In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in English

1 LITERARY AND RHETORICAL DEVICES USED IN SPEECHES OF SELECTED WORLD LEADERS ____________________ A Dissertation Presented to the Faculty of the Graduate School Batangas State University Batangas City, Philippines ____________________ In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in English ____________________ by NGUYEN THI HONG MINH BRIGHT April 2015 2 APPROVAL SHEET This dissertation entitled LITERARY

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Tóm tắt tài liệu In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree Doctor of Philosophy in English, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
AND RHETORICAL DEVICES USED IN SPEECHES OF SELECTED WORLD LEADERS prepared and submitted by MA. NGUYEN THI HONG MINH in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of Philosophy in English has been examined and is recommended for oral Examination. LUISA A. VALDEZ Adviser PANEL OF EXAMINERS Approved by the Committee on Oral Examination with a grade of _______ Accepted and approved in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree doctor of Philosophy in English 3 ABSTRACT Title: Literary and Rhetorical Devices Used in Speeches of Selected World Leaders Author: MA. Nguyen Thi Hong Minh Degree: Doctor of Philosophy Major: English Language and Literature Year: 2015 Adviser: Dr. Luisa A. Valdez Summary This study is an analysis of literary and rhetorical devices used in speeches of selected world leaders and the implication of their ideologies to the thinking of young people and their appreciation of literature. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the ideologies reflected in the speeches of Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama? 2. How are the themes of existence, patriotism, humanism, inner peace and moral principle manifested in the selected speeches? 3. What devices were used in the speeches of world leaders with reference to rhetorical devices and literary techniques? 4. What are the implications of their ideologies to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature? 4 This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama‘s ideologies in the representative speeches chosen. Likewise, this analysis made use of the sociological and philosophical approaches as the bases for analysis. This paper also involved content analysis, which is a systematic technique in analyzing message content and message handling. The following representative literary works were analyzed: Ho Chi Minh‘s Selected Articles and Speeches, Margaret Thatcher‘s Collected Speeches and Barack Obama in his Own Words. These selected speeches constituted the primary and twining sources of the study. Findings The results of analysis and interpretation revealed that: 1. Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher, Barack Obama have paid special attention to the question of human beings; everything for human beings and everything by human beings. This attitude is reflected in their love, respect and confidence in human beings, and their efforts to nurture and develop the skills and talents of all. They themselves have set an excellent example of morality, and they have instructed to different groups of people the practices of social ethics. The patriotism, an important aspect of their ideologies, is deeply shown in their ideologies. 5 2. The common themes in the selected world leaders‘ speeches are existence, patriotism, humanism, inner peace and moral principles. These themes are fully utilized to demonstrate their ideologies. Through the spoken words in front of the public, Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher, and Barack Obama confirm the existence of their ideologies; they show their deep patriotism; they highly appreciate humanism; they rely on inner peace, and they urge their people to follow set moral principles. 3. The selected world leaders have carefully selected different literary devices to serve their purpose of writing appropriately. Among the literary tools, the common techniques that Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama employed in their speeches are ethos, logos, and pathos, and figurative language, symbolism and flashback. These literary tools have shown their effect in emphasizing their ideologies and the themes in their speeches. 4. Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology has proved its great values in the education and training of Vietnamese young generations. His thoughts has served as the lightning torch leading the youth towards the defense of the country and the building of socialism in the present context of Vietnam. Reading Ho Chi Minh‘s works reflecting his thoughts on different aspects of Vietnamese life, the youth have opportunity to develop their appreciation of literature in general and Ho Chi Minh‘s writings in 6 particular. They are also guided toward positive thinking, good virtues and practical actions for the contribution to the building and defense of the country. Conclusions 1. The selected world leaders show their own ideologies in their speeches. The selected world leaders all wish to build a peaceful and prosperous country for their nation and expect to achieve happiness for their people. As the country leader, they also establish norms and principles so that their people will pursuit their desires. 2. The selected world leaders share some common themes in their speeches. They confirm their existence, show their patriotism and humanism towards their countrymen and human beings. The selected speeches reveal the world leaders‘ inner peace and moral principles which they have established to educate their people. 3. The thesis also shows that the selected world leaders have employed all kinds of rhetorical devices including ethos, logos, and pathos in order to persuade audience. They have also utilized a number of literary techniques such as figurative language, symbolism and flashback in their speeches in order to access the public. Recommendations 1. The academic managers may use this research as a frame of reference when they prepare developmental priorities, programs, projects and policies in the educational institutions. 7 2. The working professionals employ this study in the mainstream of their disciplines, their lives and the world and when they apply Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology into the workplace initiatives. 3. College instructors of literature may use this analysis as one of their methodologies in teaching literature specifically the appropriate materials, media, and literary theories and approaches in literary analysis in their literature classes and to develop their students‘ appreciation and sense of value in order to guide and allow them to crystallize and synthesize what philosophy of life is best to learn and to live by. 5. Students of literature realize the significance of the literary devices in literary works and may be inspired to treat literature as a work of art distinguished from other texts through content and form, and intensify their appreciation of literary works as well as inspire them to engage in literary analysis as an academic activity. 6. The members of the community may realize, through this paper, that the Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology is the basic foundation for the struggle of national independence, the building of socialism and the cultivation of revolutionary ethics in present Vietnam. 7. That future researchers conduct other literary works in the veins of the recent research for academic enhancement to have a cross dissections of views of life and to substantiate the present study. 8 ACKNOWLEDGMENT I would like to express my sincere thanks to the many individuals who have provided me with supports in this study. I wish to acknowledge first and foremost the instruction and hard work of my dissertation adviser, Dean of Colleges, Head of the Graduate School and Visiting Professor, Prof. Maluh A.Valdez. I feel truly lucky to have had the opportunity to work with her closely. It was she who first inspired and interested me in the field of literature and in her gentle way she has acted as an excellent advisor from the very beginning when I started working with her up to the present. She has always provided a helpful direction, assistance and support for my dissertation whenever I needed it. Without her guidance and support, this dissertation would have been impossible. I am also grateful to the other members of my doctoral committee from the Batangas State University, Philippines, Prof. Matilda H.Dimaano, Prof. Amada Banaag, Prof.Lavage B. Labura for their valuable comments and suggestions. I would like to thank to Dr. Prof. Dang Kim Vui, the President of Thai Nguyen University, for the linkage between the Thai Nguyen University and the Batangas State University and Dr. Hoang Thi Bich Thao, Director for International Training Centre for her supports so that the learners could complete this course. My gratitude should also go to other related people for their academic supports towards the end of this research, Ms. Le Quynh Anh 9 in International Training Center, College of Agriculture and Forestry, Thai Nguyen University. I would like to express my heartfelt thanks to my parents and my sister who are always there to cheer me up and stand by my side with the unquestioned support. Last, but not least, I am deeply indebted to my husband, for his patience and for his unlimited support and love. Without him, I would not have been able to complete this long journey. The Researcher 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS Page TITLE PAGE .. i Table of Contents .............. ii CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION Statement of the Problem .. 1 Objectives of the study. 8 Significance of the Study .... 9 Scope and Limitation of the Study .. 10 CHAPTER II REVIEW OF LITERATURE Conceptual Literature . 12 Research Literature . 28 Synthesis .. 36 Conceptual Framework .. 39 Definition of Terms .. 47 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Research Method 51 Treatment of Materials 52 CHAPTER IV ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION OF DATA 58 Analysis and Interpretation CHAPTER V SUMMARY, CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 11 Summary.... 166 Findings 187 Conclusions 196 Recommendations .. 199 BIBLIOGRAPHY CURRICULUM VITAE 12 Chapter 1 THE PROBLEM Introduction The history of many countries involves great men and women whose life and careers, thinking and actions are closely associated with vivid and eventful periods in the history of these countries and their eras, which reflects the wills and aspirations of these countries and their contributions to the development of the epoch. Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama are three of them. As the world‘s most famous political leaders, they are heads of nation-states, by virtue of their position, play a critical role in national development and international politics. They often employ the spoken word to influence and mobilize their followers and convince people of the benefits that can arise from their leadership. Political speeches are motivated by the desire to persuade and convince the nation or society and familiarize the audience with their socio-economic policies, plans and actions. In addition to helping us develop our understanding of the institutional aspect of each country‘s politics, political speeches are a good source for those wishing to understand the ideas and outlooks of politicians: their beliefs and ideologies. As with the study of institutions there is considerable debate concerning the study of political beliefs and ideologies and the methodology most appropriate to their explanation or interpretation. To a considerable degree this involves the study of the 13 words of political actors, be it the texts of political thoughts. We suggest that the more detailed and deeper study of political rhetoric is of great relevance here. The political speech can provide a glimpse into the process by which ideas and beliefs are manifested in argumentative contexts. It can also help us to grasp what is distinctive about political ideas and beliefs. The wisdom embodied in the selected speeches of Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama could help the young people reassess their lives and values when they become mindful of their genuine philosophical bounds. Their writings could describe habits that delineate the youth attitude towards life in general and towards specific actions in particular. They may rightly be regarded as qualifiers of human acts, influencing their deep driving forces. They are conjoined in the raw materials of the social development of a person existing in a community of people and support the efforts of nation building. Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher, and Barack Obama‘s ideologies have showed their great values to the young people and remains fundamental in the process of renovation and in the contribution to the building and defense of the country in the present context of Vietnam. However, as a teacher of English, the research notices that there is limited research on the selected world leaders‘ ideologies in English as well as their use of rhetorical and literary devices in their speeches. Therefore, the researcher was deeply 14 motivated to explore and undertake an analysis of how the themes of human liberation, national independence, creative Marxism-Leninism, humanism, social ethics and patriotism are manifested in Ho Chi Minh‘s selected writing as well as how literary devices are used in unveiling Ho Chi Minh‘s Thoughts in the selected works and gain honest implications on the influences noted and dominant in the Vietnamese values. Statement of the Problem This study is an investigation of the literary and rhetorical devices used in speeches of selected world leaders. Specifically, the study seeks answers to the following questions: 1. What are the ideologies reflected in the speeches of the following selected world leaders? 1.1. Ho Chi Minh; 1.2. Margaret Thatcher; 1.3. Barack Obama 2. How are the following themes manifested in the selected speeches? 2.1. existence; 2.2. patriotism; 2.3. humanism; 2.4. inner peace; and 2.5. moral principles 15 3. What devices were used in the speeches of the world leaders with reference to: 3.1. rhetorical devices 3.1.1. ethos 3.1.2. logos 3.1.3. pathos 3.2. literary techniques 3.2.1. figurative language: 3.2.2. symbolism; and 3.2.3. flashback? 4. What are the implications of their ideologies to the thinking of the young people and the appreciation of literature? Scope, Delimitation and Limitations of the Study This study analyzes the ideologies of selected world leaders as embodied in the selected literary pieces pointing out the events and situations which show the implications of the said ideologies to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature. Likewise, this paper tries to present how the themes of existence, patriotism; humanism, inner peace and moral principles; the literary devices used in speeches of selected world leaders; and the implications of their ideologies to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature. 16 This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing the ideologies of the selected world leaders in the representative literary works chosen. Likewise, this analysis made use of the sociological and philosophical approaches as the bases for analysis. Other approaches in literary criticism that may be employed in the analysis like the Formalist Criticism, Biographical Criticism, Historical Criticism, Gender Criticism, Psychological Criticism, and Reader-Response Criticism are not part of this study. This paper also involved content analysis, which is a systematic technique in analyzing message content and message handling. The data analysis in this research centered on pattern seeking and the extraction of meaning from Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s selected speeches. Much effort was focused on the task of recording data or making notes through concepts and categories; altering or creating new codes or more subtle categories; linking and combining abstract concepts; extracting the essence; organizing meaning; creating theory from emerging themes; writing an understanding; and drawing conclusions. The essential features in the treatment of materials were considered by the researcher in the conduct of this study. The general rules cited by Stott (2014) as regards the seven standards a piece of literature should abide to in order to be considered literary guided in the selection of works under study. 17 A number of representative speeches reflecting Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s Ideologies are analyzed, which are all found in their masterpieces entitled Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches, Margaret Thatcher‟s Collected Speeches, and President Barack Obama in His Own Words. The said selections were chosen because of the correlation between the aforecited themes and literary and rhetorical devices which helped in unveiling the ideologies of Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama; and the implications of the said dogma to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature. Significance of the Study The relevance of literary analysis as an essential part of a research study is highlighted in terms of its significance to a number of individuals. Thus, it is vital to expand on how this study is beneficial to academic managers, working professionals, college instructors of literature, students of literature, members of the community, and other researchers. Academic Managers. This paper will help them include developmental priorities, programs, projects and policies in the educational institutions to ensure that the values espoused by Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama as an epitome of culture, letters and peace in the highest order are perpetuated in the academe. This will also inspire them to spawn activities related to the values he 18 showcased in the curricula that will educate the academic community of the constructive outcomes of his ideology and cause which greatly encouraged and influenced oppressed nations in their struggle against imperialism and colonialism, for national independence, peace, democracy and social progress. Working Professionals. This study will be beneficial for them in the sense that the selected works have shown Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s ideologies and morals which are very essential components in the value system, the scale of values, the measure of values, and the orientation of the Vietnamese people‘s and society‘s values today. Likewise, they may be inspired to organize workplace initiatives to nurture and challenge people of all ages working in various sectors of society to a life inspired by the selected world leaders‘ in their workplaces. These initiatives may help the working people to embrace his values of tenacity and patience, clarify life goals, and revitalize working relationships within their workplaces. College Instructors of Literature. This dissertation will be helpful in the instructor‘s methodology in teaching literature as an inquiry into using the appropriate literary theories and approaches in literary analysis. This will lead to treating literary criticism as a worthwhile exercise that includes, among others, the identification of meaningful themes and the investigation of literary devices to unveil such themes. In addition, this will provide them with opportunities to 19 touch Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama ‗s ideologies and cause in their literature classes and open their students‘ mind and hearts to the flavor of his human freedom, the essence of Confucian ethics, and the moral sense of justice that permeates his poetic lines. Students of Literature. Not only will this study give them an extensive and profound outlook in life as regards Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‗s ideologies and cause through their lives and experiences, it will also make them realize how he imbibed the best of all traditions, and synthesized them to effect the transformation of the lives and souls of his people and the thinking of the young people. In addition, this paper will make them treat literature as a work of art distinguished from other texts through content and form, and eventually intensify their appreciation of articles and speeches and inspire them to engage in literary analysis as an academic activity. Members of the Community. This paper will make them more aware of their social responsibility in mapping out directions as inspired by Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama for current and future development of the Vietnam society. This will make them understand how the selected world leaders made an outstanding contribution with his early output of political works, together with his series of articles extolling the dignity of labor and deriding harshly the ills of colonialism and abuses. Likewise, this study may help them 20 understand their indomitable and human spirit, courage, and ardent love of his native land in the face of untold trials and adversities. Other Researchers. Researchers will be benefitted by this study through the analysis and treatment of materials, and through the careful investigation of both theme and form in literary genres. Likewise, this paper will enlighten them on the process of drawing out literary theories and utilizing critical approaches in literary analysis. 21 Chapter 2 REVIEW OF LITERATURE The following review of literature is presented with the end view of identifying the constructs of the study. Conceptual Literature The review of the conceptual literature yields four types of constructs, which were used in the analysis and interpretation of the speeches to be dissected. These constructs include: Speeches as a Form of Literary Works, Literary and Rhetorical Devices, Significant Works of the Selected World Leaders, and Historical, Sociological and Philosophical Criticism. Speeches as a Form of Literary Works Literature is a body of written works. The name of literature has traditionally been applied to imaginative works of poetry and prose distinguished by the intentions of their authors and the perceived aesthetic excellence of their execution. There are several ways to classify literature according to a variety of systems, including language, national origin, historical period, genre, and subject matter. Considering genre, a literary work may fall under one of two categories: fiction (nonfactual descriptions and events invented by the author) and nonfiction (a communication in which descriptions and events are understood to be factual). In this light, speeches can be 22 classified under the category of non-fiction; therefore, can be referred as a form of literary works. According to Britannica Online Encyclopedia, speech is human communication through spoken language. Sharing the same viewpoint, Wienny Ardriyati (2012) defined speech as the pronounced form of human communication. It is based upon the syntactic combination of lexical and a class of words within a given context. According to Webster‘s New World College Dictionary, speech is ―a talk or address given to an audience‖ or ―the general word for a discourse delivered to an audience whether prepared or impromptu‖. Similarly, Wikipedia denotes that speech ―usually deals with interpersonal communication‖ and ―is given by an orator to an audience‖. Moreover, Đỗ Hữu Châu, stresses that lectures, speeches are written discourse made to be spoken. According to Al-Faki (2014), making speeches is a vital part of the politician‘s role in announcing policy and persuading people to agree with it. Speeches are usually prepared in advance by people whose job is to ―control how certain events are described to the public‖– spin doctors (Merriam-Webster online). A political speech can be defined as a ―coherent stream of spoken language that is usually prepared for delivery by a speaker to an audience for a purpose on a political occasion‖ (Charteris-Black 2014: xiii). The sole concern of political speakers then is simply to deliver the speech appropriately and 23 ―achieve the maximum required effect on the audience‖ (Wilson 1990: 60). What the speaker actually does is perform the speech in accord with the requirements of a specific situation. Although a spin doctor prepares a speech, the public always identifies the speech with the one who delivers it, which is actually the goal of such a prepared piece of language. The purpose of a political speech is to ―satisfy emotional, moral and social needs‖ Charteris-Black 2014: xii), and one of the greatest social necessities is hope. Charteris-Black (2005) argues that successful speakers, especially in political contexts need to appeal to attitudes and emotions that are already within the listeners. When the listeners perceive that their beliefs are understood and supported, the speakers has created connections to the policy that they wish to communicate. When putting forward arguments a speaker has to communicate at an emotional level and take standpoints that seem morally correct. Furthermore, the listeners must perceive that the arguments are relevant for the issue. This cannot be done solely by lexical means even though linguistic performance is the most important factor (Charteris-Black, 2005:10). According to Charteris-Black (2005), the effect of rhetorical strategies in political speeches is often a result of them being combined. Therefore, it is as interesting to look at the interaction of various strategies as it is to look at each one separately (Charteris-Black, 2005:11). Jones and Wareing (1999) argue that the ability to convey the 24 message that the speaker and the listener want the same thing plays a decisive role in the process of establishing an ideology (Jones & Wareing, 1999: 34). To achieve a sense of congruence between audience and speaker, politicians often make use of symbols to foster national unity (Ball & Peters, 2000:81). Since political speeches largely demonstrate the close relation with language power, word use and word play, it is interesting to treat political speeches as a form of literature where audience can enjoy the power and the beauty of language. Literary and Rhetorical Devices Literature has a unique capacity to touch the hearts and minds and engage readers in a way that is distinctly different from other kinds of texts. This power is created through the use of elegant, measured, and harmonious words uttered or written words. Literary and rhetorical devices are the two common effective tools used in literary works to achieve this power. Literary devices In Braima‘s (2007) definition,, literary devices refers to specific aspects of literature, in the sense of its universal function as an art form which expresses ideas through language frequently employed by the writers to give meanings and a logical framework to their works through language. When such works are read by readers, they can recognize, and ultimately identify, interpret and appreciate them. Because of their 25 universality, they also allow the readers to compare a work of one writer to that of the other to determine its worth. They not only beautify the piece of literature but also give deeper meanings to it, testing the very understanding of the readers along with providing them enjoyment of reading. Besides, they help motivating readers‘ imagination to visualize the characters and scenes more clearly. Moreover, literary devices provide a conceptual framework for comparing individual literary works to others both within and across genres. Literary devices generally comprise literary elements and literary techniques. Literary Elements have an inherent existence in literary piece and are extensively employed by writers to develop a literary piece e.g. plot, setting, narrative structure, characters, mood, theme, moral etc. Writers simply cannot create his desired work without including Literary elements in a thoroughly professional manner. Literary techniques, on the contrary, are structures usually a word s or phrases in literary texts that writers employ to achieve not merely artistic ends but also readers a greater understanding and appreciation of their literary works. Some examples of literary techniques are metaphor, simile, alliteration, hyperbole, and allegory. In contrast to literary elements, literary techniques are not unavoidable aspect of literary works. 26 Significant Works of the Selected World Leaders. Ho Chi Minh (1890 – 1969), the founder and first leader of the Vietnamese Communist Party, led the movement for Vietnamese independence and unity through struggles with France and the United States, and also served as president of the Democratic Republic of Vietnam from 1945 until his death in 1969. Thanks to Ho Chi Minh‘s great contribution to the independence and freedom of Vietnam and the liberation of the human race, UNESCO honored Ho Chi Minh ―a hero of the national liberation and a world cultural celebrity‖ who symbolizes meaning and value, an essential component of living tradition, and hence a touch stone for the culture of the nation (Mc Lean, 1991:27). The Ho Chi Minh thoughts and morals are very important components in the system of values, the measure of values and the orientation of values of the s...kely to have a keen interest in works of literature—not just as grab bags of examples, but as sources of ethical insight in their own right. Particularly in the part of the discipline known as "virtue ethics," concern with notions of character, ethical vision, and virtue, as well as a preoccupation with relationships of love and friendship, lead almost every participant in the subfield to turn to literature. Meanwhile, writers about literature are far more likely to discuss the ideas of moral philosophers than they were before. Conferences that bring critics and literary historians and theorists together with moral philosophers are reasonably common, and joint dissertation committees are very common indeed. Regarding the similarities between philosophy and literature, Oladipo (1993) argues that both literature and philosophy are related o two general notes. He claims that they are both forms of ―social consciousness and they are construction of language.‖ The first level of their relationship is the fact that both literature and philosophy are social phenomena. According to Oladipo, they are social not just in the general sense of being produced by people who make up the society; rather they are social in majorly two ways: both philosophy and 47 literature are born out of human experiences of an individual or groups and they often treat very abstract matters that arise from a relative pondering on the phenomena of life (Oladipo, 2006).Both are products of culture. Again they are social in another expression. They are both produced for the intellectual and practical needs of the society. From the points above, it is lucid that both disciplines focus on the same object which can be construed as the human person in the various aspects of his experience. They both reflect the quest for the better understanding and the tackling the problems of human existence. It is on this reminder that literature must necessarily be engaged as well as philosophy. The second broad connection of the two disciplines in question is the idea that they are both constructions in language. Philosophy develops concepts and clarifies them while literature employs these words to convey ideas, figures and moral principles and to enlarge realities. Moreover, another point that is crucial and allied to the above is the fact that both philosophy and literature mirror the society together with the society‘s development and state. The philosophy of an era tells of the nature of that age; likewise, the literature of an epoch reflects the problems and realities of that period. They both express the beliefs of men about realities. 48 Philosophy is normative as regards the definition of philosophy above. Hence, through criticism of the ideas we live by, philosophy dishes out norms that should regulate the thinking and behavior of men in the society. In the same vein, literature has themes that convey morality pedagogically. As an addendum, philosophy and literature both serve systematic presentations. They are not just some zigzagged amalgamation and mishmash of materials. Finally, philosophy and literature interact in delving into each other‘s discourse. More importantly, philosophy interrogates literature through the device of literary criticism which is the philosophical analyses cum judgments of works of art and literature. Conceptual Framework All nations arise out of a central value system. Like people, these nations go through predictable developmental life cycles. Each person is pulled into the future by a set of values called future or vision values. This happens very easily when individual‘s foundation values are taken scared of so that they can focus on the present. The same is true for the nation. The Vietnamese people can accomplish this by way of studying Ho Chi Minh thoughts and morals, much of which is reflected in Ho Chi Minh‘s works. His representative writing pieces bear implications on the development of Vietnam‘s culture and society. 49 With reference to this, the prevailing philosophical elements in the poems, articles, letters and speeches studied are shown in Figure 1. The research paradigm shows the intertwine of the philosophical elements in Ho Chi Minh‘s works that interprets Ho‘s social ethics dimension and their implications on Vietnam‘s culture and society development. As it can be noted in the conceptual paradigm, the interfacing figures are circular denoting that social ethics dimension in the selected works of Ho Chi Minh cannot be bounded by limits: time, people, and realities. The interface of the circles shows the first circle encompassing the synthesis of how social ethics dimension is reflected in the selected works of Ho Chi Minh. The second circle captures and capsulizes Ho Chi Minh‘s meaning of struggle for human liberation, creative Marxism, interaction between Eastern and Western culture, progressive ethics, and patriotism. The research paradigm further portraits that every work of Ho Chi Minh presents incidents after incidents forming an indelible impression. This impression makes up for Ho Chi Minh‘s social ethics which in the study bear implications on Vietnam‘s culture and society development. 50 Implications on the Thinking of the Young People and their Appreciation of Literature Figure 1. Philosophical Human Transformation 51 Definition of Terms Ideology. The term is defined as a form of social or political philosophy in which practical elements are as prominent as theoretical ones. It is a system of ideas that aspires both to explain the world and to change it. This implies, among other things, that ideologies, as such, do not contain the ideological practices or societal structures that are based on them. It also implies that a theory of ideology needs a cognitive component that is able to properly account for the notions of `belief and `belief system,' for instance as these are dealt with in contemporary cognitive science. Thought. The term refers to a doctrine, a system of ideas, conceptions and viewpoints based on a consistent world outlook and methodology, which represent the will and aspirations of a class and a nation and come into being on the basis of real situations and practical issues, and, in turn, provide leadership to the practical activities which are designed to transform the real situation. Themes. The term refers to the internal spiritual virtues and social ethics in terms of struggle for human liberation, creative Marxism, interaction between Eastern and Western culture, progressive ethics and patriotism. It is present in the representative works of Ho Chi Minh. The word is usually found synonymous to the spiritual manifestation of social ethics. 52 Philosophy. The term refers to the science whose essence is established upon reason, experience, reflection, intuition, meditation, imagination and speculation (Babor, 1997). Within the context of this study, philosophy aims at the lesson learned from the socio-political dimensions in the selected works studied. Speeches. This term pertains to a form of communication in spoken language, made by a speaker before an audience for a given purpose. Within the context of this study, the term refers to political speeches delivered by the political leaders to direct members of the public to form political opinions. Literary techniques. As one of the two kinds of literary devices, the term is used to refer to are structures usually a words or phrases in literary texts that writers employ to achieve not merely artistic ends but also readers a greater understanding and appreciation of their literary works. Rhetorical devices. The term denotes a technique that an author or speaker uses to convey to the audience a meaning with the goal of persuading him or her towards considering a topic from a different perspective, using sentences designed to encourage or provoke a rational argument from an emotional display of a given perspective or action. Selected world leaders. Within the context of this study, the term refer to three of the most famous political world leaders, including the 53 Vietnamese national hero – moral philosopher – talented poet Ho Chi Minh, the first female prime minister of Britain and Europe – the Iron Lady Margaret Thatcher and the first African American president of the United States Barack Obama. Selected speeches. As a basic term of the study, this means the identified chosen political speeches delivered by the three selected world leaders. Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches, Margaret Thatcher‟s Collected Speeches, Obama in his Own Words are the documents to be analyzed to discover their ideologies, their themes and their use of literary and rhetorical devices. Politics. The term refers to the ―activity through which people make, preserve and amend the general rules under which they live‖ (Maitah). It is is related to four other terms: political system, government, state and nation, which all mean ―collectivity‖ ( ). Existence. In the study, the term pertains to the shared meaning that the selected world leaders allude to their being, the other human, in the world in time, or the life of the characters in the story or the reason for its being. Patriotism. The term is used to refer to the love that people feel for their country as well as their devotion to one's country. Generally speaking, it is cultural attachment to one's homeland or devotion to one's country, although interpretations of the term vary with context, 54 geography and political ideology. It is a set of concepts closely related to those of nationalism. Humanism. The term is freely applied to a variety of beliefs, methods, and philosophies that place central emphasis on the human realm. It also refer to a system of values and beliefs that is based on the idea that people are basically good and that problems can be solved using reason instead of religion. Inner Peace. The term refers to a state of being mentally or spiritually at peace, with enough knowledge and understanding of how to keep oneself strong in the face of discord or stress. Being "at peace" is considered by many to be healthy (homeostasis) and the opposite of being stressed or anxious. Peace of mind is generally connected with bliss and happiness. ( Social Ethics. The term refers to the methodology of applying moral principles to social issues. The purpose is to clarify the moral principles and social goals inherent in social issues and public initiatives. It asserts that the relative strength of various moral claims can only be compared within the context of a particular social issue‖ (Winfrey, 1998:2). Operationally, the term is used synonymously to refer to the same methodology. 55 Moral Principles. Within the context of the study, the term is used to refer to rules of action or guidelines for behavior which arise from a given ethical system. 56 Chapter 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY This chapter presents the research methodology in terms of the research design and treatment of the materials studied. Research Design This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing the ideologies of the selected world leaders in the representative speeches chosen. Qualitative research, in all of its complex designs and methods of data analysis, according to Suter (2012), is guided by the philosophical assumptions of qualitative inquiry: “To understand a complex phenomenon, one considers the multiple “realities” experienced by the participants themselves-the “insider” perspectives. These multiple realities experienced by the participants can be manifested in a number of ways, including the literary genre called novels. Likewise, this study involved content analysis, which is a systematic technique in analyzing message content and message handling. The data analysis in this research centered on pattern seeking and the extraction of meaning from Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s selected linguistic or visual data. Much effort was directed toward task of recording data through different methods like coding and categorizing; attaching concepts to the categories, linking 57 and combining abstract concepts; creating theory from emerging themes, and writing an understanding. Suter (2012) cited that metaphors are useful as interpretative tools in this process, serving a guiding role or explaining the elements of a theory. One useful metaphor was make known to by Seidel (1998), which states that qualitative data analysis is best understand as a symphony based on three elegant but simple notes-noticing, collecting, and thinking. He defined this process as iterative or a repeating cycle, recursive or returning to a previous point, and holographic or each note contains a whole with ―swirls and eddies.‖ Since much qualitative data exists in the form of narrative scripts wherein words or concepts were recorded, meanings were sorted and coded using an organized framework, pondered on, made sense of them, interpretations considered, and conclusions reached. The analysis required the extraction of the best meaning and most trustworthy conclusions. Treatment of Materials The essential features in the treatment of materials were considered by the researcher in the conduct of this study. Literature, like all the other arts, has certain standards by which all selections can be measured for evaluation and analysis. In this study, Stott (2014) cited the general rules as regards the seven standards a piece of literature should abide to in order to be considered 58 literary guided in the selection of works under study. According to him, these standards include: universal appeal, permanence, suggestiveness, intellectually valuable, spiritually valuable, style and artistry. With reference to universal appeal, it is noteworthy to mention that the identified literary pieces are timeless, timely and forever relevant. They appeal to a range of people across different age groups, nationalities, culture and beliefs because they all deal with elemental feelings, fundamental truths and universal conditions. As regards permanence, it is worth mentioning that the selected works endure and their appeal is lasting. These works may be read and re-read as each reading gives new insights and delight and opens new worlds of experiences and meanings. In relation to suggestiveness, it is significant to note that the chosen literary pieces manifested the emotional power of literature. They move the readers deeply and stir their feelings and imagination, giving and evoking visions above and beyond the plane of ordinary life and experiences. With regard to the standard of being intellectually valuable, it is noteworthy to cite that the identified literary pieces are mentally stimulating. They help the readers understand their lives and realize truths about the virtue of agape, humanity and life in general. 59 Relative to the standard of being spiritually valuable, it is of great essence that the selected works have underlying moral message that can potentially make the readers better people. These moral values are often written between the lines and can help the readers become better persons. In relation to style, it is noteworthy to mention that the selections have their distinctive quality, form or type. They share the writer‘s unique view of the world and presented these thoughts to the readers in a way the latter may have never considered. And finally, with reference to artistry, it is important to note that the chosen works appeal to the readers‘ sense of beauty. They are likewise well-written and they appeal to the readers‘ creative sides with simple yet beautifully-crafted phrases and sentences. Through their beings and their speeches, Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama invite readers to appreciate the crystallization of the best and most outstanding examples of wisdom and ideology, sentiment and morality, personality, lifestyle, and humankind as they symbolized the nature of their countries‘ modern cultural identity. For the purpose of this study and to give philosophical credibility, the representative literary works were analyzed were Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches, Margaret Thatcher‟s Collected Speeches and Barack Obama in his Own Words. These writings 60 constituted the primary and twining sources of the study. They were chosen to parallel the criteria spelled out for the purpose. In subjecting the materials to internal and external criticism and analysis, the meaning and trustworthiness of the statements in the aforecited primary sources were carefully chartered and analyzed. In relation to this, the researcher was free in her own view to defend her understanding and appraisal of each literary piece according to the desired sensibilities with reference to the concept of Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s ideologies and causes evoked in her, by defining the suitability of the language to the themes, the relevance of the language to the situation, and the appropriateness of the language to the literary pieces under study. To attain congruency between the theories used in explaining the black women‘s‘ insights on pursuit for the meaning of life, coding and categorization were conducted. In this study, the categories which served as coding units include the following: the ideologies of Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama; the themes manifested in their selected speeches; the literary and rhetorical devices used in unveiling their ideologies and causes and the implications of their ideologies to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature. Direct lines were lifted from the selections served as the primary texts and juxtaposed with the theoretical statements discussed. These 61 passages from the chosen articles and speeches substantiated the theoretical basis of the study. 62 Chapter 4 ANALYSIS AND INTERPRETATION This chapter presents the analysis and critique on the problems raised in Chapter 1. 1. The ideologies reflected in the speeches of the selected world leaders 1.1. Ho Chi Minh’s Ideology in Ho Chi Minh’s Selected Articles and Speeches Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches is a collection of the President‘s writings and speeches during the period from 1920 to 1969, the main points of time in his life as a revolutionary cadre. Ho Chi Minh as a communist, as a revolutionary, a Party leader and the President of Vietnam has written a big number of articles and delivered different speeches, which should account for more than thousand pages of book. The selection in Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches constitutes only some ten per cent of Ho Chi Minh‘s works. However, the selections have been chosen so as to cover the main period of Ho Chi Minh‘s life and political activity, and to enable the reader to obtain an idea of his thoughts and outlook over a period of nearly fifty years. The bulk of the selection cover writings and speeches at each stage of the Vietnam struggle, including materials on the Communist Party, the struggle against Japan and France, Ho‘s attitude to the 63 French people, to puppet troops, and Catholics, questions of land reform, cadres, bureaucracy, intellectuals, guerrilla warfare, mass education, marriage and family democracy, the Soviet Union, the October Revolution, Leninism, key aspects of the liberation war against U.S imperialism and his last words before passing away. The chosen writings in the book reflect main political activities in Ho Chi Minh‘s life as well as the Vietnamese revolution. Therefore, the articles and speeches well exhibit Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideology expressed in ideological strategy on Continuous proletarian revolution: national liberation, building people‘s democracy and proceeding towards socialism, on national independence and the people‘s democratic regime, on socialism and the path of advance toward socialism in Vietnam. In the preface of the book, Ho Chi Minh strictly affirmed: “To save the country and to liberate the nation, there‟s no alternative to the proletarian revolution.” This brief generation described the inevitable rule of development and victory of Vietnam‘s revolution in the new era. Ho Chi Minh pointed out that to ensure the ultimate victory for Vietnam‘s revolution we should learn from the Russian revolution because ―only the Bolshevik Russian Revolution had achieved a complete success‖. He came to the conclusion that models on the Russian revolution could be a thorough-going one, which truly liberates 64 the nation and the laborers, and that only by standing on the position of Marxism-Leninism can one truly grasp the relationship between national independence, democracy and socialism, and have a correct a thorough viewpoint on national independence: “If the revolution is to win victory, we must take the people (workers and peasants) as the roots, we must have a solid and stable Party, which is persistent, which is ready to make sacrifices, and which is unified. Briefly, we must follow Marxism- Leninism.” However, Ho Chi Minh did not have dogmatic or conformist attitude on the question of determining the path for Vietnam‘s revolution and, thereafter, on improving and implanting it. He always proceeded from the real situation of Vietnam, strove to apply the fundamental concepts of Marxism and Leninism on proletarian revolution, especially dialectical materialism, endeavored to make an in-depth analysis of the typical characters of our society in order to correctly determine strategic and tactical issues and the steps to advance Vietnam‘s revolution. National liberation is one of the two basic strategic tasks of the national democratic revolution in Vietnam and is a top priority task. In Ho Chi Minh‘s view, national independence and unity were always associated with freedom, democracy, welfare and happiness of the people, particularly the working class. He said: If the country is independent, but the people do not enjoy happiness and freedom, independence would be meaningless! The people would appreciate the value of freedom and independence when they have enough to eat, and enough to wear! 65 To Ho Chi Minh, the people can only enjoy the benefits and values of independence and freedom of the country if their daily life necessities are supplied and if their demands for basic living conditions are satisfied. Thus, Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideology on national independence and freedom have profound and thoroughgoing contents, which involve national independence and unity, freedom, democracy, welfare and happiness; national independence is linked to socialism. His thought became the objective, the ideal, the slogans which mobilized and encouraged the Vietnamese people to accomplish miraculous achievements: defeating all enemies and brining full independence and unity to the country. The writings and speeches in Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches reflect Ho Chi Minh‘s concepts on socialism in Vietnam, which is one of the major creative points of Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideology. Ho Chi Minh refers socialism to the basic contents and long-term objectives of socialism and socialist construction in Vietnam: Building socialism involves changing the whole society, changing nature, making the society free from human exploitation and hunger, and ensuring welfare and happiness for all. Socialism is not something theoretical and abstract. In Ho Chi Minh‘s concept, a socialist society is a society where every person is equally treated, where its citizens can enjoy the benefits and the social 66 welfare. In a nutshell, a socialist society must be a good society where all people are happy. In Ho Chi Minh‘s opinion, socialism is not only a dream and ideal, but should be gradually realized in our immediate tasks. His creativity lies in the fact that with due account of the real situation in Vietnam he tried to work out immediate objectives for socialism, objectives that are realistic and specific, and meet the demands and aspiration of the people. He explained about socialism in a simple and easily understandable way: Socialism means, first of all, to make sure that the people are free from misery, everyone has a job, everyone has enough to eat and wear, and has a happy life. Socialism is to make sure that the people become rich, and the country become prosperous. Socialism means to make sure that the people have enough to eat, to wear, are increasingly happy, have access to education, are given medical treatment, can take rest when they are old, while bad customs and habits are gradually eradicated. Socialism means making sure that all our people have adequate food, clothes, housing, and have access to education. Socialism means that our people from all nationalities enjoy welfare and their offspring are increasingly happier. It is the aim of socialism to improve people‟s material and cultural conditions, and all this must be built by the people. The above statements of Ho Chi Minh on socialism may have differences in terms of specific details, phrases and words, but they all have the following common points. First, regarding the mastership of the people, all the powers and forces come from the people. Second, ―rich people and prosperous country‖ means gradual elimination of injustice, exploitation on the basis of development of production, 67 efforts to gradually ―turn Vietnam from an agriculturally backward country into a country with modern industry and agriculture and advanced science.‖ Third, Ho Chi Minh links economic development with social policies with social justice, efforts to continuously enhance material and spiritual living conditions of the people from all nationalities so that all our people ―have adequate food, clothes, housing, and have access to education.‖ Next, he requires that in a socialist society, people of all nationalities throughout the country should enjoy equality and friendship among all the nationalities in the spirit of cooperation, mutual respect of independence, sovereignty and mutual benefits. Finally, Ho Chi Minh declares that these are the aims of socialism, the goals that a socialist society should attempt to achieve. What is more important, he was also confident in the great creativity of the people and always emphasized that socialism must be built by the people themselves. The above viewpoint of Ho Chi Minh on socialism are in keeping with the fundamental viewpoints of Marxism-Leninism on socialism, in keeping with aspirations and basic and urgent requirements of the Vietnamese nation for thousands of years now, and in keeping with the rules on the revolutionary path of Vietnam. Therefore, these viewpoints could easily make their way in the heart of the Vietnamese people who accept them, and consciously strive to make them prevail. 68 1.2. Margaret Thatcher’s Ideology Reflected in Margaret Thatcher’s Collected Speeches Margaret Thatcher‘s speeches shows that translating ideology into practical politics is more often a question of public mission and direction of travel than an impossibilist demand for consistency. The political strength of Thatcher‘s ideologies (Thatcherism) was three-fold. Firstly, the values, instincts and prejudices of Thatcherism offered a clear enough framework to give the government an overall mission and agenda. Junior ministers, or civil servants, not sure how to address any policy issue could always use 'less state' as a ready reckoner about which policies might win favour. Secondly, the Thatcher governments were able to mobilise social constituencies who felt that the government was on their side, not least because they knew who it was against too. Thirdly, Thatcher understood that effective political change depended not just on electoral success, but on a longer-term project to shift the environment in which elections are held. Margaret Thatcher put intense effort into her major speeches. As a result, they are uniquely revealing of how she developed that clear vision which would transform Britain and help shape international politics in the late 20th century. They begin with the speeches she made as part of her campaign to mold the ideas of the Conservative Party in Opposition. They continue with the famous addresses in which she 69 expressed her convictions as prime minister and include recent lectures in which she gives her current, and controversial, thoughts about the world today. This book of speeches is an essential companion volume to the two books of Margaret Thatcher's memoirs, as well as a masterly study of one of the great political figures of our time. Margaret Thatcher largely devoted her minds and hearts to her nation. She 1.3. Barack Obama’s Ideology Reflected in Barack Obama in his Own Words Barack Obama‘s ideology is rarely felt outside of the p...eadfastly persist in the path of socialism. Without a full awareness of Marxism-Leninism and Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideology, it is impossible for young generations of Vietnam to obtain this objective. 114 Ho Chi Minh‘s writings not only show his thoughts but also reflect the process of Vietnamese history during the revolution and resistance wars against French and American imperialists. Therefore, the Vietnamese young generations, on reading Ho Chi Minh‘s works, can learn a lot about the country‘s history. Through their awareness of the national history, their patriotism, national pride and revolutionary consciousness are built and cultivated as in Ho Chi Minh‘s teaching: “Our people must know our own history To be fully aware of its origin And its four thousand year long life A country with glorious ancestors and good unity.” (Our Country‟s History) In a present day world, people can choose to enjoy different kinds of entertainment, and thus young generations also face a lot of enticement that the modern life creates and our enemies offer. However, reading President Ho Chi Minh‘s works can allow the youth to keep away from these temptations, devote their minds and heart to the revolutionary cause of the whole nation and think about good things. Ho Chi Minh himself set an excellent example in his tireless struggle for national liberation and independence and human liberation. Therefore, through his writings, young generations can absorb his ideology and implement good practices as in the words of the song: ―Thinking about Uncle Ho, our hearts become kinder.‖ To sum up, Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideology not only lights the thinking of the Vietnamese youth but also has strong influence on their 115 appreciation of literature and life values. His writings make great contribution to the building socialist qualities in younger generations of Vietnam, allowing them to have adequate conditions to successfully inherit their parents‘ result in the founding and defense of the country in the present context. Chapter 5 SUMMARY, CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 116 This chapter presents the summary, findings, conclusions and recommendations of the study. Summary This study is an analysis of literary and rhetorical devices used in speeches of selected world leaders and the implication of their ideologies to the thinking of young people and their appreciation of literature. Specifically, the study sought answers to the following questions: 1. What are the ideologies reflected in the speeches of Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama? 2. How are the themes of existence, patriotism, humanism, inner peace and moral principle manifested in the selected speeches? 3. What devices were used in the speeches of world leaders with reference to rhetorical devices and literary techniques? 4. What are the implications of their ideologies to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature? This study employed the qualitative method of research in analyzing the Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology in the representative literary works chosen. Likewise, this analysis made use of the sociological and philosophical approaches as the bases for analysis. Other approaches in literary criticism that may be employed in the analysis like the Formalist Criticism, Biographical Criticism, Historical Criticism, Gender 117 Criticism, Psychological Criticism, and Reader-Response Criticism are not part of this study. This paper also involved content analysis, which is a systematic technique in analyzing message content and message handling. The data analysis in this research centered on pattern seeking and the extraction of meaning from Ho Chi Minh‘s selected literary narrative or image data. Much effort was focused on the task of recording data or making notes through concepts and categories; altering or creating new codes or more subtle categories; linking and combining abstract concepts; extracting the essence; organizing meaning; creating theory from emerging themes; writing an understanding; and drawing conclusions. The essential features in the treatment of materials were considered by the researcher in the conduct of this study. The general rules cited by Stott (2014) as regards the seven standards a piece of literature should abide to in order to be considered literary guided in the selection of works under study. Finally, the following representative literary works were analyzed: Ho Chi Minh‟s Selected Articles and Speeches, Margaret Thatcher‟s Collected Speeches and Barack Obama in his Own Words. These selected speeches constituted the primary and twining sources of the study. The said selections were chosen because of the correlation between the aforecited themes and literary and rhetorical devices which 118 helped in unveiling the ideologies selected world leaders; and the implications of the said dogma to the thinking of the young people and their appreciation of literature. Findings The study yielded the following findings: 1. The ideologies reflected in the speeches of the selected world leaders The speeches well exhibit Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology expressed in ideological strategy on Continuous proletarian revolution: national liberation, building people‘s democracy and proceeding towards socialism, on national independence and the people‘s democratic regime, on socialism and the path of advance toward socialism in Vietnam. National liberation is one of the two basic strategic tasks of the national democratic revolution in Vietnam and is a top priority task. Ho Chi Minh‘s Ideologies on national independence and freedom have profound and thoroughgoing contents, which involve national independence and unity, freedom, democracy, welfare and happiness; national independence is linked to socialism. His thought became the objective, the ideal, the slogans which mobilized and encouraged the Vietnamese people to accomplish miraculous achievements: defeating all enemies and bringing full independence and unity to the country. 119 Ho Chi Minh refers socialism to the basic contents and long-term objectives of socialism and socialist construction in Vietnam. Socialism is not something theoretical and abstract. In Ho Chi Minh‘s concept, a socialist society is a society where every person is equally treated, where its citizens can enjoy the benefits and the social welfare. Margaret Thatcher‘s speeches shows that translating ideology into practical politics is more often a question of public mission and direction of travel than an impossibilist demand for consistency. The political strength of Thatcher‘s ideologies (Thatcherism) was three-fold. Firstly, the values, instincts and prejudices of Thatcherism offered a clear enough framework to give the government an overall mission and agenda. Junior ministers, or civil servants, not sure how to address any policy issue could always use 'less state' as a ready reckoner about which policies might win favour. Secondly, the Thatcher governments were able to mobilise social constituencies who felt that the government was on their side, not least because they knew who it was against too. Thirdly, Thatcher understood that effective political change depended not just on electoral success, but on a longer-term project to shift the environment in which elections are held. Barack Obama‘s ideology is rarely felt outside of the policy- making circles that surrounded him. Either for lack of good communication or the submerged nature of what he attempted to 120 change, only the sketchiest and most distorted images of what Obama wished to represent was ever delivered to the public. Obama was also content to compromise, to share, even to continue the agendas of his predecessors. In order to embody democratic values, centrist bipartisanship was a key virtue he espoused. Obama employed rhetoric of a ―fair‖ America but wholeheartedly embraced market competition provided it played by the rules. Though he showed a conscious knowledge of the divisions of America he refused to confront these directly out of fear of stoking them. Issues of class only began to creep into his campaign rhetoric in 2012 following pressure from his base. He believed in ―smart‖ war— a moniker the Iraq war failed to embody to Obama‘s taste. He was a strong believer in multilateralism, engaging in foreign policy with a team of willing allies. His speeches abroad were as much about respecting culture and sovereignty as they were about the gospel of liberal markets and democracy. One‘s immediate impression would be to place Obama as centrist, a classic liberal in his espousal of both the idea of democracy and free trade. Yet, failure or even unwillingness to communicate would be the greatest plague to a president who entered office promising an end to a closed off Washington elite. 2. How are the following themes manifested in the selected speeches? The three selected world leaders realize and declare the existence of their country and their ideology in their speeches. 121 Ho Chi Minh‘s life is a clear and vivid example of patriotism. He devoted his whole life to the country and the people. All of his thoughts and actions were for the sake of the country and the people. In his whole life, Ho Chi Minh attached his commitments to the revolutionary cause of his nation. He also attached his happiness to the happiness of his fellow countrymen. Thatcher‘s speeches are loaded with patriotic terms and convey an exalted nationalist mood. Her words are loaded with traditional British sentiments of superiority and patriotism. The nation/country should be proud because it acted with bravery: She is not only praising the latest victory, but also the British characteristics that had led to the formation of the Empire. Barack Obama‘s love for his country is evident in his speeches. He declares that patriotism is synonymous with the love of country and people, and patriotism involves sacrifice. In his opinion, true patriotism cannot be forced or legislated with a mere set of government programs. Instead, it must reside in the hearts of our people, and cultivated in the heart of our culture, and nurtured in the hearts of our children. Ho Chi Minh‘s humanism is reflected first of all in his immense and deep feelings of love for human beings, and for the people. Ho Chi Minh could combine the altruism inherent in Vietnam‘s cultural traditions with the ideas of benevolence and humanism of the East, as also the ideas of fraternity, human emancipation from the divine and royal power 122 as advocated by Western humanism, and in particular with Communist humanism. All these elements work together to produce in him lofty, deep and realistic humanism. Moral principles are a basic component of Ho Chi Minh‘s humanism, and derive from the demand for national liberation, social liberation and human emancipation. To Ho Chi Minh, ethics is regarded as the decisive factor to the success of the revolutionary cause. The leader of the revolutionary movement must have ethics; otherwise, he cannot take the responsibility of leading the people. Ho Chi Minh put forth general standards of ethics that everyone, every social stratum should follow. Then, he pointed out specific standards that specific groups should abide by in carrying out their specific duties and responsibilities. 3. What devices were used in the speeches of selected world leaders with reference to rhetorical and literary devices? Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama have effectively employed rhetorical devices, including ethos, logos and pathos to persuade their audience. Rhetoric is often used as a tool by speakers who attempt to persuade or motivate an audience in certain situations; it is an art of winning the soul by discourse, according to Plato. The use of logic, emotion and virtue are three most powerful elements of the art of rhetoric. These are the tools that many believe 123 are seen in Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama‘s speeches. Ethos is a rhetorical strategy which focuses on an appeal to ethics. It is a means of convincing someone of the character or credibility of the persuader. Pathos is another rhetorical scheme which centers on an appeal to emotion, and is a way of convincing an audience of an argument by creating an emotional response. Logos, on the other hand, is a rhetorical strategy which emphasizes on an appeal to logic. It is a way of persuading an audience by reason. The three selected world leaders successfully utilize a number of literary techniques in their speeches. Figurative language, symbolism and flashback are some examples of the literary techniques that Ho Chi Minh, Margaret Thatcher and Barack Obama employ to convey their ideologies and to create endless associations in readers through their senses. That is to covey meaning on the one hand and bring the aesthetic appreciation to the readers on the other hand. 4. What are the implications of the selected world leaders‘ ideologies to the thinking of the young people and the appreciation of literature? Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s speeches are a good exhibition of their ideologies. Reading their works requires young people thorough study and research so that they can understand and apply their understandings in their actions. 124 In a present day world, people can choose to enjoy different kinds of entertainment, and thus young generations also face a lot of enticement that the modern life creates and our enemies offer. However, reading Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s and Barack Obama‘s speeches can allow the youth to keep away from these temptations, devote their minds and heart to the revolutionary cause of the whole nation and think about good things. Conclusions Based on the findings, the following conclusions are drawn: 1. The selected world leaders show their own ideologies in their speeches. The selected world leaders all wish to build a peaceful and prosperous country for their nation and expect to achieve happiness for their people. As the country leader, they also establish norms and principles so that their people will pursuit their desires. 2. The selected world leaders share some common themes in their speeches. They confirm their existence, show their patriotism and humanism towards their countrymen and human beings. The selected speeches reveal the world leaders‘ inner peace and moral principles which they have established to educate their people. 3. The thesis also shows that the selected world leaders have employed all kinds of rhetorical devices including ethos, logos, and pathos in order to persuade audience. They have also utilized a number 125 of literary techniques such as figurative language, symbolism and flashback in their speeches in order to access the public. Recommendations From the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher offers the following recommendations: 1. That the academic managers use this research as a frame of reference when they prepare developmental priorities, programs, projects and policies in the educational institutions to ensure that the practice of selected world leaders‘ ideology can access the academe and spawn activities in the curricula that will educate the academic community of the beneficial outcomes of his thoughts to all people. 2. That the working professionals employ this study in the mainstream of their disciplines, their lives and the world and when they apply Ho Chi Minh‘s, Margaret Thatcher‘s, Barack Obama‘s ideologies into the workplace initiatives to nurture and challenge people of all ages working in various sectors of society to live socialist lives. 3. That media practitioners be inspired to develop an intervention strategy that incorporates educational messages on existence, patriotism, humanism, inner peace and moral principle into talk shows, quiz shows and other media programming on the television and radio to change cultural attitudes, norms and behaviors that would benefit audiences. 126 4. That college instructors of literature may use this analysis as one of their methodologies in teaching literature specifically the appropriate materials, media, and literary theories and approaches in literary analysis in their literature classes and to develop their students‘ appreciation and sense of value in order to guide and allow them to crystallize and synthesize what philosophy of life is best to learn and to live by. 5. That the students of literature realize the significance of the literary and rhetorical devices in literary works and may be inspired to treat literature as a work of art distinguished from other texts through content and form, and intensify their appreciation of literary works as well as inspire them to engage in literary analysis as an academic activity. 6. That the members of the community may realize, through this paper, that the Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology is the basic foundation for the struggle of national independence, the building of socialism and the cultivation of revolutionary ethics in present Vietnam. 7. That future researchers conduct other literary works in the veins of the recent research for academic enhancement to have a cross dissections of views of life and to substantiate the present study. Findings 127 1. Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology is reflected deeply in his different writings, which include his Prison Diary, Selected Articles and Speeches and Testament. 2. The themes of struggle for human liberation, national independence, creative Marxism-Leninism, humanism, social ethics and patriotism are all manifested in Ho Chi Minh‘s selected works in order to express his ideology. 3. Different literary devices, such as personification, simile, metaphors, repetition, and rhetorical questions are employed effectively to convey different aspects of Ho Chi Minh‘s thoughts. 4. Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology has proved its high values in the development of the thinking of the Vietnamese youth and their appreciation of literature. Recommendations From the foregoing findings and conclusions, the researcher offers the following recommendations: 1. That the academic managers use this research as a frame of reference when they prepare developmental priorities, programs, projects and policies in the educational institutions to ensure that the practice of Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology can access the academe and spawn activities in the curricula that will educate the academic community of the beneficial outcomes of his thoughts to all people. 128 2. That the working professionals employ this study in the mainstream of their disciplines, their lives and the world and when they apply Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology into the workplace initiatives to nurture and challenge people of all ages working in various sectors of society to live socialist lives. 3. That media practitioners be inspired to develop an intervention strategy that incorporates educational messages on human liberation, national independence, creative Marxism-Leninism, humanism, social ethics and patriotism into talk shows, quiz shows and other media programming on the television and radio to change cultural attitudes, norms and behaviors that would benefit audiences. 4. That college instructors of literature may use this analysis as one of their methodologies in teaching literature specifically the appropriate materials, media, and literary theories and approaches in literary analysis in their literature classes and to develop their students‘ appreciation and sense of value in order to guide and allow them to crystallize and synthesize what philosophy of life is best to learn and to live by. 5. That the students of literature realize the significance of the literary devices in literary works and may be inspired to treat literature as a work of art distinguished from other texts through content and form, and intensify their appreciation of literary works as well as inspire them to engage in literary analysis as an academic activity. 129 6. That the members of the community may realize, through this paper, that the Ho Chi Minh‘s ideology is the basic foundation for the struggle of national independence, the building of socialism and the cultivation of revolutionary ethics in present Vietnam. 7. That future researchers conduct other literary works in the veins of the recent research for academic enhancement to have a cross dissections of views of life and to substantiate the present study. 130 BILIOGRAPHY A. BOOKS Billig, M. Banal nationalism. London: Sage, 1995. Ho, Chi Minh. On the Vietnam People‘s Armed Forces. Hanoi: Foreign Languages Publishing House, 1985. Ho, Chi Minh. 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WORK EXPERIENCE (in reverse chronological order, ie the latest first) Date of employment, name of position, company/organization, brief summary of duties and responsibilities  02/2004- 04/2004: Teacher of English (teaching practice) at Luong Ngoc Quyen Senior High School – Thai Nguyen city, teaching English to senior high school students.  2004 – Present: Teacher of English at Thai Nguyen University of Education. Co-composer of English teaching syllabus for Specific Purpose editions (Geography, History, and Primary Education). 138  2004-2013: Part-time work at Edu-link, AEA, Ework English Centre, Thai Nguyen, teaching English to learners of different levels and needs. A member of Outdoor Operational Team.  2000 – 2010: Private Tutor of English for learners of different needs, levels and ages; part-time work as a teacher for different clients.  2010: Freelance translator for World Vision Vietnam  2011-2013: Teacher of Vietnamese for foreigners at Thai Nguyen Education College  2012: Teaching IELTS, TOEFL for 80 core teaching staffs at Cford- Thai Nguyen University  2012- now: Part-time teaching for Centre for foreign Languages Studies for human resources development and Pre-doctoral Training Centre- Thai Nguyen University.  2012-now: working in core groups of the National Foreign Languages Project 2020 in terms of teaching, curriculum design and development. LANGUAGE COMPETENCE Language Spoken Written 1. Vietnamese Mother tongue 2. English Fluent Good

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