A Dissertation Presented to
the Faculty of the Graduate School
Southern Luzon State University, Lucban, Quezon, Philippines
in Collaboration with
Thai Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
In Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Philosophy in Educational Management
Pham Van Hung- (Hero)
July, 2013
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his dissertation entitled “Enhancing the Mechanical Engineering program
of Thai Nguyen University through redesigned learning outcomes” submitted by
PHAM VAN HUNG, in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of
Doctor of Education Management been examined and is recommended for
acceptance and approval.
Approved by the Oral Examination Committee, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Education Management by Southern
Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai
Nguyen University, Socialist Republic of Vietnam
Critic Reader...............................................................................................
Accepted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of
Doctor of Education Management by Southern Luzon State University, Republic
of the Philippines in collaboration with Thai Nguyen University, Socialist
Republic of Vietnam
Dean, Graduate School
Date _________________
The author would like to express her gratitude to the following persons
who had great contribution to the preparation and accomplishment of this
Sincerest and profound gratitude and appreciation are extended to all the
persons who in their own special ways have made this thesis a reality. The author
is most grateful to:
Hon. Dr. Cecilia N. Gascon, President of Southern Luzon State
University, Republic of the Philippines, for her invaluable contribution in
establishment of the Master of Arts in Educational Management program in Thai
Nguyen University;
Prof. Dr. Dang Kim Vui, President of Thai Nguyen University, the
Socialist Republic of Vietnam for his incomparable contribution and support to
the Doctor of philosophy in Educational Management program under the auspices
of the Southern Luzon State University, Republic of the Philippines;
Dr. Walberto A.Macaraan, Vice-President for Extension and Research,
for his support to the tie-up program between SLSU and TNU;
The Panel of Examiners, for their invaluable comments, suggestions and
recommendations to enhance the thesis manuscript of the author of this study;
Prof. Dr. Melchor Melo O.Placino, his adviser, for his dedication,
enduring patience and concern, guidance, sincere hopes and encouragement for
the researcher to finish the manuscript;
Prof. Dr. Apolonia Espinosia, professor of advanced statistics for her
patience and support;
To the Learning Resource Center of Thai Nguyen University, for the
valuable sources of books and references;
To the authors and researchers of books and unpublished graduate theses
that served as reliable source of data and information presented in the study;
Special thanks to:
Prof. Phan Quang The, Rector of Thai Nguyen University of
Technology for the approval of the researcher’s request to conduct the study;
The respondents of the study, for their active involvement, without their
cooperation the result of this dissertation may not be possible;
His loving classmates and colleagues, for endless support and friendship
which inspires the researcher to put in her best in finishing the study;
His wife – Dinh Thi Kim Phuong, the only person with a special space in
his heart for being his inspiration;
His parents and siblings, for their encouragement, financial, moral and
spiritual supports and for continuously believing that he can finish the task to the
best of his abilities
With pride and honor,
This piece of work is lovingly dedicated
to his beloved parents, wife and children
for their endless support
And for being his constant source of inspiration...
Pham Van Hung (Hero)
Title page i
Approval sheet ... ii
Acknowledgement ............. iii
Dedication .. v
Table of content vi
List of table
List of figure...
List of appendices .
Abstract . xiii
Background of the Study .. 2
Objective of the study ................... 6
Significance of the Study . 6
Scope and Limitation 7
Definition of Terms ... 7
Learning outcomes 10
Type of learning outcomes . 12
Learning outcomes and outcomes-based approaches .. 18
The role of learning outcomes in program design and improvement . 19
Learning outcomes and learning objectives 22
How to write Learning outcomes 22
Quality and Quality in Education 23
Engineer standards and criteria ... 24
CDIO initiative ... 27
The formulation of learning outcomes 29
Research Diagram 31
Locale of the Study 33
Research Design 33
Population and Sampling .. 33
Research Instrumentation .............. 34
Data Gathering Procedure . 36
Statistical Treatment of Data 36
4.1. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the
four main stakeholders of the MEP
4.1.1. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the
4.1.2. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the
4.1.3. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the
4.1.4. The importance of each learning outcome topic under the view of the
4.2. Evaluate the current status of learning outcomes and the expected LOs
of MEP
4.2.1. Graduating students 55
4.2.2. Faculty 58
4.2.3. Alumni 66
4.2.4. Employers 74
4.3. The correlation among the important level of learning outcomes,
current proficient level of the students, the expected proficient level
that the students should achieve.
4.4 The Process for formulating the redesigned learning outcomes for the
Summary and findings ... 84
Conclusion . 87
Recommendations . 88
A. Books ... 90
B. Internet sources 90
A. Questionnaires ... 92
B. Statistical Computations . 100
1 Number of respondents of the pilot survey...
2 Number of qualified questionnaires
3 The importance of the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning topics under
the view of the students...
4 The importance of the Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
topics under the view of the students
5 The importance of the interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
topics under the view of the students
6 The importance of conceiving context topics under the view of the
7 The importance of conceiving enterprise context and designing topics
under the view of the students
8 The importance of implementing and operating the system topics under the
view of the students.
9 The importance of the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning topics under
the view of the alumni
10 The importance of the Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
topics under the view of the alumni
11 The importance of the interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
topics under the view of the alumni
12 The importance of the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning topics under
the view of the teachers
13 The importance of the interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
topics under the view of the teachers
14 The importance of implementing and operating the system topics under the
view of the teachers
15 The importance of the Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning topics under
the view of the employers
16 The importance of the Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
topics under the view of the employers
17 The importance of the interpersonal skills: Teamwork and communication
topics under the view of the employers
18 The importance of the Applying skills under the view of the employers.
19 The Current and Expected proficient level of Designing under view of
20 The Current and Expected proficient level of Operating under view of
21 Results of survey on Knowledge of underlying mathematics and sciences
22 Results on analytical reasoning and problem solving
23 Results on experimentation, investigation and knowledge discovery
24 Results on system thinking....
25 Results on attitudes, thoughts and learning
26 Results on ethics, equity and other responsibilities
27 Results on external, societal and environmental context
28 Results on conceiving, systems engineering and management .
29 Results on operating.
30 Results of survey on Knowledge of underlying mathematics and sciences..
31 Results on analytical reasoning and problem solving
32 Results on attitudes, thoughts and learning.
33 Results on interpersonal skills: teamwork and communication
34 Results on external, societal and environmental context
35 Results on enterprise and business context
36 Results on conceiving, systems engineering and management
37 Results on implementing
38 Correspondence between the Bloom’s taxonomy and proficiency scale
1 The relationship between occupational standards and training
standards .....
2 Learning outcomes in the development of program.
3 Framework for understanding educational quality .
4 Building blocks of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary
to Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate Systems in
the Enterprise and Societal Context (CDIO). ...
5 The schematic presentation of the study to develop the
learning outcomes which meet the requirements of the
society and international integration
A Questionnaires
B Statistical Computations .. 100
Enhancing the Mechanical Engineering program of Thai
Nguyen University through redesigned learning
DEGREE CONFERRED: Doctor of philosophy in Educational Management
INSTITUTION: Southern Luzon State University – TNU
Formulation of the learning outcomes which meet the requirements of the society
plays an important role in order to improve the quality of the program. This study aims at
redesigning the learning outcomes of the Mechanical Engineering Program at Thai Nguyen
University of Engineering using the survey results from the main stakeholders (employer,
alumni, teacher and student) of the program. Questionnaires were distributed to target
respondents. The data was processed using SPSS. Results were subjected to t-test. The
results were discussed by educational experts, institutional managers and teaching staff.
The results of the study showed that all the draft learning outcome topics were important
for the engineer, however, the current learning outcomes and competences of the students
did not meet the requirements of the employers, alumni, teaching staff and students with
regard to the knowledge and skills the graduate and student of the program possess. The
learning outcomes of the Mechanical Engineering Program were rewritten with reference
to the comments and contribution of its main stakeholders. On the basis of the new
learning outcomes, the program should be adjusted to provide its students with proper
knowledge and skills based on the redesigned learning outcomes.
Chapter I
In recent years, the scale of development of training has increased significantly in
Vietnam. By the end of the first semester of school year (2010-2011), there were 149
higher education institutions (HEIs) with 1,358,861 college students and 45,961 teachers.
Providing accountability data and consumer information on the quality of teaching and
learning has been increasing pressures on the HEIs.
The Vietnamese Government and the Ministry of Education and Training have
stated the concern about the learning outcomes of HEIs to ensure the quality of training
and accountability towards the Government and the society. In 2008, at a national
conference on the quality of higher education which was held in Ho Chi Minh City on
January, 8th 2008, the Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Education and Training Nguyen
Thien Nhan appealed to the universities & colleges to improve the quality of instruction:
that by December, 2008 all universities, colleges must develop their training standards,
conduct training to achieve the learning outcomes (LOs) set, students should be properly
informed about their level of competence, how to achieve the learning outcomes, and what
skills they will have after completing the courses, etc.”
Minister Nguyen Thien Nhan confirmed that the transition from training based on
HEIs’ availability to training which met the requirements of the society was the most
important, fundamental and urgent change in current period. The Minister gave 09 criteria
to ensure quality standards in training to meet social needs, including: (1) Skills,
competences of graduates; (2) The input; (3) Training programs (4) Faculty, staff
management; (5) Teaching and assessing learning outcomes of students; (6) Condition of
facilities, technique (7) Finance; (8) Decentralized management mechanism; and (9)
Accreditation, training quality evaluation.
Article 9, Vietnamese Education Law, 2005 on Education development states that
“Education development is a first national priority with a view to improving people’s
knowledge, training manpower, and fostering talents. Education development must be
linked to the requirements of socio-economic development, to the scientific-technological
advances, and to the consolidation of national defense and security; must implement
standardization, modernization, and socialization; must ensure the balance in terms of
qualifications, professional and regional structure; must expand scale on the basis of
quality and efficiency assurance; and must link education with employment”
Criteria 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 4.7 of the Vietnamese set of accreditation standards for higher
education institutions (issued together with Decision No. 65/2007/QD-BGDDT November
1, 2007) also explicitly highlight the educational program must be developed and adjusted
based on the consultancy of the employers , alumni and other stakeholders of the program
and "the universities are to have plans to evaluate the quality of training after graduation
and plans to adjust training to meet the requirements of society".
The Vietnam Government also issued official document on the “Reform of
education management period 2010 – 2012” which highlighted that training to meet social
needs is an important task and we must foster training quality to meet the requirements of
the society at national level as well as at local level and at each training institution.
Thai Nguyen University has been full of awareness of the importance of training to
meet social needs and international integration. Since 2008, the University has directed its
members in making plans to provide quality training. The University has organized 02
training courses on formulating learning outcomes for more than 200 leaders of its member
colleges and units. However, in the implementation process, the consultation of the
employers and alumni as well as other stakeholders has not been focused and the learning
outcomes of some programs were at the following two types (1) too high to achieve and (2)
too low that does not meet with the requirements of the present socio-economic
development and some are too general which do not provide basis for the development of
the program. It is the reason why this study is very imperative in Thai Nguyen University.
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
The Faculty of Mechanical Engineering (TFME) is one of the largest and oldest
departments of the Thai Nguyen University of Technology. It is responsible for the training
of highly qualified technicians to meet the needs of industrialization and modernization of
the country and the need to integrate with the world. In addition, the faculty organizes and
implements scientific research, applying the results in production for engineering as well
as other fields.
The faculty is divided into five departments, including Departments of
Manufacturing Plant, the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Materials Technology
department, the departments of Mechatronics and Automotive Technology. Each
department of the Faculty is responsible for a specialized field of training.
TFME has an enthusiastic teaching team. Currently, the department has nearly 100
staff and teachers involved in teaching and working. Over 60% members of the faculty
have Masters and Doctorate degree, in which 30% are core teachers and 40% are Associate
Professor and Ph.D. holders.
TMFE is currently teaching 86 classes with over 5700 full-time and part-time
students. Among these, there are more than 4400 full-time students with 54 classes.
Over 38 years of construction and development, the Faculty has trained more than
15,000 masters, engineers, college degree, and hundreds of technicians. In terms of jobs
and work places, from North to South, from the main cities to the mountainous areas,
remote islands, from lecture halls of universities to companies, state enterprises or private,
TMFE former students can be found.
Not only the quantity but the quality of the Faculty’s training was approved and
highly appreciated. Moreover, these technical staffs are trained to maximize the knowledge
learned in order to contribute effectively to national construction and defense. Many
alumni of the faculty have now become the leaders and held important positions in society.
Mechanical Engineering Program (MEP)
The MEP was designed and formulated based on regulation of the Vietnamese
Ministry of Education and Training. The contents of the program were originally designed
by the experienced senior lecturers of the University. The contents of the program have
been adjusted recently due to the Vietnamese policy to import the programs of developed
countries and the MEP has imported some of the content of the Mechanical engineering
program of University of Buffalo, USA. It is the reason why the program has many
updated knowledge of engineering with a view to provide the students with the wide and
fundamental engineering knowledge, the updated knowledge of design including methods,
design procedure and design tools.
However, after 2 completed 5-year-course training, the program has shown some
problems that need fixing.
First, many graduates have to attend further training of 4-6 months before finding a
job according to the results of the survey by the university. The graduates are said to lack
the necessary skills such as team work and communication, besides they lack the proper
practices in order to work in a new environment, it takes a lot of time for them to be
familiar with the new conditions.
Second, with regard to the content of the program, the logistic among subjects is
not proper, some can be cut down or cut off without affecting other subjects while these
subjects do not directly provide expected outcomes knowledge and skills.
Third, timing and program specifications of some modules are not suitable;
especially those require the students’ skills.
These problems could be defined as the wrong way of forming a program for the
MEP, that they based on the experience of a group of people and they chose what to teach
based on their emotions. The learning outcomes of the MEP were the same as that of the
Mechanical Material and other program which stated as follows:
The MEP would provide the students with:
1. Qualities
a. Political qualities: Understanding and responsibilities: observance of policy
guidelines, policies and laws of the Party, State and in implementing rights and obligations
of citizens and workers.
b. Humanistic qualities: Honest, energetic, confident, responsible and conscious
community service, harmony and market demand; Dare to think, dare to confront new and
known risks.
2. Knowledge
- Provide with strong suitable foundation of basic sciences like mathematics,
chemistry, physics, philosophy, etc.; core knowledge base of mechanical engineering and
other related fields.
- Provide students with specialized knowledge in the design, fabrication machine;
presented and applied to solve engineering problems creatively through the use of methods
and techniques: synthesis, distribution analysis, calculation, design and manufacture.
- Provide students with knowledge and understanding of contemporary issues.
3. Skills
a. Study skills, self-study.
b. Skills to use information technology: Proficient in using computational software,
design, simulation and programming capabilities production control system; Good
command of office software applications, internet and email.
c. Communication skills: Have the ability to form logical arguments and
persuasive; shown capable technical solutions or presentations with graphics, models and
multimedia materials; communication skills in writing, email; Skills to present problem
logically, briefly and easy to understand.
d. Teamwork: Ability to organize work groups effectively can play a role as leader
or member participates in the same group or multi-disciplinary field of international
working environment.
e. Foreign Languages: Ability to read, translate technical documents in English,
have basic communication skills in English in social and professional.
It can be seen from the current learning outcomes that most of the professional
outcomes related to knowledge, however, what the society needs from an engineer is not
their knowledge but also their competency and practicing skills.
Using the modern theory in developing a program, the Faculty should start from the
learning outcomes that are designed based on the demand of the society, employers,
alumni and other stakeholders of the program. It’s the reason why the learning outcomes of
the MEP should be redesigned to prepare for the whole improvement of the MEP.
1. Determine the importance of draft learning outcomes items of the Mechanical
Engineering Program in terms of:
1.1. Disciplinary Knowledge and Reasoning
1.2. Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes
1.3. Interpersonal Skills: Teamwork and Communication
1.4. Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society.
2. Evaluate the current status of learning outcome topics and the expected LO
topics of MEP by:
2.1. Alumni
2.2. Faculty
2.3. Graduating students
2.4. Employers.
3. Redesign the learning outcomes for the MEP.
This study attempts to develop the learning outcomes for Mechanical and
Engineering Program which meet the requirements of the society and the international
integration. The study would be beneficial to the followings:
Administrators: It is hoped that the study will make clear about the state of the
arts of learning outcomes and what the stakeholders of the program are expected from the
graduate of the program. The finding of the research will help to reform the training
program towards the outcome-based education in regional higher education institutions.
Teachers/ Professors: The outcome of this study will be very beneficial to teachers
and professors since they provide them with a clearer picture of what others stakeholders
are expected them to provide, and also give them guidelines to organize their teaching to
meet with the demands of the society and the current trend of international integration.
Students: The students are the main stakeholder of the training process, so with the
results of this study, students will have a better choice on the learning strategy to get the
best outcomes of knowledge, skills and attitude. They will benefit the changes in the
program for the better achievement of the learning outcomes set.
Future researchers: This study could provide references for future proponents
who wish to venture a study similar to the nature of this ongoing research.
The study was implemented in the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering - College of
Engineering - Thai Nguyen University with the involvement of 250 students who are in the
senior year and graduating in June, 2013; 50 faculty who are teaching in the program; 100
enterprises representatives; 100 alumni of the MEP.
Learning outcomes are classified into knowledge outcomes, skills outcomes and
attitude outcomes and divided into four groups: (1) Disciplinary Knowledge and
Reasoning (2) Personal and Professional Skills and Attributes (3) Interpersonal Skills:
Teamwork and Communication (4) Applying Knowledge to Benefit Society.
To define the outcomes for the program, survey on the different stakeholders of the
MEP will be carried out. Representatives of the enterprises where alumni of the MEP
work, alumni, faculty and students/ graduate will be the participants of the survey.
Development of the learning outcomes was limited to the use of questionnaires,
expert discussion and consultancy. Checklists were developed for the purpose of the study.
The timeframe for the study is from February 2013 to July 2013.
For clarity and better understanding of the study, the following terminologies are
defined both conceptually and operationally.
Cognitive outcomes include domain-specific knowledge, reasoning and problem-
solving skills.
Communications is composed of the skills necessary to devise a communications strategy
and structure, and those necessary to use the four common media: written, oral,
graphical, and electronic. (
Disciplinary knowledge and reasoning includes knowledge of basic sciences and core
engineering fundamental knowledge and professional engineering knowledge.
Experimental Inquiry is a special kind of problem solving that is governed by rules of
process and evidence, a process of generating and testing hypotheses for the
purpose of understanding some physical or psychological phenomenon.
Interpersonal skills are skills used by a person to properly interact with others. In the
business domain, the term generally refers to an employee's ability to get along
with others while getting the job done. Interpersonal skills include everything from
communication and listening skills to attitude and deportment.
Learning outcomes describe what a learner is expected to know, to understand and be
able to demonstrate after successful completion of a process of learning. They are
statements of concrete and verifiable signs that witness/ certify how the planned
competences, including the required levels of knowledge are being developed or
acquired. (https://www.ucviden.dk/portal/files/9576063/Tuning_G_Formulating_
Non-cognitive outcomes consist of suggestions and supports for the completion of study
beliefs, values and attitude.
Personal Skills and Attitudes include the general character traits of initiative and
perseverance, the more generic modes of thought of creative and critical thinking,
and the skills of personal inventory (knowing one’s strengths and weaknesses),
curiosity and lifelong learning, and time management. (EF Crawley - 2001, The
CDIO Syllabus)
Professional Attributes are characteristics of an engineer including professional integrity
and professional behavior to plan for one’s career and to stay current in our
dynamic world of engineering.
Redesigned learning outcomes are learning outcomes that are designed based on the
previous one with the consultancy of ideas from employers, alumni, teachers and
students and administrators.
Requirements of the society include the requirement of people (faculty, students),
employers, alumni and government.
Teamwork is comprised of forming, operating, growing, and leading a team, along with
some skills specific to technical teamwork.
Thinking holistically involves perceiving a system through sensing its large-scale patterns
and reacting to them. Holistic thinking is mostly applied in social situations which
need sensitivity, intuition and tact.
Chapter II
This chapter presents the literature and studies of the learning outcomes, the roles
of the learning outcomes in developing the curriculum and the program, the quality in
education, the engineer criteria of some organizations and how to formulate the learning
outcomes of a program.
The first part presents the educational program and some definitions of learning
According to “An educational
program is a program written by the institution or ministry of education which determines
the learning progress of each subject in all the stages of formal education”.
Learning ou...anipulation of
materials and objects, or some act which requires a neuromuscular coordination. It captures
the complexity of grace, strength and speed that is often involved in physical activity or
skill acquisition. The psychomotor domain includes the following levels: perception, set,
guided response, mechanism, complex overt responses, adaptation, and origination.
There are few topics in the syllabus that related to the psychomotor domain, these
topics all have an important cognitive component as well. Therefore the cognitive verbs are
consistently used for these topics, and the psychomotor categories are not used.
The concept of quality and quality evaluation standards have been the educational
central concept since 1980. In general, it is difficult to give “quality” an objective
definition. When we talk about the quality of a product or the quality of a service, the
definition often used is the satisfaction of the client. While quality, in general, is already a
difficult concept in itself, quality in higher education is much more confusing, because it is
not always clear what the "product" and who the "client" is. If we consider that the
‘products’ are the graduates and the clients are parents, students, employers, and the
government then when we decide about the quality, we should know about the satisfaction
of the clients 2.
In an article published in Assessment and Evaluation in Education, Green and
Harvey (1993) concluded: “First, quality means different things to different people.
Secondly, quality is relative to processes or outcomes”. So quality in education may relate
to the processes of teaching and learning, the activities of departments and institutions and
the correspondence between the program goals and the competence of its graduates (Frazer
1992, 1994).
According to UNESCO, the educational quality in its components consists of
quality of the input (resources), quality of the process (the implementation of the
educational activities) and the quality of the outputs. Under such approach, educational
quality consists of every factor, relation, condition which are related to the educational
products such as the graduates those who are trained by the educational activities which
contributed to the holistic development of those people to meet the educational set goals,
the researches, articles ... Therefore, the most important factor of educational quality is the
consistence of the educational products and the educational goals. And from different
views for education the best definition for quality is “fitness for purposes”.
UNESCO has also issued a Framework for understanding educational quality that
describes the relationships among components of what make quality in education 26.
Figure 3. Framework for understanding educational quality (UNESCO source)
Figure 3 indicates that teachers, textbooks, learning materials are essential to make
an efficient education. Teaching and learning are keys for the development and change in
human. However, in order to make good quality of education “the outcomes of education
should be assessed in the context of its agreed objectives. They are most easily expressed
in terms of academic achievement (sometimes as test grades, but more usually and
popularly in terms of examination performance), though ways of assessing creative and
emotional development as well as changes in value, attitudes and behavior have also been
The framework that is used by the UNESCO does not conflict but goes hand in
hand with the EFQM model or the Deming P-D-C-A cycle that are used in quality
In Vietnamese Education Law 2005, Article 39 about Objectives of higher
education states (1.) The objectives of higher education are to educate learners in acquiring
political and moral qualities, endeavor to serve the people, professional knowledge and
practical skills relevant to the education levels, and physical health, meeting the needs of
building and defending of the Fatherland. (2.) University education shall help students
acquire in-depth professional knowledge and fluently practical skills in one profession with
the ability to work independently and creatively as well as to solve problems in the field of
Over the world, there have been criteria on the LOs of students of engineering.
Those criteria describe what an engineer can do after his graduation. Criteria for
Accrediting Engineering Programs by Accreditation Board for Engineering and
Technology (ABET), United State, 2012 – 2013 describe the outcomes of the students as
follows: (a) an ability to apply knowledge of mathematics, science, and engineering (b) an
ability to design and conduct experiments, as well as to analyze and interpret data; (c) an
ability to design a system, component, or process to meet desired needs within realistic
constraints such as economic, environmental, social, political, ethical, health and safety,
manufacturability, and sustainability; (d) an ability to function on multidisciplinary teams;
(e) an ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems; (f) an understanding
of professional and ethical responsibility; (g) an ability to communicate effectively; (h) the
broad education necessary to understand the impact of engineering solutions in a global,
economic, environmental, and societal context; (i) a recognition of the need for, and an
ability to engage in life-long learning; (j) a knowledge of contemporary issues; (k) an
ability to use the techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for
engineering practice. 22
EUR-ACE Framework Standards for the Accreditation of Engineering Programs –
Final Version 17/11/2005 highlighted the followings 17:
Knowledge and Understanding includes knowledge and understanding of the scientific
and mathematical principles underlying their branch of engineering; a systematic
understanding of the key aspects and concepts of their branch of engineering; coherent
knowledge of their branch of engineering including some at the forefront of the branch;
awareness of the wider multidisciplinary context of engineering.
Engineering Analysis includes the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to
identify, formulate and solve engineering problems using established methods; the ability
to apply their knowledge and understanding to analyze engineering products, processes and
methods; the ability to select and apply relevant analytic and modeling methods.
Engineering Design includes the ability to apply their knowledge and understanding to
develop and realise designs to meet defined and specified requirements; an understanding
of design methodologies, and an ability to use them.
Investigations comprises of the ability to conduct searches of literature, and to use data
bases and other sources of information; the ability to design and conduct appropriate
experiments, interpret the data and draw conclusions; workshop and laboratory skills.
Engineering Practice requires the ability to select and use appropriate equipment, tools
and methods; the ability to combine theory and practice to solve engineering problems; an
understanding of applicable techniques and methods, and of their limitations; an awareness
of the non-technical implications of engineering practice.
Transferable Skills requires function effectively as an individual and as a member of a
team; use diverse methods to communicate effectively with the engineering community
and with society at large; demonstrate awareness of the health, safety and legal issues and
responsibilities of engineering practice, the impact of engineering solutions in a societal
and environmental context, and commit to professional ethics, responsibilities and norms
of engineering practice; demonstrate an awareness of project management and business
practices, such as risk and change management, and understand their limitations; recognise
the need for, and have the ability to engage in independent, life-long learning.
Boeing's desired attributes of an engineer (Boeing, 1996) stated their requirements
of an engineer – an engineer should possess: a good understanding of engineering science
fundamentals: Mathematics (including statistics), Physical and life sciences, Information
Technology (far more than “computer literacy”); a good understanding of design and
manufacturing processes. (i.e., understands engineering); a multi-disciplinary, systems
perspective; a basic understanding of the context in which engineering is practiced:
Economics (including business practices), History, the environment, customer and societal
needs; good communication skills: written, verbal, graphic and listening; High ethical
standards; an ability to think both critically and creatively - independently and
cooperatively; flexibility - the ability and self-confidence to adapt to rapid or major
change; curiosity and a desire to learn for life; a profound understanding of the importance
of teamwork 8.
From the requirements and criteria of an engineer mentioned above, we can see that
although they could use different words to explain the ideas, they still share the same
points that an engineer should have knowledge and reasoning of the technology, he should
possess professional and personal skills as well as interpersonal skills and finally the
ability to contribute to the society.
The CDIO™ INITIATIVE 25 is an innovative educational framework for
producing the next generation of engineers. The framework provides students with an
education stressing engineering fundamentals set in the context of Conceiving —
Designing — Implementing — Operating real-world systems and products. Throughout
the world, CDIO Initiative collaborators have adopted CDIO as the framework of their
curricular planning and outcome-based assessment.
The most important part of CDIO is its Syllabus, a statement of undergraduate
engineering education goals, and a set of 12 Standards designed to help achieve the goals.
The Standards address program philosophy, curriculum development, design-build
experiences and workspaces, new methods of teaching and learning, faculty development,
and assessment and evaluation. As designed, the Syllabus provides the answer to the
question of what skills, knowledge, and attitudes (SKA) should engineering graduates
should possess, while the 12 Standards provide the answer to the question of how we can
do better to ensure that our graduates achieve these SKA. Providing answers to the “what”
and “how” questions in a systematic and unprescriptive way makes it viable for department
programs in Vietnam to adopt and adapt CDIO according to their needs and the unique
conditions in Vietnam.
The specific objectives of the CDIO Syllabus are to create a clear, complete, and
consistent set of goals for undergraduate engineering education, in sufficient detail that
they could be understood and implemented by engineering faculty 7,8. These goals form
the basis for rational design of curricula (i.e. they are requirements document), as well as
the basis for a comprehensive system of assessment. Our goal was to create a list which is
rationalized against the norms of contemporary engineering practice, comprehensive of all
known other sources, and peer-reviewed by experts in the field. Further, we sought to
develop a listing that was prioritized, appropriate to university education, and expressed as
learning objectives.
Structure of the CDIO Syllabus
The point of departure for the derivation of the content of the CDIO Syllabus is the
simple statement that engineers engineer, that is, they build systems and products for the
betterment of humanity. In order to enter the contemporary profession of engineering,
students must be able to perform the essential functions of an engineer:
Graduating engineers should be able to: conceive-design-implement-operate complex
value-added engineering systems in a modern team-based environment.
Stated another way, graduating engineers should appreciate engineering process, be
able to contribute to the development of engineering products, and do so while working in
engineering organizations. Implicit is the additional expectation that, as university
graduates and young adults, engineering graduates should be developing as whole, mature,
and thoughtful individuals.
These four high level expectations map directly to the highest, first or “X” level
organization of the CDIO Syllabus, we can see that a mature individual interested in
technical endeavors possesses a set of Personal and Professional Skills, which are central
to the practice. In order to develop complex value-added engineering systems, students
must have mastered the fundamentals of the appropriate Technical Knowledge and
Reasoning. In order to work in a modern team-based environment, students must have
developed the Interpersonal Skills of teamwork and communications. Finally, in order to
actually be able to create and operate products and systems, a student must understand
something of Conceiving, Designing, Implementing, and Operating Systems in the
Enterprise and Societal Context 6,8,9.
Figure 4. Building blocks of knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary to
Conceive, Design, Implement, and Operate Systems in the Enterprise and Societal
Context (CDIO). (Edward F. Crawley, 2001)
It is important to note that the CDIO Syllabus exists at four (and in some cases five)
detail levels. This composition is necessary in order to move from the high level goals (e.g.
1. Technical
Knowledge and
3. Interpersonal
2. Personal and
Professional Skills
all engineers should be able to communicate) to the level of teachable, and quantifiable
skills (e.g. a topic in attribute 3.2.1, “analyze the audience”). Although perhaps
overwhelming at first, this level of detail has many benefits for engineering faculty
members, who in many cases are not experts in some of these topics. The detail allows
instructors to gain insight into content and objectives, contemplate the deployment of these
skills into a curriculum, and prepare lesson and assessment plans.
A lot of articles and textbook have been written about the formulation of good
learning outcomes. They mention the process of developing the LOs and how to write the
LOs in an appropriate ways.
Edward Crawley, Johan Malmqvist, Soren Ostlund, Doris Brodeur, 2007
Rethinking Engineering Education: The CDIO Approach describe an approach to
engineering education that integrates a comprehensive set of personal and interpersonal
skills, and process, product, and system building skills with disciplinary knowledge. The
education of engineers is set in the context of engineering practice, that is, Conceiving,
Designing, Implementing, and Operating (CDIO) through the entire lifecycle of
engineering processes, products, and processes. The book is both a description of the
development and implementation of the CDIO model, and a guide to engineering
programrs worldwide who seek to improve their programs. Chapter 3 is about the Learning
outcomes for the engineering program, how to formulate and write the effective LOs that
meet the requirements of the society and international integration.
In “Learning outcomes assessment handbook. A guide to learning outcomes
assessment at Marymount University”, 2008 p.4-7, the writers have guided on the
strategies to develop effective learning outcomes with the involvement of the faculty in
deciding which are the most important outcomes of the course that they want to evaluate.
In the paper “Intended learning outcomes: a process of formulating intended
learning outcomes at program level”, Trinh Minh Thi Doan and others proposes the
procedures to develop a program framework of LOs for various university department
programs to formulate their specific intended LOs that meet the needs and demand of the
society and globalization. Proceedings of the 8th International CDIO Conference,
Queensland University of Technology, Brisbane, July 1 - 4, 2012.
Dung Anh Vu and Nha Xuan Phung, 2010 in the article “Adapting the CDIO
approach in developing learning outcomes for economics and business disciplines in
Vietnam: A case-study of university of Economics and Business at Vietnam National
University, Ha Noi” show how they adapt the CDIO approach (at the first step) in
developing learning outcomes or syllabus at the 3rd (XXX) level of detail, at the
conceptual stage, for economics for- foreign-affairs discipline at University of Economics
and Business – Vietnam National University, Hanoi. Their practice demonstrates that the
approach can be reasonably adapted for other disciplines like economics and business
although our conceptual framework of the learning outcomes should be validated in the
next steps. The paper also compares the CDIO-based and the existing learning outcomes of
our training programs to assess the pre-eminence of the CDIO approach. In the end the
paper also discusses the importance of the CDIO approach as one of the models in solving
higher education quality issue in Vietnam.
Having all these premises in mind, the researcher attempts to find out the outcomes
of the graduate of MEP in Thai Nguyen University and what the world of work is
expecting from the graduate of MEP from which to develop learning outcomes that meet
the requirements of the society and the international integration.
Figure 5. The schematic presentation of the study to develop the learning outcomes
which meet the requirements of the society and international integration
This research diagram shows the relationship of learning outcomes and current
learning outcomes, the CDIO syllabus, University/ College mission, College vision,
Program objectives, National and International accreditation standards, engineer standards.
The university mission and program objectives make the learning outcomes
different from other learning outcomes of the program in other university, just help to
make it distinguish from others. Shaping the learning outcomes with university mission
and program objectives help to make the learning outcomes feasible, not too high to
achieve and not too low so that it does not meet the demand of the socio-economic
The diagram also indicates the roles of enterprises, alumni, faculty and students in
the formulation of the LOs of the program. The dependent variable of the study is the
learning outcomes of the MEP and the independent variables are the employers, alumni,
school administrators, graduating students.
CDIO syllabus
- University/ College
- College vision;
- MEP’s objectives
- National and
International accreditation
- Engineer standards
Draft LOs
level 2
Survey on draft LOs
level 3
Draft LOs
level 3
Complete the LOs
- Processing data
- Fulfilling the LOs
Main stakeholders:
- School administrators
- Employers
- Alumni
- Faculty
- Graduating students
It is also stated in the accreditation criteria of the higher educational institutions
that the program construction have to have contribution from different stakeholders since
they are the main clients of the education process so that the graduate could meet the
requirements of the employers and its working conditions.
The comments of the employers and enterprises representatives will be the main
references of the learning outcomes. They will help the program designers to form what
the industry and the enterprises need from the graduate of the program with regard to the
knowledge, skills and attitude and at what level are the knowledge, skills and attitude
The comments of the alumni are also a source of reference for the development of
the learning outcomes since they have a lot of experience related to the course from the
knowledge learnt, the skills and attitude acquired. They can help to suggest what are
important, what should be reduced and what should be increased.
The faculty and students are the two important clients. Their contribution to the
formulation of the program with comparison to the view of employers and alumni are
important to have a clearer picture of the knowledge, skills and attitude that a graduate
should possess.
With the consultancy of the enterprises and alumni, the learning outcomes will
surely meet the demands of the industry. With the faculty and students’ comments, the
learning outcomes will have a significant contribution of all important stakeholders and
that will meet with the requirements of the society.
In the formulation of the learning outcomes, the reference of Vietnam national
accreditation criteria, ABET criteria and European criteria on engineer and engineering
program and with the consultation of the CDIO syllabus, the learning outcomes will have
in it the requirements for the international integration that makes the graduate of the
program ready for international job and works in other countries beside Vietnam.
Chapter III
This chapter deals with the locale of the study, research design, population and
sampling, data gathering procedures, and statistical treatment used in the study.
This study was conducted at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering – College of
Engineering - Thai Nguyen University – Thai Nguyen Province – Vietnam to collect the
ideas of teachers and students about the present level of competences of the students, the
importance of each outcome and the desired learning outcomes.
In order to collect information and suggestions as well as other ideas of the alumni
and the employers about the learning outcomes, the study was carried out at the
organizations, factories and institutions where the alumni are currently working.
The study employed the descriptive research design. The researcher determined the
draft LOs item of MEP then did research to evaluate the current status of the outcomes that
the graduate have and what the different stakeholders expect from the graduates of the
program. On the basis of the result, the faculty and education researcher met and discussed
on the level of proficiency that each LOs topic deserved and finalized the intended learning
• Industry representatives: enterprise representatives (or enterprises) who hire
engineers from the Mechanical Engineering Program (MEP), as head of the technical
division, head of the marketing division and director and vice director of enterprise. We
focused on the enterprises in Thai Nguyen Province.
• Alumni: alumni who graduated from the MEP and had more than two years of
working experience.
• Undergraduate students: the senior year students of or alumni who just graduated
from the MEP.
• Academic staff: senior lecturers who had teaching experiences of at least 10 years
and been responsible for teaching the advanced engineering programs.
For the pilot survey, the number of alumni who are working in Thai Nguyen
Province (20), enterprises (20), teachers (20) and students (30) in their final year.
For the real survey, since the number of graduates from the MEP who kept contact
with the College was limited, so we conducted the survey on the alumni who were working
in Thai Nguyen Province (100), enterprises (100), teachers (50) and students (250) in their
final year.
The research employed a survey type questionnaire to determine the attitudes of
school administrators, employers, alumni and graduating students. The questionnaire was
composed of four parts (Appendix 1):
- LOs topics
- Level of importance, 4 level scales (a-b); from “not important to very important”
- Current proficiency level, 6 level scales (0-5);
- Intended proficiency level, 6 level scale ( - );
The scales for the proficiency level were as follows:
0/. Do not know or possess
1/. To have experienced or been exposed to
2/. To be able to participate in and contribute to
3/. To be able to understand and explain
4/. To be skilled in practice or implementation of
5/. To be able to lead or innovate in
The explanation for the researcher using these six scales is as follows: In order to
define specific learning objectives at a level commensurate with the proficiency rating, a
correspondence must be developed between Bloom’s taxonomy and the activity based
proficiency scale. By considering the levels of cognitive, affective, and psychomotor skills
that underlie a certain activity based proficiency, a correspondence can be drawn. In fact,
there is no cognitive skill associated with the first proficiency level, “to have experienced
or been exposed to.” The second level, “participation,” implies at least “knowledge," the
first Bloom level in the cognitive domain. “Comprehension," as defined by Bloom,
specifically includes “explaining.” Likewise, “skill in the practice” arguably implies
the ability to “apply knowledge” and “analyze." Finally, the ability to “lead and
innovate” requires an ability to “synthesize and evaluate.” Similar approximate
correspondences can be drawn to the affective and psychomotor domains.
The main source of information to design the questionnaires is the draft learning
outcomes of the program which is designed on the basis of the mission of the university,
the objectives of the program, the accreditation standards and references to several LOs of
related programs in manufacturing engineering and the CDIO syllabus.
The questionnaires include 99 items which are divided into 17 groups: Knowledge
of underlying mathematics and sciences, Core engineering fundamental knowledge,
Advanced engineering fundamental knowledge, methods and tools, Other supplement
subjects, Analytical reasoning and problem solving, Experimentation, investigation and
knowledge discovery, System thinking, Attitudes, thoughts and learning, Ethics, equity and
other responsibilities, Teamwork, Communication, Communication in English, External,
societal and environmental context, Enterprise and business context, Conceiving, systems
engineering and management, Designing, Implementation.
a) Results of the reliability analysis based on a theoretical model correlation using
the SPSS software
In the questionnaire for employer: the Cronbach’s alpha index among groups of
items is rather high, ranging from 0,578 to 0,956. The correlation coefficients of the items
in each group were positive so the items are correlated (Appendix 2).
Thus, with high reliability through the statistics, we can confirm the scale we use is
reliable and can use this data to conduct research with high significance.
Table 2 of Statistics of Cronbach's Alpha of the four questionnaires confirms that
these are good measurement tools and suitable for the surveyors since the reliability of the
questionnaires is high, the items are well correlated.
A Trial survey was initially implemented for “current proficiency level” and
“intended proficiency level” and “level of importance” for each topic. After the revision of
questionnaires, a mass survey was conducted for program stakeholders as follows:
• Industry representatives: Invited them for workshops; sent mail and met them in
their places of work to deliver and collect questionnaires.
• Alumni: Sent email, posted letters, invited them to the meeting or visited their
places of work for survey.
• Undergraduate students: Held a meeting, introduced the purpose of the survey
then delivered the questionnaires. Questionnaires were collected in the meeting.
• Academic staff: Held workshops to collect ideas of the staff and do the survey.
The staff were provided with questionnaires and sent them back to the researcher.
Pilot survey
The pilot survey was carried out from May 5th 2013 to May 20th 2013. The
questionnaires were delivered to 90 respondents and thereafter, the questionnaires were
collected. The rate of feedback from the pilot survey is described in Table 1 below.
Respondents Number of
Number of
Employer 20 18 90%
Alumni 20 19 95%
Student 30 30 100%
Teacher 20 20 100%
Table 1 . Number of respondents of the pilot survey
Table 1 shows the results of the survey. The feedback percentage was 96.25%
which qualified to conduct the analysis.
Analysis of survey data
The reliability of the assessment tools of the different group of respondents were
examined: Student, Alumni, Employer and Teacher by using:
Cronbach 's Alpha
Levene's test was used to examine the different among groups of respondents.
Dependent T-test was employed to compare the means of current proficient level
and the expected learning outcomes.
Weighted arithmetic mean was also used to calculate the rating of different groups
of respondents.
The data of the questionnaires were entered into SPSS data under file’s name
dulieuchaythu.sav. The analytical results showed that the reliability coefficient Cronbach 's
Alpha of the group item as assessed by each subject ra...47 3.39 -0.92 -5.52 0
4.1.6 2.50 3.42 -0.92 -5.10 0
4.2.1 2.53 3.50 -0.97 -6.65 0
4.2.2 2.78 3.58 -0.81 -4.66 0
4.2.3 2.58 3.44 -0.86 -5.07 0
4.2.4 2.61 3.53 -0.92 -5.87 0
4.3.1 2.28 3.31 -1.03 -6.56 0
4.3.2 2.42 3.42 -1.00 -6.71 0
4.3.3 2.39 3.42 -1.03 -6.17 0
4.3.4 2.42 3.61 -1.19 -7.10 0
4.4.1 2.44 3.64 -1.19 -6.91 0
4.4.2 2.50 3.56 -1.06 -5.93 0
4.4.3 2.72 3.53 -0.81 -6.19 0
4.4.4 2.56 3.86 -1.31 -7.55 0
4.4.5 2.39 3.47 -1.08 -6.18 0
4.4.6 2.39 3.39 -1.00 -5.35 0
4.5.1 2.33 3.56 -1.22 -7.83 0
4.5.2 2.39 3.61 -1.22 -6.25 0
4.5.3 2.25 3.44 -1.19 -6.28 0
4.5.4 2.19 3.44 -1.25 -6.00 0
4.5.5 2.39 3.53 -1.14 -5.82 0
4.5.6 2.33 3.47 -1.14 -5.86 0
4.6.1 2.28 3.53 -1.25 -7.75 0
4.6.2 2.08 3.42 -1.33 -6.98 0
4.6.3 2.19 3.31 -1.11 -6.27 0
4.6.4 2.11 3.31 -1.19 -6.11 0
4.6.5 2.17 3.17 -1.00 -4.79 0
4.6.6 2.25 3.64 -1.39 -7.08 0
Appendix B13: Employers’ survey result
Proficient WM
Difference t sig.
1.1.1 2.00 2.89 -0.89 -5.16 0.00
1.1.2 2.50 3.04 -0.54 -3.81 0.00
1.1.3 1.89 2.64 -0.75 -2.94 0.01
1.1.4 2.07 2.93 -0.86 -3.60 0.00
1.1.5 2.36 3.04 -0.68 -3.97 0.00
1.1.6 2.14 2.82 -0.68 -3.70 0.00
1.1.7 2.96 3.61 -0.64 -3.41 0.00
1.2.1 1.93 2.64 -0.71 -2.94 0.01
1.2.2 2.43 3.50 -1.07 -6.03 0.00
1.2.3 2.50 3.54 -1.04 -5.94 0.00
1.2.4 2.68 3.82 -1.14 -6.23 0.00
Proficient WM
Difference t sig.
1.2.5 1.61 2.75 -1.14 -4.72 0.00
1.2.6 1.96 2.79 -0.82 -4.03 0.00
1.2.7 1.75 2.79 -1.04 -6.22 0.00
1.2.8 1.93 3.04 -1.11 -4.40 0.00
1.2.9 3.07 4.04 -0.96 -4.40 0.00
1.2.10 1.86 2.82 -0.96 -3.93 0.00
1.2.11 2.43 3.29 -0.86 -4.65 0.00
1.2.12 2.96 4.00 -1.04 -4.56 0.00
1.3.1 1.82 3.18 -1.36 -7.00 0.00
1.3.2 2.43 3.64 -1.21 -6.02 0.00
1.3.3 2.18 3.29 -1.11 -5.89 0.00
1.3.4 2.39 3.54 -1.14 -6.23 0.00
1.3.5 2.07 3.39 -1.32 -10.20 0.00
1.4.1 2.75 3.61 -0.86 -3.85 0.00
1.4.2 1.86 3.04 -1.18 -5.72 0.00
1.4.3 2.32 3.46 -1.14 -5.61 0.00
1.4.4 2.39 3.25 -0.86 -4.87 0.00
1.4.5 2.14 2.93 -0.79 -4.90 0.00
1.4.6 2.46 3.43 -0.96 -4.58 0.00
1.4.7 2.25 2.93 -0.68 -3.29 0.00
2.1.1 2.14 3.14 -1.00 -4.72 0.00
2.1.2 1.86 3.07 -1.21 -4.78 0.00
2.1.3 1.93 3.11 -1.18 -5.91 0.00
2.1.4 1.79 3.11 -1.32 -6.41 0.00
2.1.5 2.18 3.36 -1.18 -5.72 0.00
2.2.1 1.79 2.93 -1.14 -5.38 0.00
2.2.2 2.32 2.96 -0.64 -2.73 0.01
2.2.3 1.96 3.11 -1.14 -4.96 0.00
2.2.4 1.71 2.96 -1.25 -4.52 0.00
2.3.1 1.75 2.93 -1.18 -3.87 0.00
2.3.2 1.79 2.89 -1.11 -3.85 0.00
2.3.3 2.04 3.18 -1.14 -3.83 0.00
2.3.4 1.96 3.04 -1.07 -3.84 0.00
2.4.1 1.50 2.71 -1.21 -7.90 0.00
2.4.2 2.04 2.93 -0.89 -4.74 0.00
2.4.3 1.96 3.29 -1.32 -8.23 0.00
2.4.4 2.07 3.11 -1.04 -4.63 0.00
2.4.5 2.11 3.25 -1.14 -5.31 0.00
2.4.6 2.07 3.46 -1.39 -6.04 0.00
2.4.7 2.11 3.36 -1.25 -7.86 0.00
2.5.1 2.11 1.39 0.71 -2.85 0.01
2.5.2 1.29 1.64 -0.36 -5.63 0.00
2.5.3 1.32 3.14 -1.82 -3.91 0.00
Proficient WM
Difference t sig.
2.5.4 2.46 3.32 -0.86 -4.35 0.00
3.1.1 1.93 3.29 -1.36 -8.04 0.00
3.1.2 1.93 3.46 -1.54 -8.45 0.00
3.1.3 1.82 3.36 -1.54 -7.14 0.00
3.1.4 1.96 3.57 -1.61 -6.09 0.00
3.1.5 2.04 3.50 -1.46 -6.64 0.00
3.2.1 1.75 3.14 -1.39 -7.26 0.00
3.2.2 1.54 2.96 -1.43 -7.70 0.00
3.2.3 2.07 3.46 -1.39 -5.76 0.00
3.2.4 1.68 3.36 -1.68 -6.72 0.00
3.2.5 1.75 3.07 -1.32 -6.67 0.00
3.2.6 1.79 3.36 -1.57 -8.54 0.00
3.3.1 1.43 3.00 -1.57 -7.37 0.00
4.1.1 1.89 2.93 -1.04 -4.56 0.00
4.1.2 2.04 3.18 -1.14 -5.61 0.00
4.1.3 1.79 3.18 -1.39 -6.16 0.00
4.1.4 1.75 3.00 -1.25 -5.63 0.00
4.1.5 1.82 2.96 -1.14 -5.00 0.00
4.1.6 1.43 2.64 -1.21 -4.99 0.00
4.2.1 1.54 2.86 -1.32 -5.89 0.00
4.2.2 1.75 3.00 -1.25 -4.71 0.00
4.2.3 1.71 2.93 -1.21 -7.01 0.00
4.2.4 1.89 3.04 -1.14 -6.00 0.00
4.3.1 1.39 2.61 -1.21 -5.37 0.00
4.3.2 1.50 2.71 -1.21 -5.84 0.00
4.3.3 1.64 2.79 -1.14 -4.77 0.00
4.3.4 1.61 2.93 -1.32 -5.24 0.00
4.4.1 1.93 3.25 -1.32 -6.62 0.00
4.4.2 1.96 3.25 -1.29 -6.28 0.00
4.4.3 2.29 3.25 -0.96 -4.25 0.00
4.4.4 2.18 3.14 -0.96 -4.14 0.00
4.4.5 1.64 2.64 -1.00 -4.46 0.00
4.4.6 1.61 2.71 -1.11 -5.03 0.00
4.5.1 1.79 3.14 -1.36 -6.18 0.00
4.5.2 2.00 2.93 -0.93 -5.44 0.00
4.5.3 1.61 2.68 -1.07 -5.72 0.00
4.5.4 1.39 2.54 -1.14 -5.05 0.00
4.5.5 1.75 2.82 -1.07 -6.17 0.00
4.5.6 1.61 2.64 -1.04 -5.22 0.00
4.6.1 1.61 2.96 -1.36 -5.87 0.00
4.6.2 1.54 3.18 -1.64 -6.49 0.00
4.6.3 1.61 2.75 -1.14 -5.28 0.00
4.6.4 1.79 2.96 -1.18 -5.39 0.00
Proficient WM
Difference t sig.
4.6.5 1.46 2.29 -0.82 -3.45 0.00
4.6.6 1.54 3.04 -1.50 -6.60 0.00
Appendix B14: Final expected proficient level of graduate engineer.
Topic Expected
1.1.1 Mathematics analytic (the derivative, differentiation, integral,
differential equations, ...) 3.04
1.1.2 Algebra 3.14
1.1.3 Statistics and probability 2.71
1.1.4 Method of calculation 2.97
1.1.5 Physics: mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical... 3.13
1.1.6 Chemistry 2.69
1.1.7 Information Technology 3.37
1.4.1 CAD 3.42
1.4.2 CAM 3.24
1.4.3 CNC 3.33
1.4.4. Safety and environment 3.13
1.4.5. Electrical and electronics equipment 2.81
1.4.6. Hydraulic, pneumatic Technique 2.92
1.4.7. Marxism - Leninism, Revolutionary policy of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh thought 2.59
2.1.1 Problem Identification and Formulation 3.18
2.1.2 Modeling 3.07
2.1.3 Estimation and Qualitative Analysis 3.05
2.1.4 Analysis With Uncertainty 3.00
2.1.5 Solution and Recommendation 3.25
2.2.1 Hypothesis Formulation 3.03
2.2.2 Survey of Print and Electronic Literature 3.24
2.2.3 Experimental Inquiry 3.19
2.2.4 Hypothesis Test and Defense 3.17
2.3.1 Thinking Holistically 3.10
2.3.2 Emergence and Interactions in Systems 3.02
2.3.3 Prioritization and Focus 3.18
2.3.4 Trade-offs, Judgment and Balance in Resolution 3.21
2.4.1 Initiative and the Willingness to Make Decisions in the Face of
Uncertainty 3.01
2.4.2 Perseverance and Flexibility 3.18
2.4.3 Creative Thinking 3.24
2.4.4 Critical Thinking 3.27
2.4.5 Self-awareness, Metacognition and Knowledge Integration 3.24
2.4.6 Lifelong Learning and Educating 3.34
2.4.7 Time and Resource Management 3.43
2.5.1 Ethics, Integrity and Social Responsibility 3.23
2.5.2 Professional Behavior 3.32
Topic Expected
2.5.3 Proactive Vision and Intention in Life 3.35
2.5.4 Staying Current on the World of Engineering 3.45
3.1.1 Forming Effective Teams 3.36
3.1.2 Team Operation 3.34
3.1.3 Team Growth and Evolution 3.36
3.1.4 Team Leadership 3.41
3.1.5 Technical and Multidisciplinary Teaming 3.53
3.2.1 Communications Strategy 3.17
3.2.2 Communications Structure 3.10
3.2.3 Written Communication 3.33
3.2.4 Electronic/Multimedia Communication 3.27
3.2.5 Graphical Communication 3.35
3.2.6 Oral Presentation 3.47
3.3.1 Communications in English 3.44
4.1.1 Roles and Responsibility of Engineers 3.1
4.1.2 The Impact of Engineering on Society and the Environment 3.15
4.1.3 Society’s Regulation of Engineering 3.08
4.1.4 The Historical and Cultural Context 3.03
4.1.5 Contemporary Issues and Values 3.05
4.1.6 Developing a Global Perspective 2.91
4.2.1 Appreciating Different Enterprise Cultures 2.88
4.2.2 Enterprise Stakeholders, Strategy and Goals 3.05
4.2.3 Working in different kinds of organizations 3.12
4.2.4 Adapting to different working environment 3.2
4.3.1 Understanding Needs and Setting Goals 2.89
4.3.2 Defining Function, Concept and Architecture 2.95
4.3.3 System Engineering, Modeling and Interfaces 3.01
4.3.4 Development Project Management 3.05
4.4.1 The Design Process 3.24
4.4.2 The Design Process Phasing and Approaches 3.23
4.4.3 Utilization of Knowledge in Design 3.31
4.4.4 Disciplinary Design 3.3
4.4.5 Multidisciplinary Design 3.06
4.4.6 Design for Sustainability, Safety, Aesthetics, Operability and other
Objectives 3.14
4.5.1 Designing a Sustainable Implementation Process 3.09
4.5.2 Software Implementing Process 2.79
4.5.3 Hardware Manufacturing Process 2.81
4.5.4 Hardware Software Integration 3
4.5.5 Test, Verification, Validation, and Certification 3.08
4.5.6 Implementation Management 3.07
4.6.1 Designing and Optimizing Sustainable and Safe Operations 3.07
4.6.2 Training and Operations 3.14
4.6.3 Supporting the System Life Cycle 2.98
4.6.4 System Improvement and Evolution 3.14
4.6.5 Disposal and Life-End Issues 2.99
4.6.6 Operations Management 3.15
Appendix B15. MEP Learning outcomes
Topic Expected
1.1.1 Mathematics analytic (the derivative, differentiation, integral,
differential equations, ...)
1.1.2 Algebra 3.14
1.1.3 Statistics and probability 2.71
1.1.4 Method of calculation 2.97
1.1.5 Physics: mechanical, thermal, optical, electrical... 3.13
1.1.6 Chemistry 2.69
1.1.7 Information Technology 3.37
1.4.1 CAD 3.42
1.4.2 CAM 3.24
1.4.3 CNC 3.33
1.4.4. Safety and environment 3.13
1.4.5 Electrical and electronics equipment 2.81
1.4.6 Hydraulic, pneumatic Technique 2.92
1.4.7 Marxism - Leninism, Revolutionary policy of the Communist Party
of Vietnam, Ho Chi Minh thought
2.1.1 Problem Identification and Formulation
Identify data and symptoms
Explain assumptions and sources of bias
Demonstrate issue prioritization in context of overall goals
2.1.2 Modeling
Identify assumptions to simplify complex systems and environment
Explain conceptual and qualitative models
2.1.3 Estimation and Qualitative Analysis
Interpret orders of magnitude, bounds and trends
Identify tests for consistency and errors (limits, units, etc.)
Explain the generalization of analytical solutions
2.1.4 Analysis With Uncertainty
Define incomplete and ambiguous information
Interpret probabilistic and statistical models of events and sequences
Interpret engineering cost-benefit and risk analysis
Discuss decision analysis
Identify margins and reserves
2.1.5 Solution and Recommendation
Identify problem solutions
Classify essential results of solutions and test data
Explain and discuss discrepancies in results
Discuss summary recommendations
2.2.1 Hypothesis Formulation
Identify critical questions to be examined
Choose hypotheses to be tested
Define controls and control groups
2.2.2 Survey of Print and Electronic Literature
Choose the literature research strategy
Demonstrate information search and identification using library
tools (on-line catalogs, databases, search engines)
Demonstrate sorting and classifying the primary information
Question the quality and reliability of information
Identify the essentials and innovations contained in the information
Identify research questions that are unanswered
List citations to references
2.2.3 Experimental Inquiry
Explain the experimental concept and strategy
Discuss the precautions when humans are used in experiments
Explain experiment construction
Discuss test protocols and experimental procedures
Explain experimental measurements
Interpret experimental data
Compare experimental data vs. available models
2.2.4 Hypothesis Test and Defense
Discuss the statistical validity of data
Discuss the limitations of data employed
Prepare conclusions, supported by data, needs and values
Appraise possible improvements in knowledge discovery process
2.3.1 Thinking Holistically
Identify and define a system, its behavior, and its elements
Use trans-disciplinary approaches that ensure the system is
understood from all relevant perspectives
Identify the societal, enterprise and technical context of the system
Identify the interactions external to the system, and the behavioral
impact of the system
2.3.2 Emergence and Interactions in Systems
Discuss the abstractions necessary to define and model system
Identify the behavioral and functional properties (intended and
unintended) which emerge from the system
Identify the important interfaces among elements
Identify evolutionary adaptation over time
2.3.3 Prioritization and Focus
Locate and classify all factors relevant to the system in the whole
Identify the driving factors from among the whole
Employ resource allocations to resolve the driving issues
2.3.4 Trade-offs, Judgment and Balance in Resolution
Identify tensions and factors to resolve through trade-offs
Choose and employ solutions that balance various factors, resolve
tensions and optimize the system as a whole
Describe flexible vs. optimal solutions over the system lifetime
2.4.1 Initiative and the Willingness to Make Decisions in the Face of
Define the needs and opportunities for initiative
Describe the potential benefits and risks of an action
Explain the methods and timing of project initiation
Discuss definitive action, delivery of results and reporting on
2.4.2 Perseverance and Flexibility
Accept the need for self-confidence, enthusiasm, and passion
Accept the importance of hard work, intensity and attention to detail
Demonstrate adaptation to change
Demonstrate a willingness and ability to work independently
Discuss the balance between personal and professional life
2.4.3 Creative Thinking
Explain conceptualization and abstraction
Demonstrate synthesis and generalization
Discuss the process of invention
Discuss the role of creativity in art, science, the humanities and
2.4.4 Critical Thinking
Interpret the statement of the problem
Identify logical arguments and solutions
Identify supporting evidence
Locate contradictory perspectives, theories and facts
Identify logical fallacies
Test hypotheses and conclusions
2.4.5 Self-awareness, Metacognition and Knowledge Integration
Define one’s skills, interests, strengths, weaknesses
Demonstrate the extent of one’s abilities, and one’s responsibility
for self-improvement to overcome important weaknesses
Discuss the importance of both depth and breadth of knowledge
2.4.6 Lifelong Learning and Educating
Discuss the motivation for continued self-education
Demonstrate the skills of self-education
Discuss one’s own learning style
Discuss developing relationships with mentors
2.4.7 Time and Resource Management
Discuss task prioritization
Explain the importance and/or urgency of tasks
Explain efficient execution of tasks
2.5.1 Ethics, Integrity and Social Responsibility
Discuss one’s ethical standards and principles
Discuss the courage to act on principle despite adversity
Identify the possibility of conflict between professionally ethical
Discuss an understanding that it is acceptable to make mistakes, but
that one must be accountable for them
Explain proper allocation of credit to collaborators
Demonstrate a commitment to service
2.5.2 Professional Behavior
Demonstrate a professional bearing
Explain professional courtesy
Identify international customs and norms of interpersonal contact
2.5.3 Proactive Vision and Intention in Life
Discuss a personal vision for one’s future
Employ networks with professionals
Identify one’s portfolio of professional skills
2.5.4 Staying Current on the World of Engineering
Discuss the potential impact of new scientific discoveries
Analyze the social and technical impact of new technologies and
Discuss a familiarity with current practice/technology in engineering
Elicit the links between engineering theory and practice
3.1.1 Forming Effective Teams
Identify the stages of team formation and life cycle
Interpret task and team processes
Identify team roles and responsibilities
Analyze the goals, needs and characteristics (works styles, cultural
differences) of individual team members
Analyze the strengths and weakness of the team
Discuss ground rules on norms of team confidentiality,
accountability and initiative
3.1.2 Team Operation
Identify goals and agenda
Execute the planning and facilitation of effective meetings
Explain team ground rules
Practice effective communication (active listening, collaboration,
providing and obtaining information)
Demonstrate positive and effective feedback
Discuss the planning, scheduling and execution of a project
Explain solutions to problems (creativity and decision making)
Practice conflict negotiation and resolution
3.1.3 Team Growth and Evolution
Discuss strategies for reflection, assessment, and self-assessment
Demonstrate skills for team maintenance and growth
Demonstrate skills for individual growth within the team
Explain strategies for team communication and writing
3.1.4 Team Leadership
Explain team goals and objectives
Practice team process management
Practice leadership and facilitation styles (directing, coaching,
supporting, delegating)
Explain approaches to motivation (incentives, example, recognition,
Practice representing the team to others
Describe mentoring and counseling
3.1.5 Technical and Multidisciplinary Teaming
Discuss working in different types of teams: Cross-disciplinary
teams (including non-engineer); Small team vs. large team;
Distance, distributed and electronic environments
Demonstrate technical collaboration with team members
3.2.1 Communications Strategy
Discuss the communication situation
Explain communications objectives
Analyze the needs and character of the audience
Analyze the communication context
Choose a communications strategy
Discuss the appropriate combination of media
Explain a communication style (proposing, reviewing, collaborating,
documenting, teaching)
Discuss the content and organization
3.2.2 Communications Structure
Demonstrate logical, persuasive arguments
Discuss the appropriate structure and relationship amongst ideas
Identify relevant, credible, accurate supporting evidence
Practice conciseness, crispness, precision and clarity of language
3.2.3 Written Communication
Demonstrate writing with coherence and flow
Practice writing with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar
Explain formatting the document
Explain technical writing
3.2.4 Electronic/Multimedia Communication
Demonstrate preparing electronic presentations
Identify the norms associated with the use of e-mail, voice mail, and
Apply various electronic styles (charts, web, etc)
3.2.5 Graphical Communication
Demonstrate sketching and drawing
Demonstrate construction of tables, graphs and charts
Interpret formal technical drawings and renderings
3.2.6 Oral Presentation
Practice preparing presentations and supporting media with
appropriate language, style, timing and flow
Discuss appropriate nonverbal communications (gestures, eye
contact, poise)
3.3.1 Communications in English
Demonstrate ability to speak and write English as independent user
4.1.1 Roles and Responsibility of Engineers
Discuss the goals and roles of the engineering profession
Discuss the responsibilities of engineers to society
4.1.2 The Impact of Engineering on Society and the Environment
Explain and analyze the impact of engineering on the environment,
social, knowledge and economic systems in modern culture
4.1.3 Society’s Regulation of Engineering
Discuss the role of society and its agents to regulate engineering
Explain the way in which legal and political systems regulate and
influence engineering
Explain how professional societies license and set standards
Discuss how intellectual property is created, utilized and defended
4.1.4 The Historical and Cultural Context
Discuss the diverse nature and history of human societies as well as
their literary, philosophical, and artistic traditions
Explain the discourse and analysis appropriate to the discussion of
language, thought and values
4.1.5 Contemporary Issues and Values
Discuss the important contemporary political, social, legal and
environmental issues and values
Define the process by which contemporary values are set, and one’s
role in these processes
Define the mechanisms for expansion and diffusion of knowledge
4.1.6 Developing a Global Perspective
Discuss the internationalization of human activity
Recognize the similarities and differences in the political, social,
economic, business and technical norms of various cultures
4.2.1 Appreciating Different Enterprise Cultures
Discuss the differences in process, culture, and metrics of success in
various enterprise cultures
Corporate vs. academic vs. governmental vs. non-profit/NGO
Market vs. policy driven
Large vs. small
Centralized vs. distributed
4.2.2 Enterprise Stakeholders, Strategy and Goals
Explain the mission and scope of the enterprise
Discuss an enterprise’s core competence and markets
Explain the research and technology process
Explain key alliances and supplier relations
Discuss financial and managerial goals and metrics
4.2.3 Working in different kinds of organizations 3.10
4.2.4 Adapting to different working environment
Discuss the function of management
Explain various roles and responsibilities in an organization
Demonstrate the roles of functional and program organizations
Explain working effectively within hierarchy and organizations
Identify change, dynamics and evolution in organizations
4.3.1 Understanding Needs and Setting Goals
Describe market needs and opportunities
Define customer needs
Define opportunities which derive from new technology or latent
Explain factors that set the context of the requirements
Identify enterprise goals, strategies, capabilities and alliances
Locate and classify competitors and benchmarking information
Define ethical, social, environmental, legal and regulatory
Describe the probability of change in the factors that influence the
system, its goals and resources available
Define system goals and requirements
4.3.2 Defining Function, Concept and Architecture
Define necessary system functions (and behavioral specifications)
system concepts
Identify the appropriate level of technology
Define trade-offs among and recombination of concepts
Identify high level architectural form and structure
Describe the decomposition of form into elements, assignment of
function to elements, and definition of interfaces
4.3.3 System Engineering, Modeling and Interfaces
Locate appropriate models of technical performance
Discuss the concept of implementation and operations
Discuss life cycle value and costs (design, implementation,
operations, opportunity, etc.)
Discuss trade-offs among various goals, function, concept and
structure and iteration until convergence
4.3.4 Development Project Management
Describe project control for cost, performance, and schedule
Explain appropriate transition points and reviews
Explain configuration management and documentation
Interpret performance compared to baseline
Define earned value process
Discuss the estimation and allocation of resources
Identify risks and alternatives
Describe possible development process improvements
4.4.1 The Design Process
Discuss requirements for each element or component derived from
system level goals and requirements
Analyze alternatives in design
Explain the initial design
Discuss prototypes and test articles in design development
Execute appropriate optimization in the presence of constraints
Explain iteration until convergence
Discuss the final design
Discuss accommodation of changing requirements
4.4.2 The Design Process Phasing and Approaches
Explain the activities in the phases of system design (e.g.
conceptual, preliminary, and detailed design)
Discuss process models appropriate for particular development
projects (waterfall, spiral, concurrent, etc.)
Execute the process for single, platform and derivative products
4.4.3 Utilization of Knowledge in Design
Utilize technical and scientific knowledge
Practice creative and critical thinking, and problem solving
Discuss prior work in the field, standardization and reuse of designs
(including reverse engineer and redesign)
Discuss design knowledge capture
4.4.4 Disciplinary Design
Choose appropriate techniques, tools, and processes
Explain design tool calibration and validation
Practice quantitative analysis of alternatives
Practice modeling, simulation and test
Discuss analytical refinement of the design
4.4.5 Multidisciplinary Design
Identify interactions between disciplines
Identify dissimilar conventions and assumptions
Explain differences in the maturity of disciplinary models
Explain multidisciplinary design environments
Explain multidisciplinary design
4.4.6 Design for Sustainability, Safety, Aesthetics, Operability and
other Objectives
Explain design for: Performance, life cycle cost and value;
Aesthetics and human factors; Implementation, verification, test and
environmental sustainability; Operations; Maintainability,
reliability, and safety; Robustness, evolution, product improvement
and retirement
4.5.1 Designing a Sustainable Implementation Process
Explain the goals and metrics for implementation performance, cost
and quality
Discuss the implementation system design:
Task allocation and cell/unit layout
Work flow
Considerations for human user/operators
4.5.2 Hardware Manufacturing Process
Discuss the manufacturing of parts
Explain the assembly of parts into larger constructs
Define tolerances, variability, key characteristics and statistical
process control
4.5.3 Software Implementing Process
Explain the break down of high level components into module
designs (including algorithms and data structures)
Define algorithms (data structures, control flow, data flow)
Describe the programming language
Execute the low-level design (coding)
Describe the system build
4.5.4 Hardware Software Integration
Discuss the integration of software in electronic hardware (size of
processor, communications, etc)
Explain the integration of software integration with sensor, actuators
and mechanical hardware
Describe hardware/software function and safety
4.5.5 Test, Verification, Validation, and Certification
Discuss test and analysis procedures (hardware vs. software,
acceptance vs. qualification)
Discuss the verification of performance to system requirements
Discuss the validation of performance to customer needs
Explain the certification to standards
4.5.6 Implementation Management
Explain the organization and structure for implementation
Discuss sourcing, partnering, and supply chains
Discuss control of implementation cost, performance and schedule
Describe quality and safety assurance
Describe possible implementation process improvements
4.6.1 Designing and Optimizing Sustainable and Safe Operations
Interpret the goals and metrics for operational performance, cost,
and value
Explain operations process architecture and development
Explain operations (and mission) analysis and modeling
4.6.2 Training and Operations
Demonstrate training for professional operations:
Instruction and programs
Discuss education for consumer operation
Discuss operations processes
Explain operations process interactions
4.6.3 Supporting the System Life Cycle
Explain maintenance and logistics
Discuss lifecycle performance and reliability
Describe lifecycle value and costs
Explain feedback to facilitate system improvement
4.6.4 System Improvement and Evolution
Discuss pre-planned product improvement
Explain improvements based on needs observed in operation
Execute evolutionary system upgrades
Discuss contingency improvements/solutions resulting from
operational necessity
4.6.5 Disposal and Life-End Issues
Define the end of life issues
Discuss disposal options
Explain residual value at life-end
Discuss environmental considerations for disposal
4.6.6 Operations Management
Discuss the organization and structure for operations
Discuss partnerships and alliances
Explain control of operations cost, performance and scheduling
Demonstrate quality and safety assurance
Discuss life cycle management
Explain possible operations process improvements
Curriculum Vitae
Quang Trung Ward
Thai Nguyen City, Vietnam
Tel. No. (0280) 3857 390
CP. Nos. 01683410168
E-mail: vanhungkt@gmail.com
Present Address : Thai Nguyen University, Thai Nguyen
Home Address : Quang Trung Ward, Thai Nguyen City
Birth date : May 8, 1962
Birthplace : Thanh Liem, Ha Nam, Vietnam
Gender : Male
Civil Status : Married
Nationality : Vietnamese
Languages Spoken : Vietnamese, English
: Master of Mathematics and Information Technology.
Ha Noi National Education University
Ha Noi, Vietnam
1996 – 2000
: Bachelor of Mathematics.
Thai Nguyen University of Education, Vietnam
Secondary : Duong Tu Minh School
Thai Nguyen, Vietnam
1976 – 1979