Axial Position and Speed Control of a Non-Salient Synchronous Axial Self- Bearing Motor using Dynamic Surface Control

JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 Axial Position and Speed Control of a Non-Salient Synchronous Axial Self- Bearing Motor using Dynamic Surface Control Ngo Manh Tung1,2, Pham Quang Dang1, Nguyen Huy Phuong1, Nguyen Quang Dịch1, Nguyen Danh Huy1, Nguyen Tung Lam1* 1 Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam 2 Hanoi University of Industry, Hanoi, Vietnam *Email: Abstract The paper focu

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Tóm tắt tài liệu Axial Position and Speed Control of a Non-Salient Synchronous Axial Self- Bearing Motor using Dynamic Surface Control, để xem tài liệu hoàn chỉnh bạn click vào nút DOWNLOAD ở trên
uses on the controller designing for the position and speed of non-salient synchronous type axial self-bearing motors. The motor creates the magnetic field to lift the motor along the shaft and generate rotating torque. Firstly, the motor electro-mechanical relations are analyzed to formulate an accurate mathematical model, then a vector control structure is proposed. The force components control the axial position, and the torque controls the motor speed. Secondly, based on the Lyapunov stability function, the dynamic surface control is used to design position and speed controllers. The system simulation results show that the drive system ensures stability and tracking performance. In addition, the interaction between position and speed loops of the control loop is also negligible Keywords: Axial gap type synchronous self-bearing motor, magnetic bearing motor, dynamic surface control, lyapunov function. 1. Introduction* received more attention due to their high efficiency and power factor and are easy to manufacture [5-6]. If In recent years, motors with integrated magnetic the synchronous motor is non-salient, the inductance bearings have received more and more attention due to components on two axes d and q are different, and a its advantages compared to traditional ball bearings reluctance torque appears, which causes difficulties in [1]. Integrated magnetic bearing motor applications decoupling control between the position and speed include special conditions requiring low friction, high control loops. speed requirements, working environment temperatures that are too high or too low or requiring The control method for AFPM motor is based on sterility. The problem of improving control quality for vector control principle, in which id current is used to magnetic drive motors has prompted the use of control axial force, and iq current controls rotational different control engineering methods. torque [7]. In [1-2] authors used PI and PID controllers that regulate the axial position and speed. However, The motor studied in this paper is a synchronous the used equations and are strongly nonlinear. motor with permanent magnets attached to the rotor Therefore, an option of using nonlinear controllers is and the two stators with windings on both sides of the necessary. Dynamic surface control method is used to rotor. The motor structure is shown in Fig. 1. design the controller. This is a technique applied to Assuming that the motor shaft has been stabilized by nonlinear system objects, used to control the tracking the radial magnetic bearings, the object then has two and stability of the system [8-11]. The technique of degrees of freedom: rotation and displacement along dynamic surface control (DSC) carries the the rotor axis [2-4]. specification of backstepping and multi-surface sliding This structure is defined as a self-lifting AC control (MSS) [14-16]. However, it has been added motor with axial clearance, which is called Axial Flux with a first-order filter to avoid explosion of term. The Permanent Magnetic machine (AFPM). The AFPM simulation results show that the proposed controller motor is a combination of axial magnetic motor with has the position and speed responses following the radial magnetic drive, due to reduced hardware trajectory set in a fast time. The system is also stable configuration, it is simpler in structure and control than to the interleaving effects of the two control loops. conventional integrated magnetic bearing motor. The AFPM motor can be either asynchronous or synchronous. However, synchronous motors have ISSN: 2734-9373 Received: April 22, 2020; accepted: September 17, 2020 100 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 Radial Radial Axial Magnetic Combined- Magnetic Bearing Bearing Motor Bearing Fig. 1. Structure of AFPM This paper is organized as follows. In second section, the mathematical model of AFPM motor and control principle are introduced. In third section, the Fig. 2. The structure of a permanent magnet DSC controllers are designed. Simulation and This inductance is inversely proportional to the experiment are demonstrated in fourth section, which airgap and it is presented by the following is followed by conclusion in fifth section. approximation formula: 2. Control Principle 3 L' The structure of a permanent magnet LL=sd 0 + sd 2 g sl synchronous motor with integrated magnetic bearing (1) L' is shown in Fig. 2. The rotor is lifted by two magnetic 3 sq 0 LLsq = + sl bearings from the radial axis. Motions in x, y, θx, θy 2 g directions of the rotor is assumed to totally controlled where L’sd0 and L’sq0 are the d- axis and q- axis by the radial magnetic bearings. inductance per gap unit; Lsl is leakage inductance; The scope of the paper only focuses on rotational g = g0 ± z is clearance between stator and rotor; g0 is and translational motion in the z-axis, hence the motor clearance at equilibrium position; z is displacement consists of two degrees of freedom. The rotor is a flat from the equilibrium position. disc with permanent magnets mounted on the rotor The mathematical model of the synchronous surface (nonsalient-pole rotor) or mounted in the rotor motor represented on the axis system creating the surface groove (salient-pole rotor). On each side of the rotation d, q is as follows [7], [14] rotor is a stator, on each stator there are three three- phase windings creating a rotating magnetic field in  u=+− R i L d/ dtω L i sd s sd sd isd e sq sq the air gap. This magnetic field will generate torques   usq=+++ R s i sq L sq d i / dtωe L sd i sd ωλ e m T1 and T2 on the rotor and attractive forces F1 and F2  sq (2) between the rotor and each stator. The total torque T is  λλsd=Li sd sd + m calculated as the addition of the two component  λ =  sqLi sq sq moments. The axial force F is calculated as the difference of the two component axial forces. They are where isd and isq are stator current components. usd and regulated by the amplitude and phase angle of the usq are stator voltage components, ωe is the rotor speed, currents across the two stators. If the axial magnetic λs is the stator flux, λm is the magnitude of the flux field force is unstable, an axial position control signal linkage between the rotor and the stator. Calculating is required to stabilize the axial motion [1] and [3]. The the axial force and rotational torque for a stator and mathematical model of the motor is presented on the then summarizing lead to a general mathematical coordinate system based on the rotor magnetic model for the motor. flux (d, q) or the stator coordinate system (α, β). According to [1-3] the torque is controlled by the When presenting the mathematical model of the current on the q-axis, and the axial force is controlled motor, it is important to note that the permanent by the current on the d-axis. We assume that: magnet arrangement on the rotor affects the inductance   on the stator winding. The paper considers the salient- iiiqq12 q  pole motor with stator inductance as a function of the iiid10 dd (3)  rotor angle position and air gap between the stator and i ii the rotor. synchronous motor with integrated magnetic  d20 dd bearing 101 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 in which: id1 and id2 are the axial current components The symbol z is the axial position from the on the two stators, respectively, F1 and F2 are balance point as determined by the position sensor. generating axial forces; id0 is the offset current which This value is compared with the control value zref (this has a very small value or is close to zero. The axial value is always set to zero to ensure the rotor is in the force and the total torque caused by the two stators center position between the two stators). acting on the rotor [1] are: The q axis current components are controlled by z the reference values obtained from the speed F4 K ii  4 K ( i22  i )4 K i 2 (4) Fdfd Fdd f Fqq  controller, and the d axis current components are g0 controlled by the reference values obtained from the z axial position controller. The output of the current T22 Ki Kii (5) Tq Rdq controller is used to calculate the reference voltage g0 values. We need to use the step of converting the If the displacement is zero or very small relative rotation coordinate system to the stator three-phase to the gap at the equilibrium g0, then (2) and (3) can be fixed reference system. The direct current to the stator reduced to: phases of the AGBM is supplied from the PWM pulse F 4 K ii (6) width modulators. The position and speed controllers Fd f d are synthesized by dynamic surface control (DSC) T 2 KiTq (7) method. From (13) and (14) we see that, although the axial 3. Dynamic Surface Control (DSC) force is still subject to a small dependence on the 3.1. Dynamic Surface Control Method current component on the q-axis and the rotational torque is still subject to a small dependence on the Dynamic surface control technique is developed current component on the d-axis, it can control the based on Backstepping technique and multi-sliding axial force by current id and the torque by iq current. surface control. The n-order tight backpropagation The system control structure is based on the principle nonlinear system is divided into n subsystems, each of of vector control based on the rotor flux on the dq which can find a virtual control law similar to coordinate system, with the axis d coincident with the Backstepping technique. The dynamic surface control rotor flux vector [2, 7, 15, 16]. Fig. 3. The control structure of the AFPM motor 102 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 method uses an additional first-order filter in each step, The position control loop generates the position so that DSC overcomes the disadvantage of operand control idref signal z to zero. Sliding surface definition: explosion of Backstepping and MSS methods [10]. Sz= + λ z(where λ > 0 ) Consider the following tight response nonlinear  system: S=+ zλλz  = Pid −+ Q z (11) x1= fx 11() + gxx 112 () According to the DSC method [8], the virtual control  signal is determined: xi= fx ii() + gxx iii ()+1  (8) xn= f nn() x + g nn () xu Qzλ   =−−  idzC. sat () S (12) yx= 1 PP T where Cz > 0. The virtual control signal is passed where x= xx, ,..., x∈ Rn is the system state nn[ 12 ] through the first-order filter to obtain the reference vector, uR∈ is the input to the system, yR∈ is the signal: output to the system, fi(.) and gi(.) with i =1,2 , n are iid− dref known nonlinear parameter functions of the system. i = (13) dref τ To ensure strict backpropagation of the system we z need gi(.) ≠ 0. where τz >0 is the time constant. At this step, we select The control objective is to find the control law u  iid= dref − i d . so that the system is stable, the system output follows the desired set signal y = x1 = xd. Consider the control Lyapunov candidate function: 11 VS=22 + i (14) 22d Taking derivative of (14) results in:    V=+≤ SS idd i 0 (15) Then the time constant needs to be satisfied: ε τ ≤ z (16) z A2 where A > 0 and is the intercept limit value  iAd ≤ . The position control loop will stabilize after a Fig. 4. DSC system structure finite time with z approaching the slip surface S [9-10]. 3.2. Axial Position Controller 3.3. Speed Controller The radial position of the rotor is stabilized by the The difference between the electromagnetic horizontal magnetic bearing, so the axial displacement torque T and the load torque TL creates the acceleration will be independent of the axial displacement, and is that follows the mechanical characteristics of the calculated as follows: motor: = − mz. F FL (9) d TT− L TTL J or ω = (17) where m is the mass of the moving component, F is the dt J axial force, and FL is the axial load. According to (4) According to (4) we have: we have: 2KTTL ω =i − (18) 1 4KiFd f FL q z=() FF −=Ld i − (10) JJ m  mm   MN P Q The speed control loop can be expressed as: 22 2 where Kz 4( KFd i f  i d )  Ki Fq q  g0 is the x = ω , y = ω , u = iq, x =ω = Miq − N (19) stiffness coefficient of the motor and Km= 4KFd if is the force amplification factor. 103 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 The speed control requires ω to track to the set speed with an amplitude of 0.05 mm and returns to the equilibrium position after a time interval of 0.02 s. value ωd . The definition of the sliding surface is as follows: Meanwhile, the speed is accelerated towards the set value and stabilizes at that value after 0.12s time z1 = ω - ωd (20) interval. The speed overshoot is almost negligible. The virtual control signal: −−cz N ω i =ω 1 + d (21) q MM where coefficient > 0. The iq current is passed through the first-order inertia filter to get the reference signal iqref. ii−  q qref iqref = (22) τω where τꞷ>0 is a time constant. Defining the current tracking error as (a)  iiq= qref − i q (23) Consider the control function Lyapunov: 11 Vzi=22 +  (24) 221 q With the way of determining the control signal as above we have:   V= zz11 +≤ iiqq 0 (25) then the time constant needs to be satisfied: (b) ε τ ≤ ω ω 2 (26) Fig. 5. Response of position and speed without load B interference  where B > 0 and is the intercept limit value iBq ≤ . Fig. 6 shows the response of two current components on the dq coordinate system. Flux forming The speed control loop will stabilize after a finite time current id fluctuates with an overshoot of 2.5A and with the slip surface z1 approaching 0 or the output stabilizes after 0.02s. It is this current that corrects the trajectory of the speed loop ω approaching the set stable and balanced axial position after the same period trajectory ω . d of time. Torque generating current iq reference current acts as the acceleration of the speed. So, during the 4. Simulation and Results transient period, the iq current has a large value of To demonstrate the system control capability of 0,82A. After 0.15s, the current drops and stabilizes, the proposed structure, simulations were performed on stopping the fluctuation of the speed response. Matlab Simulink software. With the parameters of the In order to test the responsiveness of the speed motor including phase resistance is 2.6 Ω; the air gap controller, consider the case of changing the speed between the stator and the rotor is 2 mm; The rotor setting from 150 rad/s to 250 rad/s. The results in mass is 0.28kg, the moment of inertia is Fig. 7 show that the speed response only needs 0.08s 10.6x10-6 kgm2, the loop flux amplitude generated by to be asymptotic and stable with the set value when the the permanent magnet is λm = 0.022 Wb. overshoot is negligible. Torque generating iq current Consider the drive system operating in the has a large value during the transient period and is zero absence of load disturbances. Initially, the rotor is when the speed does not change. offset from the equilibrium position by 0.3 mm, the speed is set at 250 rad/s. The axial position and speed responses are shown in Fig. 5. The z position oscillates 104 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 (a) (a) (b) (b) Fig. 6. The id and iq current in the absence of load Fig. 8. Load disturbance and load torque in simulation disturbance (a) (a) (b) (b) Fig. 7. Response speed and iq current when changing Fig. 9. Response of id current and axial position in the speed set value presence of load disturbance 105 JST: Smart Systems and Devices Volume 31, Issue 2, September 2021, 100-107 (a) (a) (b) (b) Fig. 10. Response of iq current and speed in the Fig. 11. Response of axial force and torque in the presence of load disturbance and load torque presence of load disturbance and load torque Consider the effect of axial load on the system by inter-channel interaction between the speed loop and assuming that at the instant of 0.15s there is an applied the axial position loop. load. The results on graph of Fig. 9 show that the axial 5. Conclusion position fluctuates as soon as the axial load occurs. Flux forming id reference current signal at the position This paper has designed and built a position and controller output is increased to stable state with the speed control transmission system for the axial gap load noise after about 0.03s. flux motor, applying the DSC dynamic surface control method. The motor operates with torque and axial Correspondingly, the z-axis position fluctuates force generated from the current components on the d and stabilizes at the equilibrium point at 0.18s. and q axis. The simulation results show that the The speed response on the graph of Fig. 9 shows designed position controller and speed controller can that the speed is almost unaffected by the axial force. control the system stably, fast setting value with low This means that the system has eliminated the overshoot. At the same time, it is possible to limit the interaction of the elements on the d axis to the elements interaction between the speed control loop and the on the q axis. axial position control loop. To check the robustness of the system, we Acknowledgment consider the case when there is a load torque acting at This research was funded by Hanoi University 0.25s. 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