Decision support system for small hydropower systems
Thuy HA VAN1, Tuan HA NGOC2, Khoat NGUYEN DUC3
1Hanoi university of Mining and Geology; email: havanthuy@humg.edu.vn
2Kyushu Electric Power Co., Inc. Japan; email: hangoctuan@gmail.com
3Hanoi university of Mining and Geology; email: nguyenduckhoat@humg.edu.vn
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th In this paper, we consider a decision support syst
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Tóm tắt tài liệu Decision support system for small hydropower systems, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
tem for small hydropower
Received 15 Jun 2021 systems with the implementation of more advanced rescheduling, control
Accepted 16th Aug 2021 and forcasting in small hydroelectric system Therefore, a mathematical
Available online 19th Dec 2021 model is developed. Particularly, this model uses real-time information of
dams. The main objective is to maximize economic value over the time
decision support systems, horizon by producing electricity when it is most valuable. An approach of
simulated annealing algorithm is used to solve this model.
evolutionary algorithms,
simulated annealing, Copyright © 2021 Hanoi University of Mining and Geology. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction
Since the early 1970s, decision support systems Modeling
(DSS) technology and applications have evolved
significantly. Many technological and Implementation
organizational developments have made an impact Problem Model Resolutionn
on this evolution. Initially, DSSs possessed limited
database, modeling and user interface
functionality, but technological innovations
enabled the development of more powerful DSS Decision Solution
functionality (J. P. Shim, 2002). DSSs are, in fact, n
computer technology solutions that can be used to
support complex decision making and problem Interpretation
solving. Decision making is the study of how
decisions are actually taken, and how they can be
Figure 1. DSS decision-making process
better, or more successfully taken (B. Roy, 1993).
In a DSS decision-making process (Figure 1), etc.) and/or soft computing systems (evolutionary
once the problem is recognized, it is defined in algorithms, fuzzy logic, etc.). Moreover, in the
terms that facilitate the creation actors and of the architectures of DSSs, the complexity reduction
concerned entities, the definition of the decision tools should not curb the combinatorial
horizon, of the parameters and the constraints, and capabilities of the system (I. A. Meystel, 2001). For
also the criteria formalization. The resolution stage instance, when dealing with a DSS, such as on
imposes a choice of an exact or a heuristic production scheduling systems (PSS), the
algorithmic approach. A set of decision proposals is modeling approaches and the resolution tools are
then established through the interpretation based on the study and the analysis of concrete
stage and presented to the concerned actors. cases coming from real problems. Hence, we
The final implementation stage consists in consider the combined task which includes
applying the operational decisions, supervising “satisfaction needs cooperation needs
their impacts, taking corrective actions, and computational complexity reduction,” as the major
validating the decisions. Carlsson and Turban in (C. capability of such a DSS.
Carlsson, 2002) state that modern support In order to validate the choice of an agent-based
systems research is focused on the theory and approach for the real time management of small
application of intelligent systems, and soft hydropower systems, it is necessary to grasp the
computing in management. This includes characteristics of such an approach. For this
processes of problem solving, planning, and reason, we start by defining agents as conceptual
decision making. The context for this research entities that perceive and act in a proactive, or
ranges from strategic management, business reactive manner within an environment where
process re-engineering, effective collaboration, other agents exist and interact with each other
improved user-computer interfaces, and mobile based on shared knowledge of communication and
and electronic commerce to production, representation. A multi-agent system (MAS) can
marketing, and financial management. The then be defined as a loosely coupled network of
methodologies that are used may be analysis or problem solvers interacting to solve problems that
system-oriented, action research or case-based, or are beyond their individual capabilities or
they may be experimentally or empirically focused. knowledge. MASs constitute a powerful tool for
An emerging common denominator for many field handling open, complex, and distributed systems
studies, favored in DSS, is the design and use of since they offer modularity and abstraction.
intelligent (expert systems, multi-agent systems, Accordingly, an agent-based approach seems the
most appropriate for studying the real-time autonomous and have their own reasoning mode.
control of the static economic dispatch problem As shown in Figure 3, this agent model contains a
and the dynamic economic dispatch problem knowledge base, a base of strategies and modules
within small hydropower systems. In fact, dispatch of communication, as well as, reasoning and
problems typically consider the minimum and control. Hence, in order to define its behavior and
maximum output constraints of each available unit be able to exchange information with the others
as well as their engineering characteristics, such as and the environment, an agent has the following:
head, release and efficiency characteristics and − Knowledge base that contains all the
therefore, require a set of interacting distributed information and data concerning the agent
entities. That is, the MADSS has to optimize the itself and the others;
different regulation criteria since it can have a − Base of strategies used by the agent in its
more global view on the dams than the regulator. reasoning; communication module that is
The present MADSS for small hydropower systems responsible for the messages exchange;
consists of the following two modules: − Reasoning module that defines and
The supervision module, responsible for the complements the methods which allow the
supervision of the creation of databases on the agent to make decisions concerning the task
dams and also for continuous updating of the to perform. This module uses the data given
geological, survey, and technological data; by the knowledge and strategies modules.
The regulation module, responsible for the − A control module that ensures the cohesion in
disturbance analysis and the generation of the the agent by the management of the internal
appropriate rescheduling measures. It is tasks. It activates the internal modules and
composed of the agents INCIDENT, ZONEPERT, undertakes an updating of the knowledge
and ZONEREG. The agents of the two modules according to the evolution of the agent and the
communicate with each other in order to environment.
cooperate in the real-time treatment of the
different incidents (Figure 2). The regulation
module has a hierarchical organization with
horizontal and vertical communication.
Figure 2. MADSS modules and agents
Figure 3. Agent model
The roles of the agents will be explained in
Sections 2-3-4-5, then some conclusions are finally 3. Supervision Module
shown in Section 6, 7. This module controls the theoretical schedules
2. Agent Model by a time space representation of the network. It
Agents constitute the basic entities of a MAS. operates in normal and disturbed conditions. It
They have a specific model that allows them to be includes the agents of type Geological, Survey and
Agent Geological: These agents intend for of the information related to the space-time zone
the storage of primary geological information and affected by the disturbance. In order to control the
integration of the data. The primary geological evolution of the disturbances, it is necessary to
information includes core-sample data on bed define first the space-time limits of the search
intersections and intersections of weather space. That is, a space-time horizon has to be
forecast, obtained from geological rifts and identified by defining the set of hydropower units
trenches. affected by the disturbance and the rescheduling
− Agent Survey: These agents represent measures, according to the real state of the dams.
information from performance monitoring Moreover, since the disturbance evolves according
module. to time and space, the considered horizon has to be
− Agent Technological: These agents intend for adapted to the real changing conditions of the
the storage of information on the technical dams. It has then to be a dynamic space-time
potential of the dams, the parameters of all the horizon or window. The schedules that are
technological systems used in the dams or situated beyond this horizon should be equal to the
considered as options at the design stage. theoretical ones. Consequently, the starting and
4. Regulation Module ending points of hydropower units in systems have
to be respected. It cooperates therefore, with a
This module contains the agents INCIDENT, society of agents Geological and Technological,
ZONEPERT, and ZONEREG. It operates in called ZonePert representing the horizon.
disturbed conditions. It is responsible for the Moreover, ZONEPERT generates, at a first
identification, analysis, and resolution of the strategic level, some regulation decisions through
incidents. This rescheduling process needs several a rule-based approach that describes the nature of
simulations in order to forecast the impact of the the rescheduling measures adapted to the type of
incidents and the regulation decisions on the dams. the incident.
The MADSS regulation module has in fact, a c) Agent ZONEREG: This agent is created by
hierarchical organization that can be considered as INCIDENT. It operates by an anytime evolutionary
an expert community where each agent is regulation approach that takes into account the
specialized for performing a particular task and the several rescheduling criteria and the solutions
solutions are constructed through a mutual proposed by ZONEPERT. Through a comparison
adjustment. between the situations before and after regulation,
a) Agent Incident: An agent Survey, associated ZONEREG considers the regularity that have been
to, creates, at, an agent INCIDENT when a previously stated.
disturbance caused by appears. Being responsible This agent considers the present decision-
for the considered disturbance, this agent first making problem as a dynamic economic dispatch
identifies its characteristics (disturbed, stop, delay, problem which is a mathematical optimization
cause, etc.). Then, it creates an agent ZONEPERT problem which can identify how to optimally
for the analysis and the first-level regulation of the manage one or more hydropower units over a
incident. According to the importance of the specified time horizon. The time horizon
disturbance, INCIDENT can decide to create an considered might consist of a day (24-hours), a
agent ZONEREG that will generate several possible week (168-hours) or some other period. In fact, it
rescheduling solutions through a simulated is characterized with an important number of
annealing (SA) approach. This agent has then a variables, a multi-objective, and nonlinear
coordination role in the rescheduling process. objective function and discrete variables.
These agents propose the relevant final
5. The Dynamic Economic Dispatch Problem
rescheduling measures to the regulator.
b) Agent Zonepert: This agent has a diagnosis The hydropower plant operator is faced with a
role. It is responsible for the gathering and analysis challenging dynamic optimization problem. Given
the amount of water available for release and the 6. Simulated annealing algorithms (SA)
anticipated price of electricity over a particular
As one of the widely used heuristic approaches
time horizon (T), the plant operator must decide
(including genetic algorithm and local search) to
how much water to release for generation in each
solve combinatorial problems, simulated
period (t) in order to maximize the economic value
annealing (SA) can produce a good though not
of the electricity produced. Typically, the total
necessarily global optimal solution within a
amount of water available for release (Q) over the
reasonable computing time. Simulated annealing is
planning horizon is fixed and known. The vector of
a Monte Carlo simulation-based search algorithm.
prices (P) over the planning horizon (T) is
The term “simulated annealing” is derived from a
assumed or anticipated, based on prior experience
process of heating and then cooling a substance
and knowledge.
slowly to finally arrive at the solid state. In this
In general, the optimal dynamic dispatch
simulation, a minimum of the cost function
problem can be written in mathematical notation
corresponds to this ground state of the substance.
as shown in equations (1) through (4).
T The whole search algorithm simply mimics the
Maximize Pgt t q t (1) physical process as below. In the early stages of the
1 execution, the temperature is high, which results in
Subject to: a higher probability for jumping to occur more
T frequently. In this case, the frequent jumping,
qQ (2)
t which occurs as a way of avoiding local minima,
q q q 1... T (3) may produce a higher probability of a poor
mintt max solution. In another way, simulated annealing
g g g 1... T(4)
mintt max selects the next point randomly. If a lower cost
Where: solution is found, it is selected. If a higher cost
Pt: Price ($/MWh) at time (t) solution is found, it has a nonzero selection
gt: generation (MW) at time (t) probability. The function that governs the
qt: release at time (t) behaviour of the acceptance probability is called
Q: total release the cooling schedule. As the execution time elapses,
qmax: maximum release the temperature decreases, and the cooling
qmin: minimum release schedule reduces the frequency of jumping.
gmax: maximum generation level The simulation process terminates after a
gmin: minimum generation level number of successive executions with no
T: planning horizon improvements, and returns the best solution
In practice, the operator attempts to maximize found. The following code provides an illustration
economic value over the time horizon by of the SA algorithm in pseudo-code (Eglese, et al.,
producing electricity when it is most valuable. 1990):
While doing so, we cannot exceed the amount of Select an initial state iS
water available for release over the time horizon Select an initial temperature T 0
(equation 2), must respect the minimum and Set temperature change counter t = 0
maximum release levels (equation 3), must Repeat
respect the minimum and maximum generation Set repetition counter (number of iterations to
levels (equation 4). be performed at each temperature)
This problem falls into the class of Repeat
mathematical problems known as constrained Generate state j
optimization problems. Depending on the nature
a neighbour of i
of the generation and head relationships, the =−f()() j f i
problem may be highly nonlinear. Calculate
If = 0 then ij=
Else if random (0, 1) < exp(− /T ) then ij=
n+ =1
Until n= N() t
t+ = 1
T = T (t)
Until stopping criteria is true.
As can be seen, the annealing schedule consists
- the initial value of: T
- a cooling functions
- the number of iterations N(t) to be
performed at each temperature
- a stopping criterion to terminate the
Figure 4. Location of the sampling sites
In SA, the algorithm attempts to avoid
entrapment in a local optimum by sometimes The application of the solution given by our SA
accepting a neighborhood movement, which is illustrated in Figure 5.
increases the value of the objective function. The
acceptance or rejection of an uphill move is
determined by a sequence of random numbers, but
with a controlled probability. The probability of
accepting a move, which causes an increase in f
is called the acceptance function and is normally
set to exp(− /T ) where T is a control parameter,
which is analogous to temperate in a physical
In this paper, for the model describe in section
5, the algorithm was coded in Visual C# 2017 and
implemented on an Intel(R) Core (TM) i7-4790 Figure 5. Decision support system tool in Thac xang
with 3.6GHz CPU.
6.1. Simulation results The results of using the SA algorithm for the
Consider a small hydropower system at Lang problem (1) applied in Thac xang hydropower
Son in Vietnam (Figure 4) have brought high economic efficiency compared
- Factory name: Thac Petrol Hydroelectric to before use the application of decision support
Plant tools Figure 6, Figure 7.
- Location: Hung Viet Commune, Trang Dinh
Dist., T. Lang Son
- Name of the river: Bac Giang
- Factory type: After the dam
- Number of units: 02
- Capacity: 20MW
- Useful reservoir capacity: 13.91 million m3
- Basin area: 2660 km2
Figure 6. Daily hyeto-hydrograph in Thac xang
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