dynamic creativity, change and
Leaders manage and managers lead but the two activities are not synonymous.
According o classical management theories, the purpose of management is to keep
complex human system running optionally in line with established criteria. Thus, managers
traditionally have been thought to perform the planning, investigating, coordinating,
organizing, and controlling functions in an organization (Davis, 1942; Machenzie ,1969;
Mahoney, Jerdee and Carroll, 1965)
Management theories have paid relatively little attention to the face to face
interactions manager have with followers in order to accomplish organizational goals. This
face to face interaction with the followers are generally seen as leadership function; leaders
focus more on resolving conflicts in groups, providing emotional support to group
members, maintaining group cohesiveness and satisfaction and working with group
members to set group goals. (Bales, 1958; Bass, 1990; Mann, 1965)
Bennis (1985) characterized managers as people who do things right and leaders as
who do right things. Several more follow ( Bennis, 1989).
1. Managers administer; leaders innovative
2. Managers maintain; leaders develop
3. Managers control; leader inspire
4. Managers have a short-term view; leaders, along time view
5. Managers ask how and when; leaders ask what and why
6. Managers initiate, leaders originate
7. Managers accept the status quo; leaders challenge it
Leadership styles- are approach a manager use to influence others. These elements
of a manager’s leadership style are composed of three parts: how they choose to motivate,
their decision making styles and their areas of emphasis (orientation) in the work
1. Positive or Negative Motivation
Leaders influence others toward goal achievement through their approach to
motivation. Positive leadership style deals in praise and recognition, monetary rewards,
increase of security and the addition od responsibility. Negative leadership emphasizes
penalties; loss of the job, suspension and public reprimands.
Positive leadership styles encourage development of workers through the creation
of higher job satisfaction while negative leadership styles are based on threats and the
ability to withhold items of value from employees.
Autocratic leadership style- the main consideration of this type of leadership style
is a strong emphasis on the task (production) and little concern for people. Decision-
making is solely made by the manager and announces it to the work group.
Participative leadership- a leadership style where there is a large amount of concern
for both production and people. This style is characterized by the manager’s involving the
subordinates in the decision. The involvement in decision making is a matter of degree and
can range from the first to the last four levels of participation that follow:
1. The manager presents a tentative solution subject to change based on employee
2. The manager presents a problem to the employees, solicits their input and makes
the decision.
3. The manager defines the limit of the problem and the employees make the
4. The manager and the employees jointly make the decision.
The free-rein style of leadership or laiszes faire is a leadership style in which the
leader shares power with subordinates by basically permitting them to establish their own
goals and to be responsible for their own performance. It can work with some
professionals, but it is too unstructured in most situations. This style is characterized by the
leaders’ encouraging the individual or group to function independently. In this style, the
leaders’ role is to serve as a logistics specialist or representative of the group outside
2. Task Orientation and Employee Orientation
The final element of leadership is the manager’s perspective on the most effective
way of getting work done. There are two key areas of orientation: task and employee
A manager who favor a task orientation places emphasis on getting the job done
through better methods or equipment, control of the work environment, assigning and
organizing work, one-person decision making and monitoring through evaluation of
performance. If this is the sole emphasis of a manager, it could lead to turnover,
absenteeism, and decreased job satisfaction.
Different approaches of management
1. Contingency theories of Leadership by Fred Fiedler- which emphasizes that no one
style of leadership is completely effective for all situations. A task-oriented leadership
is completely effective for all situations. A task-oriented leader, for example, performs
most effectively in situations that are very favorable for the leader, whereas relation-
oriented leaders perform most effectively on situations that are moderately favorable
to the leader.
He holds that the most appropriate style of leadership depends on the situation in
which a manager works; Situational favorableness was described by Fiedler in terms
of three empirically derived dimensions:
1. The leader-member relationship, which refers to the degree to which the leaders
is or feels accepted by the group.
2. The degree of task structure concerns the nature of the subordinate’s job or task.
It reflects the degree of structure in the job: a structured job would have
complexity and variety and room for creativity.
3. The leader position power describes the organizational power based from which
the individual manager operates. To what degree can the leader punish or
reward within the organization? The power can range from strong (vice
president of marketing) to weak (second staff assistant).
A close examination of Fiedler’s model will show us that task-oriented leaders
perform best with either low or high concentrations of power and influence.
Employee-oriented leaders perform best with moderate power, control and
influence over a situation.
2. Path Goal Theory of leadership is a situational theory that recognizes that employees
are motivated to the extent that the leader helps them to attain their goal. It is
concerned with the ways in which a leader can influence a subordinate’s motivation,
goals and attempts at achievement. It suggests that a leadership style is effective or
ineffective on the basis of how the leader influences the perceptions of:
1. work goals or reward of subordinates
2. paths (behaviors) that lead to successful goal accomplishment
According to Robert House and Terrence Mithchell, subordinates are motivated by
a leader’s behavior. This behavior influences both goal attractiveness and the paths
available to reach the goals. Their theory contains two propositions concerning leader
1. Leader behavior is acceptable and satisfying to subordinates to the extent that they
view such behavior as either an immediate source of satisfaction or an instrument
to future satisfaction.
2. Leader behavior will increase subordinates efforts if it links satisfaction of their
needs to effective performance, and is supportive of their efforts to achieve goal
Briefly, the House version of the theory incorporates four major types or styles of
leadership. They are as follows:
1. Directive or instrumental leadership- subordinates know exactly what is
expected of them and the leader gives specific directions. There is no
participation by subordinates.
2. Supportive leadership- the leader is friendly and approachable and shows a
genuine concerns for subordinates. It is concerned for the welfare and needs of
3. Participative leadership- it involves using subordinates ideas in decision
4. Achievement-oriented leadership- involves both developing a highly
challenging climate for an employee and demanding good performance. The
leader sets challenging goals for subordinates and shows confidence that they
will attain these goals and perform well.
3. Transformational Leadership Theory by Burns and Bass (1994) refers to a leader who
is able to touch the needs and values of his/her followers in a way that raises the
motivational levels of all concerned and often turns them in a new direction.
Burns identified two types of political leadership, transactional and
transformational (Howel and Avelis, 1992). The more traditional transactional leadership
involves an exchange relationship between leaders and followers, but tarsnformational
leadership is based more on leaders’ shifting the values, beliefs, and needs of their
On the basis of Bass’ (1990) findings, he conducts that in many instances,
transactional leadership is a prescription for mediocrity and that transformational
leadership leads to superior performance in organizations facing demands for renewal and
change. He suggest that fostering transformational leadership through policies of
recruitment, selection, promotion, training and development will pay off in the health,
well-being and effective performance of today’s organization.
Characteristics and Approaches of Transactional Versus Transformational Leaders
Transactional Leaders
1. Contingent reward: contracts exchange of rewards for effort, promises rewards for
good performance, recognizes accomplishments.
2. Management by exception (active): Watches and searches for deviations from
rules and standards, takes coercive action.
3. Management by exception (passive) intervenes only if standards are not met.
4. Laissez faire: abdicates responsibilities, avoid making decision.
Transformational Leaders
1. Charisma: provides vision and sense of mission, instills pride, gains respect and
2. Inspiration: communicates high expectations, uses symbols to focus efforts,
expresses important purposes in simple ways.
3. Intellectual stimulation: Promotes intelligence, rationality and careful problem
4. Individual consideration: Gives personal attention, treats each employee
individually, coaches, advises.
It must be understood that transformational leadership is an improved modification of
transactional leadership. This occurs to meet the challenge of dramatic changes in every
organization- as from the traditional ways to more contemporary or modernized aspect in
3. Theory X or Theory Y- What is Our Style?
Do you believe that the human beings are basically lazy, that they are interested
only in their own benefit, and only work because they have to? Do you, therefore, see your
leadership role with subordinates as prodding, pushing and checking to see that they do
their work?
Management theorist, Douglas McGregor, developed theoretical models relating to
the management of human enterprise after studying Maslow’s now-famous hierarchy of
human needs. McGregor labeled managers as “Theory X” and “Theory Y” managers. He
theorized that the day behavior of the immediate superior clearly communicates his or her
basic assumptions about human nature to subordinates.
To assess whether you are fundamentally a Theory X or a Theory Y leader, answer
these four pairs of questions relating to your feelings about the true nature of people:
1. Are people fundamentally lazy so that they must be pushed to work? Or
2. Are people fundamentally willing to work on meaningful tasks?
3. Are people basically shy and interested only in the welfare of others?
4. Do people respond best when they are disciplined and controlled? Or
5. Do people respond best when given a degree of freedom and responsibility?
6. Are people really not interested in their jobs and working primarily because they
have to? Or
7. Are people really interested in the quality of their professional and personal lives?
If you choose the first question of each fair, you lean toward a Theory X of your
managerial role. Those choosing the second question of each pair tend to have a
Theory Y perception of their managerial roles.
Job satisfaction
Leader’s satisfaction is to satisfy the job. People bring mental and physical abilities
and time to their jobs. Many try to make a difference in their lives and in the lives of others
through working. The reason for wanting a job is often considerably more than just a
paycheck. Jobs can be looked at as the means used to achieve personal goals. When a job
meets or exceeds an individual’s expectation, the individual often experiences positive
emotions. These positive emotions represent job satisfaction. Job satisfaction in turn is a
major contributor to life satisfaction (Smith, 1992), a personal goal that many find worth
pursuing. Job satisfaction may be compared to another source of life satisfaction—
marriage. When people lack marriage satisfaction or experience dissatisfaction in their
union, they often get a divorce. It is similar with the relationship between employee and
employer. “Take this job and shove it!” is not only a recorded blue-collar anthem by
Johnny Paycheck during the 1980s, but also an illustration of the sentiments and actions of
many people who are dissatisfied with their jobs overall or with certain aspects of their
jobs. To grasp the meaning of a construct like job satisfaction, it seems logical to look at
how it is defined in the literature. The search for a universal definition of job satisfaction is
not difficult one; it is an impossible one. Even though many researchers define job
satisfaction, the definitions vary. Hoppock’s, Locke’s, and Vroom’s. In the thirties,
Hoppock’s (1935) response to the question What is job satisfaction?’ was: “any
combination of psychological, physiological, and environmental circumstances that causes
a person truthfully to say, ‘I am satisfied with my job’” (p. 47). Locke’s (1976) answer to
the same question in the seventies was: “a pleasurable or positive emotional state
resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experiences” (p. 1300). Vroom (1982), who
used the terms “job satisfaction” and “job attitudes” interchangeably, defined job
satisfaction as “...affective orientations on the part of individuals toward work roles which
they are presently occupying” (p. 99). Even though the definitions vary, a commonality
among them seems to be that job satisfaction is a job-related emotional reaction. Spector
(1997) presented three reasons to clarify the importance of job satisfaction. First,
organizations can be directed by humanitarian values. Based on these values they will
attempt to treat their employees honorably and with respect. Job satisfaction assessment
can then serve as an indicator of the extent to which employees are dealt with effectively.
High levels of job satisfaction could also be a sign of emotional wellness or mental fitness.
Second, organizations can take on a utilitarian position in which employees’ behavior
would be expected to influence organizational operations according to the employees’
degree of job satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Job satisfaction can be expressed through positive
behaviors and job dissatisfaction through negative behaviors. Third, job satisfaction can be
an indicator of organizational operations. Assessment of job satisfaction might identify
various levels of satisfaction among organizational departments and, therefore, be helpful
in pinning down areas in need of improvement. Spector (1997) believed that each one of
the reasons is validation enough of the significance of job satisfaction and that the
combination of the reasons provides an understanding of the focus on job satisfaction.
Spector, of course, is only one of many researchers, scholars, and writers who addressed
the importance of job satisfaction. His reasons appear to be representative of many views
on the importance of the concept in other major works (i.e., Bruce & Blackburn, 1992;
Cranny et al., 1992; Gruneberg, 1976; Hopkins, 1983) dealing with job satisfaction.
Commitment to work
Organizational scientists have developed many definitions of commitment,
especially, organizational commitment, and numerous scales to measure them. Exemplary
of this work is Meyer & Allen's model of commitment, which was developed to integrate
numerous definitions of commitment that had proliferated in the research literature.
According to Meyer and Allen's (1991) three component model of commitment, prior
research indicated that there are three "mind sets" which can characterize an employee's
commitment to the organization: Affective Commitment: AC is defined as the employee's
emotional attachment to the organization. As a result, he or she strongly identifies with the
goals of the organization and desires to remain a part of the organization. This employee
commits to the organization because he/she "wants to". In developing this concept, Meyer
and Allen drew largely on Mowday, Porter, and Steers's (1982) concept of commitment.
Continuance Commitment: The individual commits to the organization because he/she
perceives high costs of losing organizational membership (cf. Becker's 1960 "side bet
theory"), including economic losses (such as pension accruals) and social costs (friendship
ties with co-workers) that would have to be given up. The employee remains a member of
the organization because he/she "has to". Normative Commitment: The individual commits
to and remains with an organization because of feelings of obligation. For instance, the
organization may have invested resources in training an employee who then feels an
obligation to put forth effort on the job and stay with the organization to 'repay the debt.' It
may also reflect an internalized norm, developed before the person joins the organization
through family or other socialization processes, that one should be loyal to one's
organization. The employee stays with the organization because he/she "ought to". Note
that according to Meyer and Allen, these components of commitment are not mutually
exclusive: an employee can simultaneously be committed to the organization in an
affective, normative, *and* continuance sense, at varying levels of intensity. This idea led
Meyer and Herscovitch (2001) to argue that at any point in time, an employee has a
"commitment profile" that reflects high or low levels of all three of these mind-sets, and
that different profiles have different effects on workplace behavior such as job
performance, absenteeism, and the chance that they will quit. The aims of this study is
recognition relationship of organizational commitment and that’s component with job
satisfaction in manager's, employees, faculty Member, and compare them together to
compare manager's organizational commitment, employee and faculty members. As the
construct develops and evolves over the years, scholars from the various disciplines give
their own conceptual definitions as to how the construct should be conceptually defined.
Hall, Scheider and Nygren (1970) define organizational commitment as the “process by
which the goals of the organizations and those of the individual become increasingly
integrated and congruent”. Sheldon (1971) defines organizational commitment as an
attitude or an orientation towards the organizations, which links or attracts the identity of
the person to the organizations. Salancik (1977) defines organizational commitment as “a
state of being in which an individual becomes bound by actions to beliefs that sustains
activities and involvement”. Porter, Steers, Mowday and Boulian (1974), define
organizational commitment as “the strength of an individual’s identification with and
involvement in a particular organization”. They characterize it by three psychological
factors: desire to remain in an organization, willingness to exert considerable efforts on its
behalf and belief in and acceptance of its goals and values hold. Meyer and Allen (1991)
hold that organizational commitment is a multidimensional construct comprising three
components: affective, continuance and normative. Affective commitment has been
defined as an employee’s emotional attachment to identification with and involvement in
the organization. Employees with a strong affective commitment will remain in the
organization because they want to. Continuance commitment on the other hand has to do
with one’s awareness of the costs associated with leaving the present organization.
Employees whose commitment is in the nature of continuance will remain in the
organization because they have to. The third component, normative commitment has to do
with feeling of obligations to the organization based on one’s personal norms and values.
Employees whose commitment to the organization is said to be of the normative type
remains in the organization simply because they believe they ought to. The factor structure
of Allen and Meyer’s (1996) organizational commitment scale has been examined in
several studies. Some of these studies include measures from all the three components
(affective, continuance, and normative) whilst others focus only on affective commitment
measure and/or continuance commitment measure. Studies have provided empirical
support to demonstrate that the components are indeed distinguishable from one another
(Dunham, Grube & Castaneda, 1994; Mc Gee & Ford, 1987 and Reilly & Orsak, 1991). To
date, no empirical effort has been made to test and validate Allen and Meyer’s (1996)
organizational commitment scale in a library setting, let alone in a Malaysia academic
library setting. Only two studies have been reported in the library and information science
literature that dealt with the topic of organizational commitment (Hovekamp, 1994; Rubin
& Buttlar, 1992). Rubin and Buttlar (1992) conducted a study to examine the
organizational commitment of high school library media specialists in Ohio. They
employed Mowday, Porter and Steers’s (1979) organizational commitment questionnaire.
Ethical Leader Behavior
In the last few years, ethics and integrity have received a growing amount of
attention in the leadership field. Both transformational and authentic leadership have
been described as containing an ethical component. Related to this, Craig and Gustafson
(1998) developed a leader integrity measure that focused more on the negative
rather than the positive side of integrity. Integrity shows some conceptual overlap
with ethical leadership, yet is only one element of ethical behavior (e.g., Palanski &
Yammarino, 2007). Bass (1985) argued that transformational leaders could behave either
ethically or unethically and distinguish between authentic (i.e., ethical) transformational
and pseudo (i.e, unethical) transformational leadership (Barling, Christie, & Turner,
2008; Bass & Steidlmeier, 1999). Pseudo-transformational leaders have motives or
intentions that are not legitimate and aim for undesirable goals. Authenticity, on the other
hand, functions as a moral compass emphasizes serving the organization (Bass &
Steidlmeier, 1999). Distinguishing between authentic and pseudo transformational
leadership is complicated for followers according to Dasborough and Ashkansy (2002)
as the behaviors shown by these two types of transformational leaders are the same, only
their intentions vary. A similar distinction is made between socialized and personalized
charismatic leadership based on whether leaders act on socialized or personalized power
motives (Howell & Avolio, 1992). Price (2003) points out that egoism or personalized
motives may not form the only reason why leaders behave unethically. Leaders may, for
instance, also behave unethically because (altruistic) values or actions based on
(altruistic) values can be inconsistent. To sum up, transformational leadership can be
unethical if the motivation is selfish (Bass, 1998), power is misused (McClelland, 1975) or
if values do not guide behaviors sufficiently (Price, 2003).27 Chapter 2 Authentic
leadership is another form of leadership, which some argue has an ethi-cal element (e.g.,
Avolio, & Gardner, 2005; May, Chan, Hodges, & Avolio, 2003). However, others do not
see morality as a necessary component of authentic leadership (e.g., Shamir, & Eilam,
2005; Sparrowe, 2005). Authentic leadership is described as behaving in line with the true
self and to know oneself (e.g., Gardner, Avolio, Luthans, May, & Walumbwa, 2005; May,
et al., 2003; Sparrowe, 2005). Walumbwa et al. (2008) empirically showed that Brown et
al.’s measure of ethical leadership is related, but well distinguishable from authentic
leadership. One distinction is that ethical leaders also use transactional forms of leadership
and authentic leaders don’t. In other words, ethical leaders discipline and reward
(un)ethical behaviors, which is less in line with authentic leadership (Brown et al., 2005;
Walumbwa et al., 2008).Researchers have also started to consider ethical leadership as a
set of behaviors or a separate leadership style in itself rather than focusing only on the
ethical components of other leadership styles (Brown et al., 2005; De Hoogh & Den
Hartog, 2008; 2009a; Kanungo, 2001). The fundamentals of ethics according to the
Webster dictionary are dealing with what is good and bad, moral duty and moral
obligation. This relates closely to how Kanungo (2001) conceptualizes ethical leadership.
He takes an altruism approach and addresses ethical leadership as a tension between
altruistic and egoistic motives (e.g., Kanungo, 2001; Turner, Barling, Epitropaki,
Butcher, & Milner, 2002). This approach suggests that an ethical leader is driven by a
system of accepted beliefs and appropriate judgments rather than self-interest, which is
beneficial for followers, organizations and society. This way, Kanungo (2001) and
Aronson (2001) emphasize the effect of leader’s actions on others as a major concern in
ethical leadership. Brown and colleagues (2005) take ethical leadership as a separate
style a step further and define ethical leadership as: “the demonstration of
normatively appropriate conduct through personal actions and interpersonal relationships
and the promotion of such conduct to followers through two-way communication,
reinforcement and decision-making” (p. 120). Ethical leaders act as role models of
appropriate behavior and use reward and punishment to stimulate ethical conduct
(Brown et al., 2005; Treviđo et al., 2003). Brown et al. (2005) address ethical leadership
from a social learning perspective and suggest that followers will come to behave
similar to their leader through imitation and observational learning (cf., Bandura,
1986). In addition to this social learning approach, others view ethical leadership
from a social exchange approach (e.g., Mayer, Kuenzi, Greenbaum, Bardes, &
Salvador, 2009; Turner et al., 2002). Researchers using a social exchange approach focus
more on the norm for reciprocity (Cropanzano & Mitchell, 2005) and hold that followers
are willing to reciprocate when treated fairly and with concern by their leaders (e.g., Mayer
et al., 2009). Both views help understand individuals´ reactions to ethical leader behavior.
Other perspectives on ethical leadership are also found. For example, Dickson,
Smith, Grojean and Ehrhart (2001) focus on the role leaders have in creating an
ethical climate and Resick and colleagues (2006) focus on how leaders use their power
in decisions and actions. Similarly, De Hoogh and Den Hartog (2009a) emphasize ethical
leaders’ socially responsible use of power and see ethical leadership as the process of
influencing in a social responsible way others’ activities toward goal achievement.
Although Brown and colleagues (2005) suggest a uni-dimensional measure of ethical
leader behavior, both Resick et al. (2006) and De Hoogh and Den Hartog (2008) have
started to investigate ethical leadership as a multi-dimensional construct. Different leader
behaviors have been suggested to be part of ethical leadership, including acting fairly,
demonstrating consistency and integrity, promoting ethical conduct, being concerned for
people, allowing followers’ voice, and sharing power (Brown et al., 2005; De Hoogh &
Den Hartog, 2008; 2009a; Den Hartog & De Hoogh, 2009). De Hoogh and Den
Hartog (2009a) argue that ethical leader behavior is multidimensional, and as different
ethical leader behaviors are theoretically rather different, they may have different
antecedents and consequences. They suggest measuring such dimensions separately is
important. Thus, ethical leader behavior may be regarded as an overarching construct
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Letter to the Colleges’ Rectors
Republic of the Philippines
Southern Luzon State University
Lucban, Quezon
Dated, 2013
Dear, Mr.
..Teachers’ Training College
.. City, Province
The undersigned have the honor to request permission from your good office to administer
questionnaire to your teachers as his respondents. The title his dissertation is “Leadership
Styles of University Managers Toward Job Satisfaction, Work Commitment and
Behavioral Outcome of Teachers”
Rest assured that the administration of the questionnaires will not affect the smooth flow of
their activities and the information that will be gathered shall be treated with utmost
He hopes for your favorable consideration and approval.
Respectfully yours,
Graduate Student
Research Adviser
Directions: This survey questionnaire consists of two (2) parts. The first one
deals with the influence of the leadership styles of the manager and the second focuses on
the variables. Rate them by checking a mark that corresponds to your perception in each
item using the scales below
Part I – Leadership Style
Strongly Agree (SA) - 4
Agree (A) - 3
Disagree (D) - 2
Strongly Agree (SD) - 1
Statements (Charismatic Leadership)
1. Possesses communication skills where his
ideas, thoughts and concept are articulated in
a motivating manner
2. Is endowed with supernatural. Superhuman
or at least exceptional power or qualities
3. This leadership style is rare and extraordinary
4. This can be used for either good or bad ends
5. Ordinary people can possess this type of
6. This leadership style can be perceived with
less tangibility compared with other
leadership style
Statements (Ethical Leadership)
1. Possesses integrity, honesty and
2. Is fair and a principled-decision makers
3. Cares about people and the broader society in
4. Is a role model using ethical conduct through
rewards and discipline
5. Is positively related to affective trust and
negatively related to abusive supervision
6. His subordinates are willing to report
problems to management with this type of
Statements (Transformational Leadership)
1. Motivates his followers from a lower level to
a higher level of needs
2. Inspires and fosters commitment to a shared
purpose of the organization
3. Generates or reinforces the established sets of
beliefs, shared values, norms and practices of
the organization
4. Stimulates followers to perform beyond the
level of expectations
5. Helps subordinates discovery of who they are
and what part they play in helping the
organization achieve its mission
6. Promotes a compelling vision of the future
that can change and raise the organization to
new and exciting possibilities.
Statements (Transactional Leadership)
1. Is based on a system of rewards and
2. Promotes compliance of his followers
through both rewards and punishment
3. Is effective in crisis and emergency situation
as well as when projects need to be carried
out in a specific manner
4. Is concerned with processes rather than
forward-thinking ideas
5. Is based on bargaining exchange system in
which the leader and subordinates agree
together to accomplish the organizational
6. It closely monitors mistakes and errors and
takes corrective action asquickly as needed
Part II –Variables
Strongly Agree (SA) - 4
Agree (A) - 3
Disagree (D) - 2
Strongly Agree (SD) - 1
Job Satisfaction SA
1. Feels pleasurable with job
2. Secures salary.
3. Has good relationship with employees.
4. Appreciate good results
5. Reserves awards when work is well
6. Feels secured with the job.
7. Creates good working condition.
8. Considers what is ask for.
9. Satisfies what is asked for.
10. Pays timely.
Commitment to Work SA
1. Keeps promises.
2. Follows school regulations.
3. Keeps track with the vision of the school.
4. Complies with the laws.
5. Obeys his/her leader.
6. Arranges with a suitable job.
7. Pays what he/she believes is right.
8. Is consistent with what he/she is right.
9. Is strict with himself/herself as with others.
Behavioral Outcomes SA
1. Accessible
2. Helpful
3. Innovative
4. Attentive
5. Polite
6. Friendly
7. Thoughtful
8. Enthusiastic
9. Careful
10. Punctual
Statistical Computations
Average Weighted Mean (AWM)
1. Ethical Leadership
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation
1. Economical 255 1 4 3,31 ,577
2. Hardworking 255 1 4 3,33 ,654
3. Incorruptible 255 1 4 3,37 ,632
4. Straight 255 1 4 3,33 ,608
5. Knowledgeable 255 1 4 3,38 ,639
6. Fair 255 1 4 3,32 ,620
7. Open-minded 255 1 4 3,24 ,641
8. Kind 255 1 4 3,27 ,636
9. Exemplary 255 1 4 3,35 ,639
10. Responsible 255 1 4 3,35 ,603
Average Weighted Mean 3.32
2. Job satisfaction
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean
1. Feels pleasurable with job 255 1 4 3,25 ,600
2. Secures salary. 255 1 4 3,27 ,653
3. Has good relationship with
255 1 4 3,31 ,611
4. Appreciate good results 255 1 4 3,29 ,557
5. Reserves awards when
work is well
255 1 4 3,29 ,557
6. Feels secured with the job. 255 1 4 3,22 ,603
7. Creates good working
255 1 4 3,27 ,576
8. Considers what is ask for. 255 1 4 3,24 ,597
9. Satisfies what is asked for. 255 1 4 3,28 ,631
10. Pays timely. 255 1 4 3,31 ,564
Average Weighted Mean 3.27
3. Commitment to work
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean
1. Keeps promises. 255 1 4 3,33 ,562
2. Follows school regulations. 255 1 4 3,37 ,614
3. Keeps track with the vision of the
255 1 4 3,38 ,608
4. Complies with the laws. 255 1 4 3,39 ,591
5. Obeys his/her leader. 255 1 4 3,35 ,603
6. Arranges with a suitable job. 255 1 4 3,36 ,611
7. Pays what he/she believes is right. 255 1 4 3,28 ,656
8. Is consistent with what he/she is
255 1 4 3,31 ,649
9. Is strict with himself/herself as with
255 1 4 3,30 ,638
Average Weighted Mean 3.34
4. Behavioral Outcomes
Descriptive Statistics
N Minimum Maximum Mean
1. Accessible 255 1 4 3,26 ,600
2. Helpful 255 1 4 3,29 ,611
3. Innovative 255 1 4 3,32 ,626
4. Attentive 255 1 4 3,22 ,616
5. Polite 255 1 4 3,32 ,614
6. Friendly 255 1 4 3,35 ,608
7. Thoughtful 255 1 4 3,31 ,628
8. Enthusiastic 255 1 4 3,27 ,611
9. Careful 255 1 4 3,34 ,624
10. Punctual 255 1 4 3,30 ,657
Average Weighted Mean 3.30
Model Summary
Model R
R Square
Std. Error
of the
Change Statistics
R Square
Change F Change df1 df2
Sig. F
1 ,657
,431 ,429 3,489 ,431 191,891 1 253 ,000
a. Predictors: (Constant), Job
Curriculum Vitae
English name: NADAL
Date of Birth
Place of birth
Phone/ Mobile
: married
: 38
: December 20, 1975
: Yen Bai Province, Vietnamese
: Hoang Van Thu Ward, Thai Nguyen City
: (084)2803.759.063/ 0915.459.453
: Phi Ngoc Khanh
: Hoang Thi Nhi
Upper secondary
Le Quy Don Technical University
Thai Nguyen University Of Education
Upper Secondary School Van Chan
Tan Thinh Secondary School
Tan Thinh Elementary School
Year Graduated
2005-2013 Teacher Thai Nguyen University Of Sciences
1999-2004 Teacher Industrial Economic – Technology College
Sum Survey Results
Scale Description Code
1 Always SA
2 Usually A
3 Frequently D
4 Seldom SD
Ethical Leadership
1. Economical 91 155 6 3
2. Hardworking 107 130 14 4
3. Incorruptible 111 131 9 4
4. Straight 100 140 13 2
5. Knowledgeable 114 127 10 4
6. Fair 101 137 15 2
7. Open-minded 87 145 20 3
8. Kind 93 142 17 3
9. Exemplary 109 127 17 2
10. Responsible 105 137 11 2
Job Satisfaction
1. Feels pleasurable with job 82 157 13 3
2. Secures salary. 94 140 17 4
3. Has good relationship with
96 147 8 4
4. Appreciate good results 87 157 10 1
5. Reserves awards when work is
87 157 10 1
6. Feels secured with the job. 79 156 18 2
7. Creates good working
85 155 14 1
8. Considers what is ask for. 81 156 16 2
9. Satisfies what is asked for. 93 143 16 3
10. Pays timely. 91 155 7 2
Commitment to Work
1. Keeps promises. 94 153 6 2
2. Follows school regulations. 110 133 9 3
3. Keeps track with the vision of
the school.
110 134 8 3
4. Complies with the laws. 111 136 5 3
5. Obeys his/her leader. 104 140 8 3
6. Arranges with a suitable job. 109 130 15 1
7. Pays what he/she believes is
96 138 17 4
8. Is consistent with what he/she
is right.
102 135 14 4
9. Is strict with himself/herself as
with others.
97 141 13 4
Behavioral Outcomes
1. Accessible 85 155 12 3
2. Helpful 93 147 12 3
3. Innovative 102 135 16 2
4. Attentive 80 155 17 3
5. Polite 99 142 11 6
6. Friendly 104 139 9 3
7. Thoughtful 97 143 11 4
8. Enthusiastic 89 150 13 3
9. Careful 104 136 12 3
10. Punctual 101 134 16 4